Changes to extender

2 months ago
updated planets.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ idParser
+ extends abstractIdParser
+ diameterParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description What is the diameter of the planet?
+ surfaceGravityParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description What is the surface gravity of the planet?
+ yearsToOrbitSunParser
+ extends abstractFloatMeasureParser
+ description How many Earth years does it take for the planet to orbit the Sun?
+ moonsParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description How many moons does the planet have?
+ boolean isMeasureRequired true
+ float sortIndex 1.1
+ akaParser
+ extends abstractStringMeasureParser
+ description What are the alternative names for the planet?
+ ageParser
+ extends abstractIntegerMeasureParser
+ description How old is this planet?
+ hasLifeParser
+ extends abstractBooleanMeasureParser
+ description Does this planet have life?
+ wikipediaParser
+ extends abstractUrlMeasureParser
+ description URL to the Wikipedia page.
+ // end measures
+ # Extended Concepts Example
+ belowAsCodeUntil // end concepts
+ id Mars
+ moons 2
+ // Til Mars has 2 moons!
+ diameter 6794
+ surfaceGravity 4
+ yearsToOrbitSun 1.881
+ hasLife false
+ id Jupiter
+ moons 63
+ // The moons of Jupiter have their own Wikipedia Page
+ moons of Jupiter
+ diameter 142984
+ surfaceGravity 25
+ yearsToOrbitSun 11.86
+ hasLife false
+ id Earth
+ moons 1
+ diameter 12756
+ surfaceGravity 10
+ yearsToOrbitSun 1
+ aka Pale Blue Dot
+ hasLife true
+ wikipedia
+ age 4500000000
+ // Note: It was only during the 19th century that geologists realized Earth's age was at least many millions of years.
+ id Mercury
+ moons 0
+ diameter 4879
+ surfaceGravity 4
+ yearsToOrbitSun 0.241
+ hasLife false
+ id Saturn
+ moons 64
+ diameter 120536
+ surfaceGravity 9
+ yearsToOrbitSun 29.46
+ hasLife false
+ id Uranus
+ moons 27
+ diameter 51118
+ surfaceGravity 8
+ yearsToOrbitSun 84.01
+ hasLife false
+ id Venus
+ moons 0
+ diameter 12104
+ surfaceGravity 9
+ yearsToOrbitSun 0.615
+ hasLife false
+ id Neptune
+ moons 14
+ diameter 49572
+ surfaceGravity 11
+ yearsToOrbitSun 164.79
+ hasLife false
2 months ago
Renamed untitled.scroll to planets.scroll
2 months ago
created untitled.scroll
2 months ago
updated index.scroll
Changed around line 3: title Extender Rewriter
- ../products/SandboxApp.browser.js
+ SandboxApp.browser.js
2 months ago
updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- theme roboto
- Hello World my name is
+ title Extender Rewriter
+ metaTags
+ favicon ../images/favicon.ico
+ libs.js
+ ../products/SandboxApp.browser.js
+ script SandboxApp.browserStart()
2 months ago
Added libs.js
Changed around line 1
+ class Timer {
+ constructor() {
+ this._tickTime = - (Utils.isNodeJs() ? 1000 * process.uptime() : 0)
+ this._firstTickTime = this._tickTime
+ }
+ tick(msg) {
+ const elapsed = - this._tickTime
+ if (msg) console.log(`${elapsed}ms ${msg}`)
+ this._tickTime =
+ return elapsed
+ }
+ getTotalElapsedTime() {
+ return - this._firstTickTime
+ }
+ }
+ class Utils {
+ static getFileExtension(filepath = "") {
+ const match = filepath.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/)
+ return (match && match[1]) || ""
+ }
+ static ensureFolderEndsInSlash(folder) {
+ return folder.replace(/\/$/, "") + "/"
+ }
+ static runCommand(instance, command = "", param = undefined) {
+ const run = name => {
+ console.log(`Running ${name}:`)
+ instance[name](param)
+ }
+ if (instance[command + "Command"]) return run(command + "Command")
+ // Get commands from both the child and parent classes
+ const classes = [Object.getPrototypeOf(instance), Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(instance))]
+ const allCommands = => Object.getOwnPropertyNames(classInstance).filter(atom => atom.endsWith("Command"))).flat()
+ allCommands.sort()
+ const commandAsNumber = parseInt(command) - 1
+ if (command.match(/^\d+$/) && allCommands[commandAsNumber]) return run(allCommands[commandAsNumber])
+ console.log(`\n❌ No command provided. Available commands:\n\n` +, index) => `${index + 1}. ${name.replace("Command", "")}`).join("\n") + "\n")
+ }
+ static removeReturnChars(str = "") {
+ return str.replace(/\r/g, "")
+ }
+ static isAbsoluteUrl(url) {
+ return url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("http://")
+ }
+ static removeEmptyLines(str = "") {
+ return str.replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n")
+ }
+ static shiftRight(str = "", numSpaces = 1) {
+ let spaces = " ".repeat(numSpaces)
+ return str.replace(/\n/g, `\n${spaces}`)
+ }
+ static getLinks(str = "") {
+ const _re = new RegExp("(^|[ \t\r\n])((ftp|http|https):(([A-Za-z0-9$_.+!*(),;/?:@&~=-])|%[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}){2,}(#([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9$_.+!*(),;/?:@&~=%-]*))?([A-Za-z0-9$_+!*();/?:~-]))", "g")
+ return str.match(_re) || []
+ }
+ // Only allow text content and inline styling. Don't allow HTML tags or any nested scroll tags or escape characters.
+ static escapeScrollAndHtml(content = "") {
+ return content.replace(/
+ }
+ static colorize(message, colorNameOrString = "red") {
+ // ANSI:
+ const colors = { red: "\x1b", green: "\x1b", yellow: "\x1b" }
+ const color = colors[colorNameOrString] || colorNameOrString
+ const reset = "\x1b"
+ return `${color}${message}${reset}`
+ }
+ static ensureDelimiterNotFound(strings, delimiter) {
+ const hit = strings.find(atom => atom.includes(delimiter))
+ if (hit) throw `Delimiter "${delimiter}" found in hit`
+ }
+ //
+ static getIndefiniteArticle(phrase) {
+ // Getting the first atom
+ const match = /\w+/.exec(phrase)
+ let atom
+ if (match) atom = match[0]
+ else return "an"
+ var l_atom = atom.toLowerCase()
+ // Specific start of atoms that should be preceded by 'an'
+ var alt_cases = ["honest", "hour", "hono"]
+ for (var i in alt_cases) {
+ if (l_atom.indexOf(alt_cases[i]) == 0) return "an"
+ }
+ // Single letter atom which should be preceded by 'an'
+ if (l_atom.length == 1) {
+ if ("aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(l_atom) >= 0) return "an"
+ else return "a"
+ }
+ // Capital atoms which should likely be preceded by 'an'
+ if (atom.match(/(?!FJO|[HLMNS]Y.|RY[EO]|SQU|(F[LR]?|[HL]|MN?|N|RH?|S[CHKLMNPTVW]?|X(YL)?)[AEIOU])[FHLMNRSX][A-Z]/)) {
+ return "an"
+ }
+ // Special cases where a atom that begins with a vowel should be preceded by 'a'
+ const regexes = [/^e[uw]/, /^onc?e\b/, /^uni([^nmd]|mo)/, /^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/]
+ for (var i in regexes) {
+ if (l_atom.match(regexes[i])) return "a"
+ }
+ // Special capital atoms (UK, UN)
+ if (atom.match(/^U[NK][AIEO]/)) {
+ return "a"
+ } else if (atom == atom.toUpperCase()) {
+ if ("aedhilmnorsx".indexOf(l_atom[0]) >= 0) return "an"
+ else return "a"
+ }
+ // Basic method of atoms that begin with a vowel being preceded by 'an'
+ if ("aeiou".indexOf(l_atom[0]) >= 0) return "an"
+ // Instances where y follwed by specific letters is preceded by 'an'
+ if (l_atom.match(/^y(b[lor]|cl[ea]|fere|gg|p[ios]|rou|tt)/)) return "an"
+ return "a"
+ }
+ static htmlEscaped(content = "") {
+ return content.replace(/
+ }
+ static isValidEmail(email = "") {
+ return email.toLowerCase().match(/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/)
+ }
+ static capitalizeFirstLetter(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
+ }
+ // generate a random alpha numeric hash:
+ static getRandomCharacters(length) {
+ const characters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
+ let result = ""
+ for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length))
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ static isNodeJs() {
+ return typeof exports !== "undefined"
+ }
+ static findProjectRoot(startingDirName, projectName) {
+ const fs = require("fs")
+ const getProjectName = dirName => {
+ if (!dirName) throw new Error(`dirName undefined when attempting to findProjectRoot for project "${projectName}" starting in "${startingDirName}"`)
+ const parts = dirName.split("/")
+ const filename = parts.join("/") + "/" + "package.json"
+ if (fs.existsSync(filename) && JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8")).name === projectName) return parts.join("/") + "/"
+ parts.pop()
+ return parts
+ }
+ let result = getProjectName(startingDirName)
+ while (typeof result !== "string" && result.length > 0) {
+ result = getProjectName(result.join("/"))
+ }
+ if (result.length === 0) throw new Error(`Project root "${projectName}" in folder ${startingDirName} not found.`)
+ return result
+ }
+ static titleToPermalink(str) {
+ return str
+ .replace(/[\/\_\:\\\[\]]/g, "-")
+ .replace(/π/g, "pi")
+ .replace(/`/g, "tick")
+ .replace(/\$/g, "dollar-sign")
+ .replace(/\*$/g, "-star")
+ .replace(/^\*/g, "star-")
+ .replace(/\*/g, "-star-")
+ .replace(/\'+$/g, "q")
+ .replace(/^@/g, "at-")
+ .replace(/@$/g, "-at")
+ .replace(/@/g, "-at-")
+ .replace(/[\'\"\,\ū]/g, "")
+ .replace(/^\#/g, "sharp-")
+ .replace(/\#$/g, "-sharp")
+ .replace(/\#/g, "-sharp-")
+ .replace(/[\(\)]/g, "")
+ .replace(/\+\+$/g, "pp")
+ .replace(/\+$/g, "p")
+ .replace(/^\!/g, "bang-")
+ .replace(/\!$/g, "-bang")
+ .replace(/\!/g, "-bang-")
+ .replace(/\&/g, "-n-")
+ .replace(/[\+ ]/g, "-")
+ .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]/g, "")
+ .toLowerCase()
+ }
+ static escapeRegExp(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&")
+ }
+ static sum(arr) {
+ return arr.reduce((curr, next) => curr + next, 0)
+ }
+ static makeVector(length, fill = 0) {
+ return new Array(length).fill(fill)
+ }
+ static makeMatrix(cols, rows, fill = 0) {
+ const matrix = []
+ while (rows) {
+ matrix.push(Utils.makeVector(cols, fill))
+ rows--
+ }
+ return matrix
+ }
+ static removeNonAscii(str) {
+ //
+ return str.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, "")
+ }
+ static getMethodFromDotPath(context, str) {
+ const methodParts = str.split(".")
+ while (methodParts.length > 1) {
+ const methodName = methodParts.shift()
+ if (!contextethodName]) throw new Error(`${methodName} is not a method on ${context}`)
+ context = contextethodName]()
+ }
+ const final = methodParts.shift()
+ return [context, final]
+ }
+ static requireAbsOrRelative(filePath, contextFilePath) {
+ if (!filePath.startsWith(".")) return require(filePath)
+ const path = require("path")
+ const folder = this.getPathWithoutFileName(contextFilePath)
+ const file = path.resolve(folder + "/" + filePath)
+ return require(file)
+ }
+ // Removes last ".*" from this string
+ static removeFileExtension(filename) {
+ return filename ? filename.replace(/\.[^\.]+$/, "") : ""
+ }
+ static getFileName(path) {
+ const normalizedPath = path.replace(/\\/g, "/")
+ const parts = normalizedPath.split("/")
+ return parts.pop()
+ }
+ static getPathWithoutFileName(path) {
+ const normalizedPath = path.replace(/\\/g, "/")
+ const parts = normalizedPath.split("/")
+ parts.pop()
+ return parts.join("/")
+ }
+ static shuffleInPlace(arr, seed = {
+ //
+ const randFn = Utils._getPseudoRandom0to1FloatGenerator(seed)
+ for (let index = arr.length - 1; index > 0; index--) {
+ const tempIndex = Math.floor(randFn() * (index + 1))
+ ;[arr[index], arr[tempIndex]] = [arr[tempIndex], arr[index]]
+ }
+ return arr
+ }
+ // Only allows a-zA-Z0-9-_ (And optionally .)
+ static _permalink(str, reg) {
+ return str.length ? str.toLowerCase().replace(reg, "").replace(/ /g, "-") : ""
+ }
+ static isValueEmpty(value) {
+ return value === undefined || value === "" || (typeof value === "number" && isNaN(value)) || (value instanceof Date && isNaN(value))
+ }
+ static stringToPermalink(str) {
+ return this._permalink(str, /[^a-z0-9- _\.]/gi)
+ }
+ static getAvailablePermalink(permalink, doesFileExistSyncFn) {
+ const extension = this.getFileExtension(permalink)
+ permalink = this.removeFileExtension(permalink)
+ const originalPermalink = permalink
+ let num = 2
+ let suffix = ""
+ let filename = `${originalPermalink}${suffix}.${extension}`
+ while (doesFileExistSyncFn(filename)) {
+ filename = `${originalPermalink}${suffix}.${extension}`
+ suffix = "-" + num
+ num++
+ }
+ return filename
+ }
+ static getNextOrPrevious(arr, item) {
+ const length = arr.length
+ const index = arr.indexOf(item)
+ if (length === 1) return undefined
+ if (index === length - 1) return arr[index - 1]
+ return arr[index + 1]
+ }
+ static toggle(currentValue, values) {
+ const index = values.indexOf(currentValue)
+ return index === -1 || index + 1 === values.length ? values[0] : values[index + 1]
+ }
+ static getClassNameFromFilePath(filepath) {
+ return this.removeFileExtension(this.getFileName(filepath))
+ }
+ static joinArraysOn(joinOn, arrays, columns) {
+ const rows = {}
+ let index = 0
+ if (!columns) columns = => Object.keys(arr[0]))
+ arrays.forEach((arr, index) => {
+ const cols = columns[index]
+ arr.forEach(row => {
+ const key = joinOn ? row[joinOn] : index++
+ if (!rows[key]) rows[key] = {}
+ const obj = rows[key]
+ cols.forEach(col => (obj[col] = row[col]))
+ })
+ })
+ return Object.values(rows)
+ }
+ static getParentFolder(path) {
+ if (path.endsWith("/")) path = this._removeLastSlash(path)
+ return path.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "") + "/"
+ }
+ static _removeLastSlash(path) {
+ return path.replace(/\/$/, "")
+ }
+ static _listToEnglishText(list, limit = 5) {
+ const len = list.length
+ if (!len) return ""
+ if (len === 1) return `'${list[0]}'`
+ const clone = list.slice(0, limit).map(item => `'${item}'`)
+ const last = clone.pop()
+ if (len <= limit) return clone.join(", ") + ` and ${last}`
+ return clone.join(", ") + ` and ${len - limit} more`
+ }
+ // todo: refactor so instead of str input takes an array of atoms(strings) and scans each indepndently.
+ static _chooseDelimiter(str) {
+ const del = " ,|\t;^%$!#@~*&+-=_:?.{}[]()<>/".split("").find(idea => !str.includes(idea))
+ if (!del) throw new Error("Could not find a delimiter")
+ return del
+ }
+ static flatten(arr) {
+ if (arr.flat) return arr.flat()
+ return arr.reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), [])
+ }
+ static escapeBackTicks(str) {
+ return str.replace(/\`/g, "\\`").replace(/\$\{/g, "\\${")
+ }
+ static ucfirst(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ static didYouMean(str = "", options = [], caseSensitive = false, threshold = 0.4, thresholdAbsolute = 20) {
+ if (!caseSensitive) str = str.toLowerCase()
+ // Calculate the initial value (the threshold) if present.
+ const thresholdRelative = threshold * str.length
+ let maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch
+ if (thresholdRelative !== null && thresholdAbsolute !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = Math.min(thresholdRelative, thresholdAbsolute)
+ else if (thresholdRelative !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = thresholdRelative
+ else if (thresholdAbsolute !== null) maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = thresholdAbsolute
+ // Get the edit distance to each option. If the closest one is less than 40% (by default) of str's length, then return it.
+ let closestMatch
+ const len = options.length
+ for (let optionIndex = 0; optionIndex < len; optionIndex++) {
+ const candidate = options[optionIndex]
+ if (!candidate) continue
+ const editDistance = Utils._getEditDistance(str, caseSensitive ? candidate : candidate.toLowerCase(), maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch)
+ if (editDistance < maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch) {
+ maximumEditDistanceToBeBestMatch = editDistance
+ closestMatch = candidate
+ }
+ }
+ return closestMatch
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ static _getEditDistance(stringA, stringB, maxInt) {
+ // Handle null or undefined max.
+ maxInt = maxInt || maxInt === 0 ? maxInt : Utils.MAX_INT
+ const aLength = stringA.length
+ const bLength = stringB.length
+ // Fast path - no A or B.
+ if (aLength === 0) return Math.min(maxInt + 1, bLength)
+ if (bLength === 0) return Math.min(maxInt + 1, aLength)
+ // Fast path - length diff larger than max.
+ if (Math.abs(aLength - bLength) > maxInt) return maxInt + 1
+ // Slow path.
+ const matrix = []
+ // Set up the first row ([0, 1, 2, 3, etc]).
+ for (let bIndex = 0; bIndex <= bLength; bIndex++) {
+ matrix[bIndex] = [bIndex]
+ }
+ // Set up the first column (same).
+ for (let aIndex = 0; aIndex <= aLength; aIndex++) {
+ matrix[0][aIndex] = aIndex
+ }
+ let colMin
+ let minJ
+ let maxJ
+ // Loop over the rest of the columns.
+ for (let bIndex = 1; bIndex <= bLength; bIndex++) {
+ colMin = Utils.MAX_INT
+ minJ = 1
+ if (bIndex > maxInt) minJ = bIndex - maxInt
+ maxJ = bLength + 1
+ if (maxJ > maxInt + bIndex) maxJ = maxInt + bIndex
+ // Loop over the rest of the rows.
+ for (let aIndex = 1; aIndex <= aLength; aIndex++) {
+ // If j is out of bounds, just put a large value in the slot.
+ if (aIndex < minJ || aIndex > maxJ) matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = maxInt + 1
+ // Otherwise do the normal Levenshtein thing.
+ else {
+ // If the characters are the same, there's no change in edit distance.
+ if (stringB.charAt(bIndex - 1) === stringA.charAt(aIndex - 1)) matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex - 1]
+ // Otherwise, see if we're substituting, inserting or deleting.
+ else
+ matrix[bIndex][aIndex] = Math.min(
+ matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex - 1] + 1, // Substitute
+ Math.min(
+ matrix[bIndex][aIndex - 1] + 1, // Insert
+ matrix[bIndex - 1][aIndex] + 1
+ )
+ ) // Delete
+ }
+ // Either way, update colMin.
+ if (matrix[bIndex][aIndex] < colMin) colMin = matrix[bIndex][aIndex]
+ }
+ // If this column's minimum is greater than the allowed maximum, there's no point
+ // in going on with life.
+ if (colMin > maxInt) return maxInt + 1
+ }
+ // If we made it this far without running into the max, then return the final matrix value.
+ return matrix[bLength][aLength]
+ }
+ static getLineIndexAtCharacterPosition(str, index) {
+ const lines = str.split("\n")
+ const len = lines.length
+ let position = 0
+ for (let lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < len; lineNumber++) {
+ position += lines[lineNumber].length
+ if (position >= index) return lineNumber
+ }
+ }
+ static resolvePath(filePath, programFilepath) {
+ // For use in Node.js only
+ if (!filePath.startsWith(".")) return filePath
+ const path = require("path")
+ const folder = this.getPathWithoutFileName(programFilepath)
+ return path.resolve(folder + "/" + filePath)
+ }
+ static resolveProperty(obj, path, separator = ".") {
+ const properties = Array.isArray(path) ? path : path.split(separator)
+ return properties.reduce((prev, curr) => prev && prev[curr], obj)
+ }
+ static appendCodeAndReturnValueOnWindow(code, name) {
+ const script = document.createElement("script")
+ script.innerHTML = code
+ document.head.appendChild(script)
+ return window[name]
+ }
+ static formatStr(str, catchAllAtomDelimiter = " ", parameterMap) {
+ return str.replace(/{([^\}]+)}/g, (match, path) => {
+ const val = parameterMap[path]
+ if (val === undefined) return ""
+ return Array.isArray(val) ? val.join(catchAllAtomDelimiter) : val
+ })
+ }
+ static stripHtml(text) {
+ return text && text.replace ? text.replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, "") : text
+ }
+ static getUniqueAtomsArray(allAtoms) {
+ const atoms = allAtoms.replace(/\n/g, " ").split(" ")
+ const index = {}
+ atoms.forEach(atom => {
+ if (!index[atom]) index[atom] = 0
+ index[atom]++
+ })
+ return Object.keys(index).map(key => {
+ return {
+ atom: key,
+ count: index[key]
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ static getRandomString(length = 30, letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".split(""), seed = {
+ let str = ""
+ const randFn = Utils._getPseudoRandom0to1FloatGenerator(seed)
+ while (length) {
+ str += letters[Math.round(Math.min(randFn() * letters.length, letters.length - 1))]
+ length--
+ }
+ return str
+ }
+ // todo: add seed!
+ static makeRandomParticles(lines = 1000, seed = {
+ let str = ""
+ let letters = " 123abc".split("")
+ const randFn = Utils._getPseudoRandom0to1FloatGenerator(seed)
+ while (lines) {
+ let indent = " ".repeat(Math.round(randFn() * 6))
+ let bit = indent
+ let rand = Math.floor(randFn() * 30)
+ while (rand) {
+ bit += letters[Math.round(Math.min(randFn() * letters.length, letters.length - 1))]
+ rand--
+ }
+ bit += "\n"
+ str += bit
+ lines--
+ }
+ return str
+ }
+ // adapted from
+ // 1993 Park-Miller LCG
+ static _getPseudoRandom0to1FloatGenerator(seed) {
+ return function () {
+ seed = Math.imul(48271, seed) | 0 % 2147483647
+ return (seed & 2147483647) / 2147483648
+ }
+ }
+ static sampleWithoutReplacement(population = [], quantity, seed) {
+ const prng = this._getPseudoRandom0to1FloatGenerator(seed)
+ const sampled = {}
+ const populationSize = population.length
+ if (quantity >= populationSize) return population.slice(0)
+ const picked = []
+ while (picked.length < quantity) {
+ const index = Math.floor(prng() * populationSize)
+ if (sampled[index]) continue
+ sampled[index] = true
+ picked.push(population[index])
+ }
+ return picked
+ }
+ static arrayToMap(arr) {
+ const map = {}
+ arr.forEach(val => (map[val] = true))
+ return map
+ }
+ static _replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str) {
+ return str
+ .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, sub => {
+ return "_" + sub.charCodeAt(0).toString()
+ })
+ .replace(/^([0-9])/, "number$1")
+ }
+ static mapValues(object, fn) {
+ const result = {}
+ Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
+ result[key] = fn(key)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ static javascriptTableWithHeaderRowToObjects(dataTable) {
+ dataTable = dataTable.slice()
+ const header = dataTable.shift()
+ return => {
+ const obj = {}
+ header.forEach((colName, index) => (obj[colName] = row[index]))
+ return obj
+ })
+ }
+ static interweave(arrayOfArrays) {
+ const lineCount = Math.max( => arr.length))
+ const totalArrays = arrayOfArrays.length
+ const result = []
+ arrayOfArrays.forEach((lineArray, arrayIndex) => {
+ for (let lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lineCount; lineIndex++) {
+ result[lineIndex * totalArrays + arrayIndex] = lineArray[lineIndex]
+ }
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ static makeSortByFn(accessorOrAccessors) {
+ const arrayOfFns = Array.isArray(accessorOrAccessors) ? accessorOrAccessors : [accessorOrAccessors]
+ return (objectA, objectB) => {
+ const particleAFirst = -1
+ const particleBFirst = 1
+ const accessor = arrayOfFns[0] // todo: handle accessors
+ const av = accessor(objectA)
+ const bv = accessor(objectB)
+ let result = av < bv ? particleAFirst : av > bv ? particleBFirst : 0
+ if (av === undefined && bv !== undefined) result = particleAFirst
+ else if (bv === undefined && av !== undefined) result = particleBFirst
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ static _makeGraphSortFunctionFromGraph(idAccessor, graph) {
+ return (particleA, particleB) => {
+ const particleAFirst = -1
+ const particleBFirst = 1
+ const particleAUniqueId = idAccessor(particleA)
+ const particleBUniqueId = idAccessor(particleB)
+ const particleAExtendsParticleB = graph[particleAUniqueId].has(particleBUniqueId)
+ const particleBExtendsParticleA = graph[particleBUniqueId].has(particleAUniqueId)
+ if (particleAExtendsParticleB) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleBExtendsParticleA) return particleAFirst
+ const particleAExtendsSomething = graph[particleAUniqueId].size > 1
+ const particleBExtendsSomething = graph[particleBUniqueId].size > 1
+ if (!particleAExtendsSomething && particleBExtendsSomething) return particleAFirst
+ else if (!particleBExtendsSomething && particleAExtendsSomething) return particleBFirst
+ if (particleAUniqueId > particleBUniqueId) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleAUniqueId < particleBUniqueId) return particleAFirst
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ static removeAll(str, needle) {
+ return str.split(needle).join("")
+ }
+ static _makeGraphSortFunction(idAccessor, extendsIdAccessor) {
+ return (particleA, particleB) => {
+ // -1 === a before b
+ const particleAUniqueId = idAccessor(particleA)
+ const particleAExtends = extendsIdAccessor(particleA)
+ const particleBUniqueId = idAccessor(particleB)
+ const particleBExtends = extendsIdAccessor(particleB)
+ const particleAExtendsParticleB = particleAExtends === particleBUniqueId
+ const particleBExtendsParticleA = particleBExtends === particleAUniqueId
+ const particleAFirst = -1
+ const particleBFirst = 1
+ if (!particleAExtends && !particleBExtends) {
+ // If neither extends, sort by cue
+ if (particleAUniqueId > particleBUniqueId) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleAUniqueId < particleBUniqueId) return particleAFirst
+ return 0
+ }
+ // If only one extends, the other comes first
+ else if (!particleAExtends) return particleAFirst
+ else if (!particleBExtends) return particleBFirst
+ // If A extends B, B should come first
+ if (particleAExtendsParticleB) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleBExtendsParticleA) return particleAFirst
+ // Sort by what they extend
+ if (particleAExtends > particleBExtends) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleAExtends < particleBExtends) return particleAFirst
+ // Finally sort by cue
+ if (particleAUniqueId > particleBUniqueId) return particleBFirst
+ else if (particleAUniqueId < particleBUniqueId) return particleAFirst
+ // Should never hit this, unless we have a duplicate line.
+ return 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Utils.Timer = Timer
+ //
+ Utils.linkify = (text, target = "_blank") => {
+ let replacedText
+ let replacePattern1
+ let replacePattern2
+ let replacePattern3
+ //URLs starting with http://, https://, or ftp://
+ replacePattern1 = /(\b(https?|ftp):\/\/[-A-Z\(\)0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+\(\)&@#\/%=~_|])/gim
+ replacedText = text.replace(replacePattern1, `$1`)
+ //URLs starting with "www." (without // before it, or it'd re-link the ones done above).
+ replacePattern2 = /(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/gim
+ replacedText = replacedText.replace(replacePattern2, `$1$2`)
+ //Change email addresses to mailto:: links.
+ replacePattern3 = /(([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.])+@[a-zA-Z\_]+?(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})+)/gim
+ replacedText = replacedText.replace(replacePattern3, '$1')
+ return replacedText
+ }
+ // todo: switch algo to:
+ Utils.makeSemiRandomFn = (seed = => {
+ return () => {
+ const semiRand = Math.sin(seed++) * 10000
+ return semiRand - Math.floor(semiRand)
+ }
+ }
+ Utils.randomUniformInt = (min, max, seed = => {
+ return Math.floor(Utils.randomUniformFloat(min, max, seed))
+ }
+ Utils.randomUniformFloat = (min, max, seed = => {
+ const randFn = Utils.makeSemiRandomFn(seed)
+ return min + (max - min) * randFn()
+ }
+ Utils.getRange = (startIndex, endIndexExclusive, increment = 1) => {
+ const range = []
+ for (let index = startIndex; index < endIndexExclusive; index = index + increment) {
+ range.push(index)
+ }
+ return range
+ }
+ Utils.MAX_INT = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1
+ window.Utils = Utils
+ ;
+ let _scrollsdkLatestTime = 0
+ let _scrollsdkMinTimeIncrement = 0.000000000001
+ class AbstractParticle {
+ _getProcessTimeInMilliseconds() {
+ // We add this loop to restore monotonically increasing .now():
+ //
+ let time =
+ while (time <= _scrollsdkLatestTime) {
+ if (time === time + _scrollsdkMinTimeIncrement)
+ // Some browsers have different return values for
+ _scrollsdkMinTimeIncrement = 10 * _scrollsdkMinTimeIncrement
+ time += _scrollsdkMinTimeIncrement
+ }
+ _scrollsdkLatestTime = time
+ return time
+ }
+ }
+ var FileFormat
+ ;(function (FileFormat) {
+ FileFormat["csv"] = "csv"
+ FileFormat["tsv"] = "tsv"
+ FileFormat["particles"] = "particles"
+ })(FileFormat || (FileFormat = {}))
+ const TN_WORD_BREAK_SYMBOL = " "
+ const TN_EDGE_SYMBOL = " "
+ const TN_NODE_BREAK_SYMBOL = "\n"
+ class AbstractParticleEvent {
+ constructor(targetParticle) {
+ this.targetParticle = targetParticle
+ }
+ }
+ class ChildAddedParticleEvent extends AbstractParticleEvent {}
+ class ChildRemovedParticleEvent extends AbstractParticleEvent {}
+ class DescendantChangedParticleEvent extends AbstractParticleEvent {}
+ class LineChangedParticleEvent extends AbstractParticleEvent {}
+ class ParticleAtom {
+ constructor(particle, atomIndex) {
+ this._particle = particle
+ this._atomIndex = atomIndex
+ }
+ replace(newAtom) {
+ this._particle.setAtom(this._atomIndex, newAtom)
+ }
+ get atom() {
+ return this._particle.getAtom(this._atomIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ const ParticleEvents = { ChildAddedParticleEvent, ChildRemovedParticleEvent, DescendantChangedParticleEvent, LineChangedParticleEvent }
+ var WhereOperators
+ ;(function (WhereOperators) {
+ WhereOperators["equal"] = "="
+ WhereOperators["notEqual"] = "!="
+ WhereOperators["lessThan"] = "<"
+ WhereOperators["lessThanOrEqual"] = "<="
+ WhereOperators["greaterThan"] = ">"
+ WhereOperators["greaterThanOrEqual"] = ">="
+ WhereOperators["includes"] = "includes"
+ WhereOperators["doesNotInclude"] = "doesNotInclude"
+ WhereOperators["in"] = "in"
+ WhereOperators["notIn"] = "notIn"
+ WhereOperators["empty"] = "empty"
+ WhereOperators["notEmpty"] = "notEmpty"
+ })(WhereOperators || (WhereOperators = {}))
+ var ParticlesConstants
+ ;(function (ParticlesConstants) {
+ ParticlesConstants["extends"] = "extends"
+ })(ParticlesConstants || (ParticlesConstants = {}))
+ class ParserCombinator {
+ constructor(catchAllParser, cueMap = {}, regexTests = undefined) {
+ this._catchAllParser = catchAllParser
+ this._cueMap = new Map(Object.entries(cueMap))
+ this._regexTests = regexTests
+ }
+ getCueOptions() {
+ return Array.from(this._getCueMap().keys())
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ _getCueMap() {
+ return this._cueMap
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ _getCueMapAsObject() {
+ let obj = {}
+ const map = this._getCueMap()
+ for (let [key, val] of map.entries()) {
+ obj[key] = val
+ }
+ return obj
+ }
+ _getParser(line, contextParticle, atomBreakSymbol = TN_WORD_BREAK_SYMBOL) {
+ return this._getCueMap().get(this._getCue(line, atomBreakSymbol)) || this._getParserFromRegexTests(line) || this._getCatchAllParser(contextParticle)
+ }
+ _getCatchAllParser(contextParticle) {
+ if (this._catchAllParser) return this._catchAllParser
+ const parent = contextParticle.parent
+ if (parent) return parent._getParser()._getCatchAllParser(parent)
+ return contextParticle.constructor
+ }
+ _getParserFromRegexTests(line) {
+ if (!this._regexTests) return undefined
+ const hit = this._regexTests.find(test => test.regex.test(line))
+ if (hit) return hit.parser
+ return undefined
+ }
+ _getCue(line, atomBreakSymbol) {
+ const firstBreak = line.indexOf(atomBreakSymbol)
+ return line.substr(0, firstBreak > -1 ? firstBreak : undefined)
+ }
+ }
+ class Particle extends AbstractParticle {
+ constructor(subparticles, line, parent) {
+ super()
+ this._particleCreationTime = this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds()
+ this._parent = parent
+ this._setLine(line)
+ this._setSubparticles(subparticles)
+ }
+ execute() {}
+ async loadRequirements(context) {
+ // todo: remove
+ await Promise.all( => particle.loadRequirements(context)))
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return []
+ }
+ get lineAtomTypes() {
+ // todo: make this any a constant
+ return "undefinedAtomType ".repeat(this.atoms.length).trim()
+ }
+ isNodeJs() {
+ return typeof exports !== "undefined"
+ }
+ isBrowser() {
+ return !this.isNodeJs()
+ }
+ getOlderSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.parent.slice(0, this.index)
+ }
+ _getClosestOlderSibling() {
+ const olderSiblings = this.getOlderSiblings()
+ return olderSiblings[olderSiblings.length - 1]
+ }
+ getYoungerSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.parent.slice(this.index + 1)
+ }
+ getSiblings() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return []
+ return this.parent.filter(particle => particle !== this)
+ }
+ _getUid() {
+ if (!this._uid) this._uid = Particle._makeUniqueId()
+ return this._uid
+ }
+ // todo: rename getMother? grandMother et cetera?
+ get parent() {
+ return this._parent
+ }
+ getIndentLevel(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getIndentLevel(relativeTo)
+ }
+ get indentation() {
+ const indentLevel = this._getIndentLevel() - 1
+ if (indentLevel < 0) return ""
+ return this.edgeSymbol.repeat(indentLevel)
+ }
+ _getTopDownArray(arr) {
+ this.forEach(subparticle => {
+ arr.push(subparticle)
+ subparticle._getTopDownArray(arr)
+ })
+ }
+ get topDownArray() {
+ const arr = []
+ this._getTopDownArray(arr)
+ return arr
+ }
+ *getTopDownArrayIterator() {
+ for (let subparticle of this.getSubparticles()) {
+ yield subparticle
+ yield* subparticle.getTopDownArrayIterator()
+ }
+ }
+ particleAtLine(lineNumber) {
+ let index = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (lineNumber === index) return particle
+ index++
+ }
+ }
+ get numberOfLines() {
+ let lineCount = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ lineCount++
+ }
+ return lineCount
+ }
+ _getMaxUnitsOnALine() {
+ let max = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const count = particle.atoms.length + particle.getIndentLevel()
+ if (count > max) max = count
+ }
+ return max
+ }
+ get numberOfAtoms() {
+ let atomCount = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ atomCount += particle.atoms.length
+ }
+ return atomCount
+ }
+ get lineNumber() {
+ return this._getLineNumberRelativeTo()
+ }
+ _getLineNumber(target = this) {
+ if (this._cachedLineNumber) return this._cachedLineNumber
+ let lineNumber = 1
+ for (let particle of this.root.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (particle === target) return lineNumber
+ lineNumber++
+ }
+ return lineNumber
+ }
+ isBlankLine() {
+ return !this.length && !this.getLine()
+ }
+ get isBlank() {
+ return this.isBlankLine()
+ }
+ hasDuplicateCues() {
+ return this.length ? new Set(this.getCues()).size !== this.length : false
+ }
+ isEmpty() {
+ return !this.length && !this.content
+ }
+ _getLineNumberRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return 0
+ const start = relativeTo || this.root
+ return start._getLineNumber(this)
+ }
+ isRoot(relativeTo) {
+ return relativeTo === this || !this.parent
+ }
+ get root() {
+ return this._getRootParticle()
+ }
+ _getRootParticle(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return this
+ return this.parent._getRootParticle(relativeTo)
+ }
+ toString(indentCount = 0, language = this) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this._subparticlesToString(indentCount, language)
+ return language.edgeSymbol.repeat(indentCount) + this.getLine(language) + (this.length ? language.particleBreakSymbol + this._subparticlesToString(indentCount + 1, language) : "")
+ }
+ get asString() {
+ return this.toString()
+ }
+ printLinesFrom(start, quantity) {
+ return this._printLinesFrom(start, quantity, false)
+ }
+ printLinesWithLineNumbersFrom(start, quantity) {
+ return this._printLinesFrom(start, quantity, true)
+ }
+ _printLinesFrom(start, quantity, printLineNumbers) {
+ // todo: use iterator for better perf?
+ const end = start + quantity
+ this.toString()
+ .split("\n")
+ .slice(start, end)
+ .forEach((line, index) => {
+ if (printLineNumbers) console.log(`${start + index} ${line}`)
+ else console.log(line)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getAtom(index) {
+ const atoms = this._getAtoms(0)
+ if (index < 0) index = atoms.length + index
+ return atoms[index]
+ }
+ get list() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ }
+ _toHtml(indentCount) {
+ const path = this.getPathVector().join(" ")
+ const classes = {
+ particleLine: "particleLine",
+ edgeSymbol: "edgeSymbol",
+ particleBreakSymbol: "particleBreakSymbol",
+ particleSubparticles: "particleSubparticles"
+ }
+ const edge = this.edgeSymbol.repeat(indentCount)
+ // Set up the cue part of the particle
+ const edgeHtml = `${edge}`
+ const lineHtml = this._getLineHtml()
+ const subparticlesHtml = this.length ? `${this.particleBreakSymbol}` + `${this._subparticlesToHtml(indentCount + 1)}` : ""
+ return `${edgeHtml}${lineHtml}${subparticlesHtml}`
+ }
+ _getAtoms(startFrom) {
+ if (!this._atoms) this._atoms = this._getLine().split(this.atomBreakSymbol)
+ return startFrom ? this._atoms.slice(startFrom) : this._atoms
+ }
+ get atoms() {
+ return this._getAtoms(0)
+ }
+ doesExtend(parserId) {
+ return false
+ }
+ require(moduleName, filePath) {
+ if (!this.isNodeJs()) return windowoduleName]
+ return require(filePath || moduleName)
+ }
+ getAtomsFrom(startFrom) {
+ return this._getAtoms(startFrom)
+ }
+ getFirstAncestor() {
+ const parent = this.parent
+ return parent.isRoot() ? this : parent.getFirstAncestor()
+ }
+ isLoaded() {
+ return true
+ }
+ getRunTimePhaseErrors() {
+ if (!this._runTimePhaseErrors) this._runTimePhaseErrors = {}
+ return this._runTimePhaseErrors
+ }
+ setRunTimePhaseError(phase, errorObject) {
+ if (errorObject === undefined) delete this.getRunTimePhaseErrors()[phase]
+ else this.getRunTimePhaseErrors()[phase] = errorObject
+ return this
+ }
+ _getJavascriptPrototypeChainUpTo(stopAtClassName = "Particle") {
+ // todo: cross browser test this
+ let constructor = this.constructor
+ const chain = []
+ while ( !== stopAtClassName) {
+ chain.unshift(
+ constructor = constructor.__proto__
+ }
+ chain.unshift(stopAtClassName)
+ return chain
+ }
+ _getProjectRootDir() {
+ return this.isRoot() ? "" : this.root._getProjectRootDir()
+ }
+ // Concat 2 particles amd return a new particle, but replace any particles
+ // in this particle that start with the same particle from the first particle with
+ // that patched version. Does not recurse.
+ patch(two) {
+ const copy = this.clone()
+ two.forEach(particle => {
+ const hit = copy.getParticle(particle.getAtom(0))
+ if (hit) hit.destroy()
+ })
+ copy.concat(two)
+ return copy
+ }
+ getSparsity() {
+ const particles = this.getSubparticles()
+ const fields = this._getUnionNames()
+ let count = 0
+ this.getSubparticles().forEach(particle => {
+ fields.forEach(field => {
+ if (particle.has(field)) count++
+ })
+ })
+ return 1 - count / (particles.length * fields.length)
+ }
+ // todo: rename. what is the proper term from set/cat theory?
+ getBiDirectionalMaps(propertyNameOrFn, propertyNameOrFn2 = particle => particle.getAtom(0)) {
+ const oneToTwo = {}
+ const twoToOne = {}
+ const is1Str = typeof propertyNameOrFn === "string"
+ const is2Str = typeof propertyNameOrFn2 === "string"
+ const subparticles = this.getSubparticles()
+ this.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ const value1 = is1Str ? particle.get(propertyNameOrFn) : propertyNameOrFn(particle, index, subparticles)
+ const value2 = is2Str ? particle.get(propertyNameOrFn2) : propertyNameOrFn2(particle, index, subparticles)
+ if (value1 !== undefined) {
+ if (!oneToTwo[value1]) oneToTwo[value1] = []
+ oneToTwo[value1].push(value2)
+ }
+ if (value2 !== undefined) {
+ if (!twoToOne[value2]) twoToOne[value2] = []
+ twoToOne[value2].push(value1)
+ }
+ })
+ return [oneToTwo, twoToOne]
+ }
+ _getAtomIndexCharacterStartPosition(atomIndex) {
+ const xiLength = this.edgeSymbol.length
+ const numIndents = this._getIndentLevel() - 1
+ const indentPosition = xiLength * numIndents
+ if (atomIndex < 1) return xiLength * (numIndents + atomIndex)
+ return indentPosition + this.atoms.slice(0, atomIndex).join(this.atomBreakSymbol).length + this.atomBreakSymbol.length
+ }
+ getParticleInScopeAtCharIndex(charIndex) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ let atomIndex = this.getAtomIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex)
+ if (atomIndex > 0) return this
+ let particle = this
+ while (atomIndex < 1) {
+ particle = particle.parent
+ atomIndex++
+ }
+ return particle
+ }
+ getAtomProperties(atomIndex) {
+ const start = this._getAtomIndexCharacterStartPosition(atomIndex)
+ const atom = atomIndex < 0 ? "" : this.getAtom(atomIndex)
+ return {
+ startCharIndex: start,
+ endCharIndex: start + atom.length,
+ atom: atom
+ }
+ }
+ fill(fill = "") {
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(line => {
+ line.atoms.forEach((atom, index) => line.setAtom(index, fill))
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getAllAtomBoundaryCoordinates() {
+ const coordinates = []
+ let lineIndex = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ particle.getAtomBoundaryCharIndices().forEach((charIndex, atomIndex) => {
+ coordinates.push({
+ lineIndex: lineIndex,
+ charIndex: charIndex,
+ atomIndex: atomIndex
+ })
+ })
+ lineIndex++
+ }
+ return coordinates
+ }
+ getAtomBoundaryCharIndices() {
+ let indentLevel = this._getIndentLevel()
+ const atomBreakSymbolLength = this.atomBreakSymbol.length
+ let elapsed = indentLevel
+ return, atomIndex) => {
+ const boundary = elapsed
+ elapsed += atom.length + atomBreakSymbolLength
+ return boundary
+ })
+ }
+ getAtomIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex) {
+ // todo: is this correct thinking for handling root?
+ if (this.isRoot()) return 0
+ const numberOfIndents = this._getIndentLevel(undefined) - 1
+ // todo: probably want to rewrite this in a performant way.
+ const spots = []
+ while (spots.length < numberOfIndents) {
+ spots.push(-(numberOfIndents - spots.length))
+ }
+ this.atoms.forEach((atom, atomIndex) => {
+ atom.split("").forEach(letter => {
+ spots.push(atomIndex)
+ })
+ spots.push(atomIndex)
+ })
+ return spots[charIndex]
+ }
+ // Note: This currently does not return any errors resulting from "required" or "single"
+ getAllErrors(lineStartsAt = 1) {
+ const errors = []
+ for (let particle of this.topDownArray) {
+ particle._cachedLineNumber = lineStartsAt // todo: cleanup
+ const errs = particle.getErrors()
+ errs.forEach(err => errors.push(err))
+ // delete particle._cachedLineNumber
+ lineStartsAt++
+ }
+ return errors
+ }
+ *getAllErrorsIterator() {
+ let line = 1
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ particle._cachedLineNumber = line
+ const errs = particle.getErrors()
+ // delete particle._cachedLineNumber
+ if (errs.length) yield errs
+ line++
+ }
+ }
+ get cue() {
+ return this.atoms[0]
+ }
+ set cue(atom) {
+ this.setAtom(0, atom)
+ }
+ get content() {
+ const atoms = this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ return atoms.length ? atoms.join(this.atomBreakSymbol) : undefined
+ }
+ get contentWithSubparticles() {
+ // todo: deprecate
+ const content = this.content
+ return (content ? content : "") + (this.length ? this.particleBreakSymbol + this._subparticlesToString() : "")
+ }
+ getFirstParticle() {
+ return this.particleAt(0)
+ }
+ getStack() {
+ return this._getStack()
+ }
+ _getStack(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return []
+ const parent = this.parent
+ if (parent.isRoot(relativeTo)) return [this]
+ else return parent._getStack(relativeTo).concat([this])
+ }
+ getStackString() {
+ return this._getStack()
+ .map((particle, index) => this.edgeSymbol.repeat(index) + particle.getLine())
+ .join(this.particleBreakSymbol)
+ }
+ getLine(language) {
+ if (!this._atoms && !language) return this._getLine() // todo: how does this interact with "language" param?
+ return this.atoms.join((language || this).atomBreakSymbol)
+ }
+ getColumnNames() {
+ return this._getUnionNames()
+ }
+ getOneHot(column) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ const cols = Array.from(new Set(clone.getColumn(column)))
+ clone.forEach(particle => {
+ const val = particle.get(column)
+ particle.delete(column)
+ cols.forEach(col => {
+ particle.set(column + "_" + col, val === col ? "1" : "0")
+ })
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ // todo: return array? getPathArray?
+ _getCuePath(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return ""
+ else if (this.parent.isRoot(relativeTo)) return this.cue
+ return this.parent._getCuePath(relativeTo) + this.edgeSymbol + this.cue
+ }
+ getCuePathRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getCuePath(relativeTo)
+ }
+ getCuePath() {
+ return this._getCuePath()
+ }
+ getPathVector() {
+ return this._getPathVector()
+ }
+ getPathVectorRelativeTo(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getPathVector(relativeTo)
+ }
+ _getPathVector(relativeTo) {
+ if (this.isRoot(relativeTo)) return []
+ const path = this.parent._getPathVector(relativeTo)
+ path.push(this.index)
+ return path
+ }
+ get index() {
+ return this.parent._indexOfParticle(this)
+ }
+ isTerminal() {
+ return !this.length
+ }
+ _getLineHtml() {
+ return, index) => `${Utils.stripHtml(atom)}`).join(`${this.atomBreakSymbol}`)
+ }
+ _getXmlContent(indentCount) {
+ if (this.content !== undefined) return this.contentWithSubparticles
+ return this.length ? `${indentCount === -1 ? "" : "\n"}${this._subparticlesToXml(indentCount > -1 ? indentCount + 2 : -1)}${" ".repeat(indentCount)}` : ""
+ }
+ _toXml(indentCount) {
+ const indent = " ".repeat(indentCount)
+ const tag = this.cue
+ return `${indent}<${tag}>${this._getXmlContent(indentCount)}${indentCount === -1 ? "" : "\n"}`
+ }
+ _toObjectTuple() {
+ const content = this.content
+ const length = this.length
+ const hasSubparticlesNoContent = content === undefined && length
+ const hasContentAndHasSubparticles = content !== undefined && length
+ // If the particle has a content and a subparticle return it as a string, as
+ // Javascript object values can't be both a leaf and a particle.
+ const tupleValue = hasSubparticlesNoContent ? this.toObject() : hasContentAndHasSubparticles ? this.contentWithSubparticles : content
+ return [this.cue, tupleValue]
+ }
+ _indexOfParticle(needleParticle) {
+ let result = -1
+ this.find((particle, index) => {
+ if (particle === needleParticle) {
+ result = index
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ getMaxLineWidth() {
+ let maxWidth = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const lineWidth = particle.getLine().length
+ if (lineWidth > maxWidth) maxWidth = lineWidth
+ }
+ return maxWidth
+ }
+ toParticle() {
+ return new Particle(this.toString())
+ }
+ _rightPad(newWidth, padCharacter) {
+ const line = this.getLine()
+ this.setLine(line + padCharacter.repeat(newWidth - line.length))
+ return this
+ }
+ rightPad(padCharacter = " ") {
+ const newWidth = this.getMaxLineWidth()
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(particle => particle._rightPad(newWidth, padCharacter))
+ return this
+ }
+ lengthen(numberOfLines) {
+ let linesToAdd = numberOfLines - this.numberOfLines
+ while (linesToAdd > 0) {
+ this.appendLine("")
+ linesToAdd--
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ toSideBySide(particlesOrStrings, delimiter = " ") {
+ particlesOrStrings = => (particle instanceof Particle ? particle : new Particle(particle)))
+ const clone = this.toParticle()
+ const particleBreakSymbol = "\n"
+ let next
+ while ((next = particlesOrStrings.shift())) {
+ clone.lengthen(next.numberOfLines)
+ clone.rightPad()
+ next
+ .toString()
+ .split(particleBreakSymbol)
+ .forEach((line, index) => {
+ const particle = clone.particleAtLine(index)
+ particle.setLine(particle.getLine() + delimiter + line)
+ })
+ }
+ return clone
+ }
+ toComparison(particle) {
+ const particleBreakSymbol = "\n"
+ const lines = particle.toString().split(particleBreakSymbol)
+ return new Particle(
+ this.toString()
+ .split(particleBreakSymbol)
+ .map((line, index) => (lines[index] === line ? "" : "x"))
+ .join(particleBreakSymbol)
+ )
+ }
+ toBraid(particlesOrStrings) {
+ particlesOrStrings.unshift(this)
+ const particleDelimiter = this.particleBreakSymbol
+ return new Particle(
+ Utils.interweave( => particle.toString().split(particleDelimiter)))
+ .map(line => (line === undefined ? "" : line))
+ .join(particleDelimiter)
+ )
+ }
+ getSlice(startIndexInclusive, stopIndexExclusive) {
+ return new Particle(
+ this.slice(startIndexInclusive, stopIndexExclusive)
+ .map(subparticle => subparticle.toString())
+ .join("\n")
+ )
+ }
+ _hasColumns(columns) {
+ const atoms = this.atoms
+ return columns.every((searchTerm, index) => searchTerm === atoms[index])
+ }
+ hasAtom(index, atom) {
+ return this.getAtom(index) === atom
+ }
+ getParticleByColumns(...columns) {
+ return this.topDownArray.find(particle => particle._hasColumns(columns))
+ }
+ getParticleByColumn(index, name) {
+ return this.find(particle => particle.getAtom(index) === name)
+ }
+ _getParticlesByColumn(index, name) {
+ return this.filter(particle => particle.getAtom(index) === name)
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ select(columnNames) {
+ columnNames = Array.isArray(columnNames) ? columnNames : [columnNames]
+ const result = new Particle()
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const newParticle = result.appendLine(particle.getLine())
+ columnNames.forEach(name => {
+ const valueParticle = particle.getParticle(name)
+ if (valueParticle) newParticle.appendParticle(valueParticle)
+ })
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ selectionToString() {
+ return this.getSelectedParticles()
+ .map(particle => particle.toString())
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getSelectedParticles() {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.isSelected())
+ }
+ clearSelection() {
+ this.getSelectedParticles().forEach(particle => particle.unselectParticle())
+ }
+ // Note: this is for debugging select chains
+ print(message = "") {
+ if (message) console.log(message)
+ console.log(this.toString())
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ // todo: preserve links back to parent so you could edit as normal?
+ where(columnName, operator, fixedValue) {
+ const isArray = Array.isArray(fixedValue)
+ const valueType = isArray ? typeof fixedValue[0] : typeof fixedValue
+ let parser
+ if (valueType === "number") parser = parseFloat
+ const fn = particle => {
+ const atom = particle.get(columnName)
+ const typedAtom = parser ? parser(atom) : atom
+ if (operator === WhereOperators.equal) return fixedValue === typedAtom
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notEqual) return fixedValue !== typedAtom
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.includes) return typedAtom !== undefined && typedAtom.includes(fixedValue)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.doesNotInclude) return typedAtom === undefined || !typedAtom.includes(fixedValue)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.greaterThan) return typedAtom > fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.lessThan) return typedAtom < fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.greaterThanOrEqual) return typedAtom >= fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.lessThanOrEqual) return typedAtom <= fixedValue
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.empty) return !particle.has(columnName)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notEmpty) return particle.has(columnName) || (atom !== "" && atom !== undefined)
+ else if (operator === && isArray) return fixedValue.includes(typedAtom)
+ else if (operator === WhereOperators.notIn && isArray) return !fixedValue.includes(typedAtom)
+ }
+ const result = new Particle()
+ this.filter(fn).forEach(particle => {
+ result.appendParticle(particle)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ with(cue) {
+ return this.filter(particle => particle.has(cue))
+ }
+ without(cue) {
+ return this.filter(particle => !particle.has(cue))
+ }
+ first(quantity = 1) {
+ return this.limit(quantity, 0)
+ }
+ last(quantity = 1) {
+ return this.limit(quantity, this.length - quantity)
+ }
+ // todo: preserve subclasses!
+ limit(quantity, offset = 0) {
+ const result = new Particle()
+ this.getSubparticles()
+ .slice(offset, quantity + offset)
+ .forEach(particle => {
+ result.appendParticle(particle)
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ getSubparticlesFirstArray() {
+ const arr = []
+ this._getSubparticlesFirstArray(arr)
+ return arr
+ }
+ _getSubparticlesFirstArray(arr) {
+ this.forEach(subparticle => {
+ subparticle._getSubparticlesFirstArray(arr)
+ arr.push(subparticle)
+ })
+ }
+ _getIndentLevel(relativeTo) {
+ return this._getStack(relativeTo).length
+ }
+ getParentFirstArray() {
+ const levels = this._getLevels()
+ const arr = []
+ Object.values(levels).forEach(level => {
+ level.forEach(item => arr.push(item))
+ })
+ return arr
+ }
+ _getLevels() {
+ const levels = {}
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const level = particle._getIndentLevel()
+ if (!levels[level]) levels[level] = []
+ levels[level].push(particle)
+ })
+ return levels
+ }
+ _getSubparticlesArray() {
+ if (!this._subparticles) this._subparticles = []
+ return this._subparticles
+ }
+ getLines() {
+ return => particle.getLine())
+ }
+ getSubparticles() {
+ return this._getSubparticlesArray().slice(0)
+ }
+ get length() {
+ return this._getSubparticlesArray().length
+ }
+ _particleAt(index) {
+ if (index < 0) index = this.length + index
+ return this._getSubparticlesArray()[index]
+ }
+ particleAt(indexOrIndexArray) {
+ if (typeof indexOrIndexArray === "number") return this._particleAt(indexOrIndexArray)
+ if (indexOrIndexArray.length === 1) return this._particleAt(indexOrIndexArray[0])
+ const first = indexOrIndexArray[0]
+ const particle = this._particleAt(first)
+ if (!particle) return undefined
+ return particle.particleAt(indexOrIndexArray.slice(1))
+ }
+ // Flatten a particle into an object like {twitter:"pldb", "twitter.followers":123}.
+ // Assumes you have a nested key/value list with no multiline strings.
+ toFlatObject(delimiter = ".") {
+ let newObject = {}
+ const { edgeSymbolRegex } = this
+ this.forEach((subparticle, index) => {
+ newObject[subparticle.getAtom(0)] = subparticle.content
+ subparticle.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const newColumnName = particle.getCuePathRelativeTo(this).replace(edgeSymbolRegex, delimiter)
+ const value = particle.content
+ newObject[newColumnName] = value
+ })
+ })
+ return newObject
+ }
+ _toObject() {
+ const obj = {}
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const tuple = particle._toObjectTuple()
+ obj[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ get asHtml() {
+ return this._subparticlesToHtml(0)
+ }
+ _toHtmlCubeLine(indents = 0, lineIndex = 0, planeIndex = 0) {
+ const getLine = (atomIndex, atom = "") =>
+ `${atom.replace(
+ /
+ "<"
+ )}`
+ let atoms = []
+ this.atoms.forEach((atom, index) => (atom ? atoms.push(getLine(index + indents, atom)) : ""))
+ return atoms.join("")
+ }
+ get asHtmlCube() {
+ return, planeIndex) =>, lineIndex) => line._toHtmlCubeLine(line.getIndentLevel() - 2, lineIndex, planeIndex)).join("")).join("")
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return `${this.particleBreakSymbol}`
+ }
+ _subparticlesToHtml(indentCount) {
+ const joinBy = this._getHtmlJoinByCharacter()
+ return => particle._toHtml(indentCount)).join(joinBy)
+ }
+ _subparticlesToString(indentCount, language = this) {
+ return => particle.toString(indentCount, language)).join(language.particleBreakSymbol)
+ }
+ subparticlesToString(indentCount = 0) {
+ return this._subparticlesToString(indentCount)
+ }
+ // todo: implement
+ _getChildJoinCharacter() {
+ return "\n"
+ }
+ format() {
+ this.forEach(subparticle => subparticle.format())
+ return this
+ }
+ compile() {
+ return => subparticle.compile()).join(this._getChildJoinCharacter())
+ }
+ get asXml() {
+ return this._subparticlesToXml(0)
+ }
+ toDisk(path) {
+ if (!this.isNodeJs()) throw new Error("This method only works in Node.js")
+ const format = Particle._getFileFormat(path)
+ const formats = {
+ particles: particle => particle.toString(),
+ csv: particle => particle.asCsv,
+ tsv: particle => particle.asTsv
+ }
+ this.require("fs").writeFileSync(path, formats[format](this), "utf8")
+ return this
+ }
+ _lineToYaml(indentLevel, listTag = "") {
+ let prefix = " ".repeat(indentLevel)
+ if (listTag && indentLevel > 1) prefix = " ".repeat(indentLevel - 2) + listTag + " "
+ return prefix + `${this.cue}:` + (this.content ? " " + this.content : "")
+ }
+ _isYamlList() {
+ return this.hasDuplicateCues()
+ }
+ get asYaml() {
+ return `%YAML 1.2
+ ---\n${this._subparticlesToYaml(0).join("\n")}`
+ }
+ _subparticlesToYaml(indentLevel) {
+ if (this._isYamlList()) return this._subparticlesToYamlList(indentLevel)
+ else return this._subparticlesToYamlAssociativeArray(indentLevel)
+ }
+ // if your code-to-be-yaml has a list of associative arrays of type N and you don't
+ // want the type N to print
+ _collapseYamlLine() {
+ return false
+ }
+ _toYamlListElement(indentLevel) {
+ const subparticles = this._subparticlesToYaml(indentLevel + 1)
+ if (this._collapseYamlLine()) {
+ if (indentLevel > 1) return subparticles.join("\n").replace(" ".repeat(indentLevel), " ".repeat(indentLevel - 2) + "- ")
+ return subparticles.join("\n")
+ } else {
+ subparticles.unshift(this._lineToYaml(indentLevel, "-"))
+ return subparticles.join("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ _subparticlesToYamlList(indentLevel) {
+ return => particle._toYamlListElement(indentLevel + 2))
+ }
+ _toYamlAssociativeArrayElement(indentLevel) {
+ const subparticles = this._subparticlesToYaml(indentLevel + 1)
+ subparticles.unshift(this._lineToYaml(indentLevel))
+ return subparticles.join("\n")
+ }
+ _subparticlesToYamlAssociativeArray(indentLevel) {
+ return => particle._toYamlAssociativeArrayElement(indentLevel))
+ }
+ get asJsonSubset() {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.toObject(), null, " ")
+ }
+ _toObjectForSerialization() {
+ return this.length
+ ? {
+ atoms: this.atoms,
+ subparticles: => subparticle._toObjectForSerialization())
+ }
+ : {
+ atoms: this.atoms
+ }
+ }
+ get asSExpression() {
+ return this._toSExpression()
+ }
+ _toSExpression() {
+ const thisAtoms = this.atoms.join(" ")
+ if (!this.length)
+ // For leaf nodes, just return (cue content) or (cue) if no content
+ return `(${thisAtoms})`
+ // For nodes with children, recursively process each child
+ const children = => particle._toSExpression()).join(" ")
+ return thisAtoms ? `(${thisAtoms} ${children})` : `(${children})`
+ }
+ get asJson() {
+ return JSON.stringify({ subparticles: => subparticle._toObjectForSerialization()) }, null, " ")
+ }
+ get asGrid() {
+ const AtomBreakSymbol = this.atomBreakSymbol
+ return this.toString()
+ .split(this.particleBreakSymbol)
+ .map(line => line.split(AtomBreakSymbol))
+ }
+ get asGridJson() {
+ return JSON.stringify(this.asGrid, null, 2)
+ }
+ findParticles(cuePath) {
+ // todo: can easily speed this up
+ const map = {}
+ if (!Array.isArray(cuePath)) cuePath = [cuePath]
+ cuePath.forEach(path => (map[path] = true))
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => {
+ if (map[particle._getCuePath(this)]) return true
+ return false
+ })
+ }
+ evalTemplateString(str) {
+ const that = this
+ return str.replace(/{([^\}]+)}/g, (match, path) => that.get(path) || "")
+ }
+ emitLogMessage(message) {
+ console.log(message)
+ }
+ getColumn(path) {
+ return => particle.get(path))
+ }
+ getFiltered(fn) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ clone
+ .filter((particle, index) => !fn(particle, index))
+ .forEach(particle => {
+ particle.destroy()
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ getParticle(cuePath) {
+ return this._getParticleByPath(cuePath)
+ }
+ getParticles(cuePath) {
+ return this.findParticles(cuePath)
+ }
+ get section() {
+ // return all particles after this one to the next blank line or end of file
+ const particles = []
+ if (this.isLast) return particles
+ let next =
+ while (!next.isBlank) {
+ particles.push(next)
+ next =
+ if (next.isFirst) break
+ }
+ return particles
+ }
+ get isLast() {
+ return this.index === this.parent.length - 1
+ }
+ get isFirst() {
+ return this.index === 0
+ }
+ getFrom(prefix) {
+ const hit = this.filter(particle => particle.getLine().startsWith(prefix))[0]
+ if (hit) return hit.getLine().substr((prefix + this.atomBreakSymbol).length)
+ }
+ get(cuePath) {
+ const particle = this._getParticleByPath(cuePath)
+ return particle === undefined ? undefined : particle.content
+ }
+ getOneOf(keys) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ const value = this.get(keys[i])
+ if (value) return value
+ }
+ return ""
+ }
+ pick(fields) {
+ const newParticle = new Particle(this.toString()) // todo: why not clone?
+ const map = Utils.arrayToMap(fields)
+ newParticle.particleAt(0).forEach(particle => {
+ if (!map[particle.getAtom(0)]) particle.destroy()
+ })
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ getParticlesByGlobPath(query) {
+ return this._getParticlesByGlobPath(query)
+ }
+ _getParticlesByGlobPath(globPath) {
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ if (!globPath.includes(edgeSymbol)) {
+ if (globPath === "*") return this.getSubparticles()
+ return this.filter(particle => particle.cue === globPath)
+ }
+ const parts = globPath.split(edgeSymbol)
+ const current = parts.shift()
+ const rest = parts.join(edgeSymbol)
+ const matchingParticles = current === "*" ? this.getSubparticles() : this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.cue === current)
+ return [].concat.apply(
+ [],
+ => particle._getParticlesByGlobPath(rest))
+ )
+ }
+ _getParticleByPath(cuePath) {
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ if (!cuePath.includes(edgeSymbol)) {
+ const index = this.indexOfLast(cuePath)
+ return index === -1 ? undefined : this._particleAt(index)
+ }
+ const parts = cuePath.split(edgeSymbol)
+ const current = parts.shift()
+ const currentParticle = this._getSubparticlesArray()[this._getCueIndex()[current]]
+ return currentParticle ? currentParticle._getParticleByPath(parts.join(edgeSymbol)) : undefined
+ }
+ get next() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ const index = this.index
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const length = parent.length
+ const next = index + 1
+ return next === length ? parent._getSubparticlesArray()[0] : parent._getSubparticlesArray()[next]
+ }
+ get previous() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return this
+ const index = this.index
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const length = parent.length
+ const prev = index - 1
+ return prev === -1 ? parent._getSubparticlesArray()[length - 1] : parent._getSubparticlesArray()[prev]
+ }
+ _getUnionNames() {
+ if (!this.length) return []
+ const obj = {}
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ if (!particle.length) return undefined
+ particle.forEach(particle => {
+ obj[particle.cue] = 1
+ })
+ })
+ return Object.keys(obj)
+ }
+ getAncestorParticlesByInheritanceViaExtendsCue(key) {
+ const ancestorParticles = this._getAncestorParticles(
+ (particle, id) => particle._getParticlesByColumn(0, id),
+ particle => particle.get(key),
+ this
+ )
+ ancestorParticles.push(this)
+ return ancestorParticles
+ }
+ // Note: as you can probably tell by the name of this method, I don't recommend using this as it will likely be replaced by something better.
+ getAncestorParticlesByInheritanceViaColumnIndices(thisColumnNumber, extendsColumnNumber) {
+ const ancestorParticles = this._getAncestorParticles(
+ (particle, id) => particle._getParticlesByColumn(thisColumnNumber, id),
+ particle => particle.getAtom(extendsColumnNumber),
+ this
+ )
+ ancestorParticles.push(this)
+ return ancestorParticles
+ }
+ _getAncestorParticles(getPotentialParentParticlesByIdFn, getParentIdFn, cannotContainParticle) {
+ const parentId = getParentIdFn(this)
+ if (!parentId) return []
+ const potentialParentParticles = getPotentialParentParticlesByIdFn(this.parent, parentId)
+ if (!potentialParentParticles.length) throw new Error(`"${this.getLine()} tried to extend "${parentId}" but "${parentId}" not found.`)
+ if (potentialParentParticles.length > 1) throw new Error(`Invalid inheritance paths. Multiple unique ids found for "${parentId}"`)
+ const parentParticle = potentialParentParticles[0]
+ // todo: detect loops
+ if (parentParticle === cannotContainParticle) throw new Error(`Loop detected between '${this.getLine()}' and '${parentParticle.getLine()}'`)
+ const ancestorParticles = parentParticle._getAncestorParticles(getPotentialParentParticlesByIdFn, getParentIdFn, cannotContainParticle)
+ ancestorParticles.push(parentParticle)
+ return ancestorParticles
+ }
+ pathVectorToCuePath(pathVector) {
+ const path = pathVector.slice() // copy array
+ const names = []
+ let particle = this
+ while (path.length) {
+ if (!particle) return names
+ names.push(particle.particleAt(path[0]).cue)
+ particle = particle.particleAt(path.shift())
+ }
+ return names
+ }
+ toStringWithLineNumbers() {
+ return this.toString()
+ .split("\n")
+ .map((line, index) => `${index + 1} ${line}`)
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ get asCsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited(",")
+ }
+ _getTypes(header) {
+ const matrix = this._getMatrix(header)
+ const types = => "int")
+ matrix.forEach(row => {
+ row.forEach((value, index) => {
+ const type = types[index]
+ if (type === "string") return 1
+ if (value === undefined || value === "") return 1
+ if (type === "float") {
+ if (value.match(/^\-?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*$/)) return 1
+ types[index] = "string"
+ }
+ if (value.match(/^\-?[0-9]+$/)) return 1
+ types[index] = "string"
+ })
+ })
+ return types
+ }
+ toDataTable(header = this._getUnionNames()) {
+ const types = this._getTypes(header)
+ const parsers = {
+ string: str => str,
+ float: parseFloat,
+ int: parseInt
+ }
+ const atomFn = (atomValue, rowIndex, columnIndex) => (rowIndex ? parsers[types[columnIndex]](atomValue) : atomValue)
+ const arrays = this._toArrays(header, atomFn)
+ arrays.rows.unshift(arrays.header)
+ return arrays.rows
+ }
+ toDelimited(delimiter, header = this._getUnionNames(), escapeSpecialChars = true) {
+ const regex = new RegExp(`(\\n|\\"|\\${delimiter})`)
+ const atomFn = (str, row, column) => (!str.toString().match(regex) ? str : `"` + str.replace(/\"/g, `""`) + `"`)
+ return this._toDelimited(delimiter, header, escapeSpecialChars ? atomFn : str => str)
+ }
+ _getMatrix(columns) {
+ const matrix = []
+ this.forEach(subparticle => {
+ const row = []
+ columns.forEach(col => {
+ row.push(subparticle.get(col))
+ })
+ matrix.push(row)
+ })
+ return matrix
+ }
+ _toArrays(columnNames, atomFn) {
+ const skipHeaderRow = 1
+ const header =, index) => atomFn(columnName, 0, index))
+ const rows =, rowNumber) =>
+, columnIndex) => {
+ const subparticleParticle = particle.getParticle(columnName)
+ const content = subparticleParticle ? subparticleParticle.contentWithSubparticles : ""
+ return atomFn(content, rowNumber + skipHeaderRow, columnIndex)
+ })
+ )
+ return {
+ rows,
+ header
+ }
+ }
+ _toDelimited(delimiter, header, atomFn) {
+ const data = this._toArrays(header, atomFn)
+ return data.header.join(delimiter) + "\n" + => row.join(delimiter)).join("\n")
+ }
+ get asTable() {
+ // Output a table for printing
+ return this._toTable(100, false)
+ }
+ toFormattedTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight = false) {
+ return this._toTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight)
+ }
+ _toTable(maxCharactersPerColumn, alignRight = false) {
+ const header = this._getUnionNames()
+ // Set initial column widths
+ const widths = => (col.length > maxCharactersPerColumn ? maxCharactersPerColumn : col.length))
+ // Expand column widths if needed
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ if (!particle.length) return true
+ header.forEach((col, index) => {
+ const atomValue = particle.get(col)
+ if (!atomValue) return true
+ const length = atomValue.toString().length
+ if (length > widths[index]) widths[index] = length > maxCharactersPerColumn ? maxCharactersPerColumn : length
+ })
+ })
+ const atomFn = (atomText, row, col) => {
+ const width = widths[col]
+ // Strip newlines in fixedWidth output
+ const atomValue = atomText.toString().replace(/\n/g, "\\n")
+ const atomLength = atomValue.length
+ if (atomLength > width) return atomValue.substr(0, width) + "..."
+ const padding = " ".repeat(width - atomLength)
+ return alignRight ? padding + atomValue : atomValue + padding
+ }
+ return this._toDelimited(" ", header, atomFn)
+ }
+ get asSsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited(" ")
+ }
+ get asOutline() {
+ return this._toOutline(particle => particle.getLine())
+ }
+ toMappedOutline(particleFn) {
+ return this._toOutline(particleFn)
+ }
+ // Adapted from:
+ _toOutline(particleFn) {
+ const growBranch = (outlineParticle, last, lastStates, particleFn, callback) => {
+ let lastStatesCopy = lastStates.slice(0)
+ const particle = outlineParticle.particle
+ if (lastStatesCopy.push([outlineParticle, last]) && lastStates.length > 0) {
+ let line = ""
+ // cued on the "was last element" states of whatever we're nested within,
+ // we need to append either blankness or a branch to our line
+ lastStates.forEach((lastState, idx) => {
+ if (idx > 0) line += lastState[1] ? " " : "│"
+ })
+ // the prefix varies cued on whether the key contains something to show and
+ // whether we're dealing with the last element in this collection
+ // the extra "-" just makes things stand out more.
+ line += (last ? "└" : "├") + particleFn(particle)
+ callback(line)
+ }
+ if (!particle) return
+ const length = particle.length
+ let index = 0
+ particle.forEach(particle => {
+ let lastKey = ++index === length
+ growBranch({ particle: particle }, lastKey, lastStatesCopy, particleFn, callback)
+ })
+ }
+ let output = ""
+ growBranch({ particle: this }, false, [], particleFn, line => (output += line + "\n"))
+ return output
+ }
+ copyTo(particle, index) {
+ return particle._insertLineAndSubparticles(this.getLine(), this.subparticlesToString(), index)
+ }
+ // Note: Splits using a positive lookahead
+ // this.split("foo").join("\n") === this.toString()
+ split(cue) {
+ const constructor = this.constructor
+ const ParticleBreakSymbol = this.particleBreakSymbol
+ const AtomBreakSymbol = this.atomBreakSymbol
+ // todo: cleanup. the escaping is wierd.
+ return this.toString()
+ .split(new RegExp(`\\${ParticleBreakSymbol}(?=${cue}(?:${AtomBreakSymbol}|\\${ParticleBreakSymbol}))`, "g"))
+ .map(str => new constructor(str))
+ }
+ get asMarkdownTable() {
+ return this.toMarkdownTableAdvanced(this._getUnionNames(), val => val)
+ }
+ toMarkdownTableAdvanced(columns, formatFn) {
+ const matrix = this._getMatrix(columns)
+ const empty = => "-")
+ matrix.unshift(empty)
+ matrix.unshift(columns)
+ const lines =, rowIndex) => {
+ const formattedValues =, colIndex) => formatFn(val, rowIndex, colIndex))
+ return `|${formattedValues.join("|")}|`
+ })
+ return lines.join("\n")
+ }
+ get asTsv() {
+ return this.toDelimited("\t")
+ }
+ get particleBreakSymbol() {
+ }
+ get atomBreakSymbol() {
+ }
+ get edgeSymbolRegex() {
+ return new RegExp(this.edgeSymbol, "g")
+ }
+ get particleBreakSymbolRegex() {
+ return new RegExp(this.particleBreakSymbol, "g")
+ }
+ get edgeSymbol() {
+ }
+ _textToContentAndSubparticlesTuple(text) {
+ const lines = text.split(this.particleBreakSymbolRegex)
+ const firstLine = lines.shift()
+ const subparticles = !lines.length
+ ? undefined
+ : lines
+ .map(line => (line.substr(0, 1) === this.edgeSymbol ? line : this.edgeSymbol + line))
+ .map(line => line.substr(1))
+ .join(this.particleBreakSymbol)
+ return [firstLine, subparticles]
+ }
+ _getLine() {
+ return this._line
+ }
+ _setLine(line = "") {
+ this._line = line
+ if (this._atoms) delete this._atoms
+ return this
+ }
+ _clearSubparticles() {
+ this._deleteByIndexes(Utils.getRange(0, this.length))
+ delete this._subparticles
+ return this
+ }
+ _setSubparticles(content, circularCheckArray) {
+ this._clearSubparticles()
+ if (!content) return this
+ // set from string
+ if (typeof content === "string") {
+ this._appendSubparticlesFromString(content)
+ return this
+ }
+ // set from particle
+ if (content instanceof Particle) {
+ content.forEach(particle => this._insertLineAndSubparticles(particle.getLine(), particle.subparticlesToString()))
+ return this
+ }
+ // If we set from object, create an array of inserted objects to avoid circular loops
+ if (!circularCheckArray) circularCheckArray = [content]
+ return this._setFromObject(content, circularCheckArray)
+ }
+ _setFromObject(content, circularCheckArray) {
+ for (let cue in content) {
+ if (!content.hasOwnProperty(cue)) continue
+ // Branch the circularCheckArray, as we only have same branch circular arrays
+ this._appendFromJavascriptObjectTuple(cue, content[cue], circularCheckArray.slice(0))
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: refactor the below.
+ _appendFromJavascriptObjectTuple(cue, content, circularCheckArray) {
+ const type = typeof content
+ let line
+ let subparticles
+ if (content === null) line = cue + " " + null
+ else if (content === undefined) line = cue
+ else if (type === "string") {
+ const tuple = this._textToContentAndSubparticlesTuple(content)
+ line = cue + " " + tuple[0]
+ subparticles = tuple[1]
+ } else if (type === "function") line = cue + " " + content.toString()
+ else if (type !== "object") line = cue + " " + content
+ else if (content instanceof Date) line = cue + " " + content.getTime().toString()
+ else if (content instanceof Particle) {
+ line = cue
+ subparticles = new Particle(content.subparticlesToString(), content.getLine())
+ } else if (circularCheckArray.indexOf(content) === -1) {
+ circularCheckArray.push(content)
+ line = cue
+ const length = content instanceof Array ? content.length : Object.keys(content).length
+ if (length) subparticles = new Particle()._setSubparticles(content, circularCheckArray)
+ } else {
+ // iirc this is return early from circular
+ return
+ }
+ this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles)
+ }
+ _insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles, index = this.length) {
+ const parser = this._getParser()._getParser(line, this)
+ const newParticle = new parser(subparticles, line, this)
+ const adjustedIndex = index < 0 ? this.length + index : index
+ this._getSubparticlesArray().splice(adjustedIndex, 0, newParticle)
+ if (this._cueIndex) this._makeCueIndex(adjustedIndex)
+ this.clearQuickCache()
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ _insertLines(lines, index = this.length) {
+ const parser = this.constructor
+ const newParticle = new parser(lines)
+ const adjustedIndex = index < 0 ? this.length + index : index
+ this._getSubparticlesArray().splice(adjustedIndex, 0, ...newParticle.getSubparticles())
+ if (this._cueIndex) this._makeCueIndex(adjustedIndex)
+ this.clearQuickCache()
+ return this.getSubparticles().slice(index, index + newParticle.length)
+ }
+ insertLinesAfter(lines) {
+ return this.parent._insertLines(lines, this.index + 1)
+ }
+ _appendSubparticlesFromString(str) {
+ const lines = str.split(this.particleBreakSymbolRegex)
+ const parentStack = []
+ let currentIndentCount = -1
+ let lastParticle = this
+ lines.forEach(line => {
+ const indentCount = this._getIndentCount(line)
+ if (indentCount > currentIndentCount) {
+ currentIndentCount++
+ parentStack.push(lastParticle)
+ } else if (indentCount < currentIndentCount) {
+ // pop things off stack
+ while (indentCount < currentIndentCount) {
+ parentStack.pop()
+ currentIndentCount--
+ }
+ }
+ const lineContent = line.substr(currentIndentCount)
+ const parent = parentStack[parentStack.length - 1]
+ const parser = parent._getParser()._getParser(lineContent, parent)
+ lastParticle = new parser(undefined, lineContent, parent)
+ parent._getSubparticlesArray().push(lastParticle)
+ })
+ }
+ _getCueIndex() {
+ // StringMap {cue: index}
+ // When there are multiple tails with the same cue, index stores the last content.
+ // todo: change the above behavior: when a collision occurs, create an array.
+ return this._cueIndex || this._makeCueIndex()
+ }
+ getContentsArray() {
+ return => particle.content)
+ }
+ getSubparticlesByParser(parser) {
+ return this.filter(subparticle => subparticle instanceof parser)
+ }
+ getAncestorByParser(parser) {
+ if (this instanceof parser) return this
+ if (this.isRoot()) return undefined
+ const parent = this.parent
+ return parent instanceof parser ? parent : parent.getAncestorByParser(parser)
+ }
+ getParticleByParser(parser) {
+ return this.find(subparticle => subparticle instanceof parser)
+ }
+ indexOfLast(cue) {
+ const result = this._getCueIndex()[cue]
+ return result === undefined ? -1 : result
+ }
+ // todo: renmae to indexOfFirst?
+ indexOf(cue) {
+ if (!this.has(cue)) return -1
+ const length = this.length
+ const particles = this._getSubparticlesArray()
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ if (particles[index].cue === cue) return index
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: rename this. it is a particular type of object.
+ toObject() {
+ return this._toObject()
+ }
+ getCues() {
+ return => particle.cue)
+ }
+ _makeCueIndex(startAt = 0) {
+ if (!this._cueIndex || !startAt) this._cueIndex = {}
+ const particles = this._getSubparticlesArray()
+ const newIndex = this._cueIndex
+ const length = particles.length
+ for (let index = startAt; index < length; index++) {
+ newIndex[particles[index].cue] = index
+ }
+ return newIndex
+ }
+ _subparticlesToXml(indentCount) {
+ return => particle._toXml(indentCount)).join("")
+ }
+ _getIndentCount(str) {
+ let level = 0
+ const edgeChar = this.edgeSymbol
+ while (str[level] === edgeChar) {
+ level++
+ }
+ return level
+ }
+ clone(subparticles = this.subparticlesToString(), line = this.getLine()) {
+ return new this.constructor(subparticles, line)
+ }
+ hasCue(cue) {
+ return this._hasCue(cue)
+ }
+ has(cuePath) {
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ if (!cuePath.includes(edgeSymbol)) return this.hasCue(cuePath)
+ const parts = cuePath.split(edgeSymbol)
+ const next = this.getParticle(parts.shift())
+ if (!next) return false
+ return next.has(parts.join(edgeSymbol))
+ }
+ hasParticle(particle) {
+ const needle = particle.toString()
+ return this.getSubparticles().some(particle => particle.toString() === needle)
+ }
+ _hasCue(cue) {
+ return this._getCueIndex()[cue] !== undefined
+ }
+ map(fn) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().map(fn)
+ }
+ filter(fn = item => item) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().filter(fn)
+ }
+ find(fn) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().find(fn)
+ }
+ findLast(fn) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().reverse().find(fn)
+ }
+ every(fn) {
+ let index = 0
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ if (!fn(particle, index)) return false
+ index++
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ forEach(fn) {
+ this.getSubparticles().forEach(fn)
+ return this
+ }
+ // Recurse if predicate passes
+ deepVisit(predicate) {
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ if (predicate(particle) !== false) particle.deepVisit(predicate)
+ })
+ }
+ get quickCache() {
+ if (!this._quickCache) this._quickCache = {}
+ return this._quickCache
+ }
+ getCustomIndex(key) {
+ if (!this.quickCache.customIndexes) this.quickCache.customIndexes = {}
+ const customIndexes = this.quickCache.customIndexes
+ if (customIndexes[key]) return customIndexes[key]
+ const customIndex = {}
+ customIndexes[key] = customIndex
+ this.filter(file => file.has(key)).forEach(file => {
+ const value = file.get(key)
+ if (!customIndex[value]) customIndex[value] = []
+ customIndex[value].push(file)
+ })
+ return customIndex
+ }
+ clearQuickCache() {
+ delete this._quickCache
+ }
+ // todo: protected?
+ _clearCueIndex() {
+ delete this._cueIndex
+ this.clearQuickCache()
+ }
+ slice(start, end) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().slice(start, end)
+ }
+ // todo: make 0 and 1 a param
+ getInheritanceParticles() {
+ const paths = {}
+ const result = new Particle()
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const key = particle.getAtom(0)
+ const parentKey = particle.getAtom(1)
+ const parentPath = paths[parentKey]
+ paths[key] = parentPath ? [parentPath, key].join(" ") : key
+ result.touchParticle(paths[key])
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ _getGrandParent() {
+ return this.isRoot() || this.parent.isRoot() ? undefined : this.parent.parent
+ }
+ _getParser() {
+ if (!Particle._parserCombinators.has(this.constructor)) Particle._parserCombinators.set(this.constructor, this.createParserCombinator())
+ return Particle._parserCombinators.get(this.constructor)
+ }
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new ParserCombinator(this.constructor)
+ }
+ static _makeUniqueId() {
+ if (this._uniqueId === undefined) this._uniqueId = 0
+ this._uniqueId++
+ return this._uniqueId
+ }
+ static _getFileFormat(path) {
+ const format = path.split(".").pop()
+ return FileFormat[format] ? format : FileFormat.particles
+ }
+ getLineModifiedTime() {
+ return this._lineModifiedTime || this._particleCreationTime
+ }
+ getChildArrayModifiedTime() {
+ return this._subparticleArrayModifiedTime || this._particleCreationTime
+ }
+ _setChildArrayMofifiedTime(value) {
+ this._subparticleArrayModifiedTime = value
+ return this
+ }
+ getLineOrSubparticlesModifiedTime() {
+ return Math.max(
+ this.getLineModifiedTime(),
+ this.getChildArrayModifiedTime(),
+ Math.max.apply(
+ null,
+ => subparticle.getLineOrSubparticlesModifiedTime())
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ _setVirtualParentParticle(particle) {
+ this._virtualParentParticle = particle
+ return this
+ }
+ _getVirtualParentParticle() {
+ return this._virtualParentParticle
+ }
+ _setVirtualAncestorParticlesByInheritanceViaColumnIndicesAndThenExpand(particles, thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber) {
+ const map = {}
+ for (let particle of particles) {
+ const particleId = particle.getAtom(thisIdColumnNumber)
+ if (map[particleId]) throw new Error(`Tried to define a particle with id "${particleId}" but one is already defined.`)
+ map[particleId] = {
+ particleId: particleId,
+ particle: particle,
+ parentId: particle.getAtom(extendsIdColumnNumber)
+ }
+ }
+ // Add parent Particles
+ Object.values(map).forEach(particleInfo => {
+ const parentId = particleInfo.parentId
+ const parentParticle = map[parentId]
+ if (parentId && !parentParticle) throw new Error(`Particle "${particleInfo.particleId}" tried to extend "${parentId}" but "${parentId}" not found.`)
+ if (parentId) particleInfo.particle._setVirtualParentParticle(parentParticle.particle)
+ })
+ particles.forEach(particle => particle._expandFromVirtualParentParticle())
+ return this
+ }
+ _expandFromVirtualParentParticle() {
+ if (this._isVirtualExpanded) return this
+ this._isExpanding = true
+ let parentParticle = this._getVirtualParentParticle()
+ if (parentParticle) {
+ if (parentParticle._isExpanding) throw new Error(`Loop detected: '${this.getLine()}' is the ancestor of one of its ancestors.`)
+ parentParticle._expandFromVirtualParentParticle()
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ this._setSubparticles(parentParticle.subparticlesToString())
+ this.extend(clone)
+ }
+ this._isExpanding = false
+ this._isVirtualExpanded = true
+ }
+ // todo: solve issue related to whether extend should overwrite or append.
+ _expandSubparticles(thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber, subparticlesThatNeedExpanding = this.getSubparticles()) {
+ return this._setVirtualAncestorParticlesByInheritanceViaColumnIndicesAndThenExpand(subparticlesThatNeedExpanding, thisIdColumnNumber, extendsIdColumnNumber)
+ }
+ // todo: add more testing.
+ // todo: solve issue with where extend should overwrite or append
+ // todo: should take a parsers? to decide whether to overwrite or append.
+ // todo: this is slow.
+ extend(particleOrStr) {
+ const particle = particleOrStr instanceof Particle ? particleOrStr : new Particle(particleOrStr)
+ const usedCues = new Set()
+ particle.forEach(sourceParticle => {
+ const cue = sourceParticle.cue
+ let targetParticle
+ const isAnArrayNotMap = usedCues.has(cue)
+ if (!this.has(cue)) {
+ usedCues.add(cue)
+ this.appendLineAndSubparticles(sourceParticle.getLine(), sourceParticle.subparticlesToString())
+ return true
+ }
+ if (isAnArrayNotMap) targetParticle = this.appendLine(sourceParticle.getLine())
+ else {
+ targetParticle = this.touchParticle(cue).setContent(sourceParticle.content)
+ usedCues.add(cue)
+ }
+ if (sourceParticle.length) targetParticle.extend(sourceParticle)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ lastParticle() {
+ return this.getSubparticles()[this.length - 1]
+ }
+ expandLastFromTopMatter() {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ const map = new Map()
+ const lastParticle = clone.lastParticle()
+ lastParticle.getOlderSiblings().forEach(particle => map.set(particle.getAtom(0), particle))
+ lastParticle.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const replacement = map.get(particle.getAtom(0))
+ if (!replacement) return
+ particle.replaceParticle(str => replacement.toString())
+ })
+ return lastParticle
+ }
+ macroExpand(macroDefinitionAtom, macroUsageAtom) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ const defs = clone.findParticles(macroDefinitionAtom)
+ const allUses = clone.findParticles(macroUsageAtom)
+ const atomBreakSymbol = clone.atomBreakSymbol
+ defs.forEach(def => {
+ const macroName = def.getAtom(1)
+ const uses = allUses.filter(particle => particle.hasAtom(1, macroName))
+ const params = def.getAtomsFrom(2)
+ const replaceFn = str => {
+ const paramValues = str.split(atomBreakSymbol).slice(2)
+ let newParticle = def.subparticlesToString()
+ params.forEach((param, index) => {
+ newParticle = newParticle.replace(new RegExp(param, "g"), paramValues[index])
+ })
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ uses.forEach(particle => {
+ particle.replaceParticle(replaceFn)
+ })
+ def.destroy()
+ })
+ return clone
+ }
+ setSubparticles(subparticles) {
+ return this._setSubparticles(subparticles)
+ }
+ _updateLineModifiedTimeAndTriggerEvent() {
+ this._lineModifiedTime = this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds()
+ }
+ insertAtom(index, atom) {
+ const wi = this.atomBreakSymbol
+ const atoms = this._getLine().split(wi)
+ atoms.splice(index, 0, atom)
+ this.setLine(atoms.join(wi))
+ return this
+ }
+ deleteDuplicates() {
+ const set = new Set()
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const str = particle.toString()
+ if (set.has(str)) particle.destroy()
+ else set.add(str)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ setAtom(index, atom) {
+ const wi = this.atomBreakSymbol
+ const atoms = this._getLine().split(wi)
+ atoms[index] = atom
+ this.setLine(atoms.join(wi))
+ return this
+ }
+ deleteSubparticles() {
+ return this._clearSubparticles()
+ }
+ setContent(content) {
+ if (content === this.content) return this
+ const newArray = [this.cue]
+ if (content !== undefined) {
+ content = content.toString()
+ if (content.match(this.particleBreakSymbol)) return this.setContentWithSubparticles(content)
+ newArray.push(content)
+ }
+ this._setLine(newArray.join(this.atomBreakSymbol))
+ this._updateLineModifiedTimeAndTriggerEvent()
+ return this
+ }
+ prependSibling(line, subparticles) {
+ return this.parent.insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles, this.index)
+ }
+ appendSibling(line, subparticles) {
+ return this.parent.insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles, this.index + 1)
+ }
+ setContentWithSubparticles(text) {
+ // todo: deprecate
+ if (!text.includes(this.particleBreakSymbol)) {
+ this._clearSubparticles()
+ return this.setContent(text)
+ }
+ const lines = text.split(this.particleBreakSymbolRegex)
+ const firstLine = lines.shift()
+ this.setContent(firstLine)
+ // tood: cleanup.
+ const remainingString = lines.join(this.particleBreakSymbol)
+ const subparticles = new Particle(remainingString)
+ if (!remainingString) subparticles.appendLine("")
+ this.setSubparticles(subparticles)
+ return this
+ }
+ setCue(cue) {
+ return this.setAtom(0, cue)
+ }
+ setLine(line) {
+ if (line === this.getLine()) return this
+ // todo: clear parent TMTimes
+ this.parent._clearCueIndex()
+ this._setLine(line)
+ this._updateLineModifiedTimeAndTriggerEvent()
+ return this
+ }
+ duplicate() {
+ return this.parent._insertLineAndSubparticles(this.getLine(), this.subparticlesToString(), this.index + 1)
+ }
+ trim() {
+ // todo: could do this so only the trimmed rows are deleted.
+ this.setSubparticles(this.subparticlesToString().trim())
+ return this
+ }
+ destroy() {
+ this.parent._deleteParticle(this)
+ }
+ set(cuePath, text) {
+ return this.touchParticle(cuePath).setContentWithSubparticles(text)
+ }
+ setFromText(text) {
+ if (this.toString() === text) return this
+ const tuple = this._textToContentAndSubparticlesTuple(text)
+ this.setLine(tuple[0])
+ return this._setSubparticles(tuple[1])
+ }
+ setPropertyIfMissing(prop, value) {
+ if (this.has(prop)) return true
+ return this.touchParticle(prop).setContent(value)
+ }
+ setProperties(propMap) {
+ const props = Object.keys(propMap)
+ const values = Object.values(propMap)
+ // todo: is there a built in particle method to do this?
+ props.forEach((prop, index) => {
+ const value = values[index]
+ if (!value) return true
+ if (this.get(prop) === value) return true
+ this.touchParticle(prop).setContent(value)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: throw error if line contains a \n
+ appendLine(line) {
+ return this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line)
+ }
+ appendUniqueLine(line) {
+ if (!this.hasLine(line)) return this.appendLine(line)
+ return this.findLine(line)
+ }
+ appendLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles) {
+ return this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles)
+ }
+ getParticlesByRegex(regex) {
+ const matches = []
+ regex = regex instanceof RegExp ? [regex] : regex
+ this._getParticlesByLineRegex(matches, regex)
+ return matches
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ getParticlesByLinePrefixes(columns) {
+ const matches = []
+ this._getParticlesByLineRegex(
+ matches,
+ => new RegExp("^" + str))
+ )
+ return matches
+ }
+ particlesThatStartWith(prefix) {
+ return this.filter(particle => particle.getLine().startsWith(prefix))
+ }
+ _getParticlesByLineRegex(matches, regs) {
+ const rgs = regs.slice(0)
+ const reg = rgs.shift()
+ const candidates = this.filter(subparticle => subparticle.getLine().match(reg))
+ if (!rgs.length) return candidates.forEach(cand => matches.push(cand))
+ candidates.forEach(cand => cand._getParticlesByLineRegex(matches, rgs))
+ }
+ concat(particle) {
+ if (typeof particle === "string") particle = new Particle(particle)
+ return => this._insertLineAndSubparticles(particle.getLine(), particle.subparticlesToString()))
+ }
+ _deleteByIndexes(indexesToDelete) {
+ if (!indexesToDelete.length) return this
+ this._clearCueIndex()
+ // note: assumes indexesToDelete is in ascending order
+ const deletedParticles = indexesToDelete.reverse().map(index => this._getSubparticlesArray().splice(index, 1)[0])
+ this._setChildArrayMofifiedTime(this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds())
+ return this
+ }
+ _deleteParticle(particle) {
+ const index = this._indexOfParticle(particle)
+ return index > -1 ? this._deleteByIndexes([index]) : 0
+ }
+ reverse() {
+ this._clearCueIndex()
+ this._getSubparticlesArray().reverse()
+ return this
+ }
+ shift() {
+ if (!this.length) return null
+ const particle = this._getSubparticlesArray().shift()
+ return particle.copyTo(new this.constructor(), 0)
+ }
+ sort(fn) {
+ this._getSubparticlesArray().sort(fn)
+ this._clearCueIndex()
+ return this
+ }
+ invert() {
+ this.forEach(particle => particle.atoms.reverse())
+ return this
+ }
+ _rename(oldCue, newCue) {
+ const index = this.indexOf(oldCue)
+ if (index === -1) return this
+ const particle = this._getSubparticlesArray()[index]
+ particle.setCue(newCue)
+ this._clearCueIndex()
+ return this
+ }
+ // Does not recurse.
+ remap(map) {
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const cue = particle.cue
+ if (map[cue] !== undefined) particle.setCue(map[cue])
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ rename(oldCue, newCue) {
+ this._rename(oldCue, newCue)
+ return this
+ }
+ renameAll(oldName, newName) {
+ this.findParticles(oldName).forEach(particle => particle.setCue(newName))
+ return this
+ }
+ _deleteAllChildParticlesWithCue(cue) {
+ if (!this.has(cue)) return this
+ const allParticles = this._getSubparticlesArray()
+ const indexesToDelete = []
+ allParticles.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ if (particle.cue === cue) indexesToDelete.push(index)
+ })
+ return this._deleteByIndexes(indexesToDelete)
+ }
+ delete(path = "") {
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ if (!path.includes(edgeSymbol)) return this._deleteAllChildParticlesWithCue(path)
+ const parts = path.split(edgeSymbol)
+ const nextCue = parts.pop()
+ const targetParticle = this.getParticle(parts.join(edgeSymbol))
+ return targetParticle ? targetParticle._deleteAllChildParticlesWithCue(nextCue) : 0
+ }
+ deleteColumn(cue = "") {
+ this.forEach(particle => particle.delete(cue))
+ return this
+ }
+ _getNonMaps() {
+ const results = this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.hasDuplicateCues())
+ if (this.hasDuplicateCues()) results.unshift(this)
+ return results
+ }
+ replaceParticle(fn) {
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const index = this.index
+ const newParticles = new Particle(fn(this.toString()))
+ const returnedParticles = []
+ newParticles.forEach((subparticle, subparticleIndex) => {
+ const newParticle = parent.insertLineAndSubparticles(subparticle.getLine(), subparticle.subparticlesToString(), index + subparticleIndex)
+ returnedParticles.push(newParticle)
+ })
+ this.destroy()
+ return returnedParticles
+ }
+ insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles, index) {
+ return this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles, index)
+ }
+ insertLine(line, index) {
+ return this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line, undefined, index)
+ }
+ insertSection(lines, index) {
+ const particle = new Particle(lines)
+ this._insertLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles)
+ }
+ prependLine(line) {
+ return this.insertLine(line, 0)
+ }
+ pushContentAndSubparticles(content, subparticles) {
+ let index = this.length
+ while (this.has(index.toString())) {
+ index++
+ }
+ const line = index.toString() + (content === undefined ? "" : this.atomBreakSymbol + content)
+ return this.appendLineAndSubparticles(line, subparticles)
+ }
+ deleteBlanks() {
+ this.getSubparticles()
+ .filter(particle => particle.isBlankLine())
+ .forEach(particle => particle.destroy())
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: add "globalReplace" method? Which runs a global regex or string replace on the Particle as a string?
+ cueSort(cueOrder) {
+ return this._cueSort(cueOrder)
+ }
+ deleteAtomAt(atomIndex) {
+ const atoms = this.atoms
+ atoms.splice(atomIndex, 1)
+ return this.setAtoms(atoms)
+ }
+ trigger(event) {
+ if (this._listeners && this._listeners.has(event.constructor)) {
+ const listeners = this._listeners.get(event.constructor)
+ const listenersToRemove = []
+ for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) {
+ const listener = listeners[index]
+ if (listener(event) === true) listenersToRemove.push(index)
+ }
+ listenersToRemove.reverse().forEach(index => listenersToRemove.splice(index, 1))
+ }
+ }
+ triggerAncestors(event) {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return
+ const parent = this.parent
+ parent.trigger(event)
+ parent.triggerAncestors(event)
+ }
+ onLineChanged(eventHandler) {
+ return this._addEventListener(LineChangedParticleEvent, eventHandler)
+ }
+ onDescendantChanged(eventHandler) {
+ return this._addEventListener(DescendantChangedParticleEvent, eventHandler)
+ }
+ onChildAdded(eventHandler) {
+ return this._addEventListener(ChildAddedParticleEvent, eventHandler)
+ }
+ onChildRemoved(eventHandler) {
+ return this._addEventListener(ChildRemovedParticleEvent, eventHandler)
+ }
+ _addEventListener(eventClass, eventHandler) {
+ if (!this._listeners) this._listeners = new Map()
+ if (!this._listeners.has(eventClass)) this._listeners.set(eventClass, [])
+ this._listeners.get(eventClass).push(eventHandler)
+ return this
+ }
+ setAtoms(atoms) {
+ return this.setLine(atoms.join(this.atomBreakSymbol))
+ }
+ setAtomsFrom(index, atoms) {
+ this.setAtoms(this.atoms.slice(0, index).concat(atoms))
+ return this
+ }
+ appendAtom(atom) {
+ const atoms = this.atoms
+ atoms.push(atom)
+ return this.setAtoms(atoms)
+ }
+ _cueSort(cueOrder, secondarySortFn) {
+ const particleAFirst = -1
+ const particleBFirst = 1
+ const map = {}
+ cueOrder.forEach((atom, index) => {
+ map[atom] = index
+ })
+ this.sort((particleA, particleB) => {
+ const valA = map[particleA.cue]
+ const valB = map[particleB.cue]
+ if (valA > valB) return particleBFirst
+ if (valA < valB) return particleAFirst
+ return secondarySortFn ? secondarySortFn(particleA, particleB) : 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ _touchParticle(cuePathArray) {
+ let contextParticle = this
+ cuePathArray.forEach(cue => {
+ contextParticle = contextParticle.getParticle(cue) || contextParticle.appendLine(cue)
+ })
+ return contextParticle
+ }
+ _touchParticleByString(str) {
+ str = str.replace(this.particleBreakSymbolRegex, "") // todo: do we want to do this sanitization?
+ return this._touchParticle(str.split(this.atomBreakSymbol))
+ }
+ touchParticle(str) {
+ return this._touchParticleByString(str)
+ }
+ appendParticle(particle) {
+ return this.appendLineAndSubparticles(particle.getLine(), particle.subparticlesToString())
+ }
+ hasLine(line) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().some(particle => particle.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ findLine(line) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().find(particle => particle.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ getParticlesByLine(line) {
+ return this.filter(particle => particle.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ toggleLine(line) {
+ const lines = this.getParticlesByLine(line)
+ if (lines.length) {
+ => line.destroy())
+ return this
+ }
+ return this.appendLine(line)
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ sortByColumns(indexOrIndices) {
+ const indices = indexOrIndices instanceof Array ? indexOrIndices : [indexOrIndices]
+ const length = indices.length
+ this.sort((particleA, particleB) => {
+ const atomsA = particleA.atoms
+ const atomsB = particleB.atoms
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ const col = indices[index]
+ const av = atomsA[col]
+ const bv = atomsB[col]
+ if (av === undefined) return -1
+ if (bv === undefined) return 1
+ if (av > bv) return 1
+ else if (av < bv) return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getAtomsAsSet() {
+ return new Set(this.getAtomsFrom(1))
+ }
+ appendAtomIfMissing(atom) {
+ if (this.getAtomsAsSet().has(atom)) return this
+ return this.appendAtom(atom)
+ }
+ // todo: check to ensure identical objects
+ addObjectsAsDelimited(arrayOfObjects, delimiter = Utils._chooseDelimiter(new Particle(arrayOfObjects).toString())) {
+ const header = Object.keys(arrayOfObjects[0])
+ .join(delimiter)
+ .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
+ const rows = =>
+ Object.values(item)
+ .join(delimiter)
+ .replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")
+ )
+ return this.addUniqueRowsToNestedDelimited(header, rows)
+ }
+ setSubparticlesAsDelimited(particle, delimiter = Utils._chooseDelimiter(particle.toString())) {
+ particle = particle instanceof Particle ? particle : new Particle(particle)
+ return this.setSubparticles(particle.toDelimited(delimiter))
+ }
+ convertSubparticlesToDelimited(delimiter = Utils._chooseDelimiter(this.subparticlesToString())) {
+ // todo: handle newlines!!!
+ return this.setSubparticles(this.toDelimited(delimiter))
+ }
+ addUniqueRowsToNestedDelimited(header, rowsAsStrings) {
+ if (!this.length) this.appendLine(header)
+ // todo: this looks brittle
+ rowsAsStrings.forEach(row => {
+ if (!this.toString().includes(row)) this.appendLine(row)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ shiftLeft() {
+ const grandParent = this._getGrandParent()
+ if (!grandParent) return this
+ const parentIndex = this.parent.index
+ const newParticle = grandParent.insertLineAndSubparticles(this.getLine(), this.length ? this.subparticlesToString() : undefined, parentIndex + 1)
+ this.destroy()
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ pasteText(text) {
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const index = this.index
+ const newParticles = new Particle(text)
+ const firstParticle = newParticles.particleAt(0)
+ if (firstParticle) {
+ this.setLine(firstParticle.getLine())
+ if (firstParticle.length) this.setSubparticles(firstParticle.subparticlesToString())
+ } else {
+ this.setLine("")
+ }
+ newParticles.forEach((subparticle, subparticleIndex) => {
+ if (!subparticleIndex)
+ // skip first
+ return true
+ parent.insertLineAndSubparticles(subparticle.getLine(), subparticle.subparticlesToString(), index + subparticleIndex)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ templateToString(obj) {
+ // todo: compile/cache for perf?
+ const particle = this.clone()
+ particle.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const line = particle.getLine().replace(/{([^\}]+)}/g, (match, path) => {
+ const replacement = obj[path]
+ if (replacement === undefined) throw new Error(`In string template no match found on line "${particle.getLine()}"`)
+ return replacement
+ })
+ particle.pasteText(line)
+ })
+ return particle.toString()
+ }
+ shiftRight() {
+ const olderSibling = this._getClosestOlderSibling()
+ if (!olderSibling) return this
+ const newParticle = olderSibling.appendLineAndSubparticles(this.getLine(), this.length ? this.subparticlesToString() : undefined)
+ this.destroy()
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ shiftYoungerSibsRight() {
+ const particles = this.getYoungerSiblings()
+ particles.forEach(particle => particle.shiftRight())
+ return this
+ }
+ sortBy(nameOrNames) {
+ const names = nameOrNames instanceof Array ? nameOrNames : [nameOrNames]
+ const length = names.length
+ this.sort((particleA, particleB) => {
+ if (!particleB.length && !particleA.length) return 0
+ else if (!particleA.length) return -1
+ else if (!particleB.length) return 1
+ for (let index = 0; index < length; index++) {
+ const cue = names[index]
+ const av = particleA.get(cue)
+ const bv = particleB.get(cue)
+ if (av > bv) return 1
+ else if (av < bv) return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ selectParticle() {
+ this._selected = true
+ }
+ unselectParticle() {
+ delete this._selected
+ }
+ isSelected() {
+ return !!this._selected
+ }
+ async saveVersion() {
+ const newVersion = this.toString()
+ const topUndoVersion = this._getTopUndoVersion()
+ if (newVersion === topUndoVersion) return undefined
+ this._recordChange(newVersion)
+ this._setSavedVersion(this.toString())
+ return this
+ }
+ hasUnsavedChanges() {
+ return this.toString() !== this._getSavedVersion()
+ }
+ async redo() {
+ const undoStack = this._getUndoStack()
+ const redoStack = this._getRedoStack()
+ if (!redoStack.length) return undefined
+ undoStack.push(redoStack.pop())
+ return this._reloadFromUndoTop()
+ }
+ async undo() {
+ const undoStack = this._getUndoStack()
+ const redoStack = this._getRedoStack()
+ if (undoStack.length === 1) return undefined
+ redoStack.push(undoStack.pop())
+ return this._reloadFromUndoTop()
+ }
+ _getSavedVersion() {
+ return this._savedVersion
+ }
+ _setSavedVersion(str) {
+ this._savedVersion = str
+ return this
+ }
+ _clearRedoStack() {
+ const redoStack = this._getRedoStack()
+ redoStack.splice(0, redoStack.length)
+ }
+ getChangeHistory() {
+ return this._getUndoStack().slice(0)
+ }
+ _getUndoStack() {
+ if (!this._undoStack) this._undoStack = []
+ return this._undoStack
+ }
+ _getRedoStack() {
+ if (!this._redoStack) this._redoStack = []
+ return this._redoStack
+ }
+ _getTopUndoVersion() {
+ const undoStack = this._getUndoStack()
+ return undoStack[undoStack.length - 1]
+ }
+ async _reloadFromUndoTop() {
+ this.setSubparticles(this._getTopUndoVersion())
+ }
+ _recordChange(newVersion) {
+ this._clearRedoStack()
+ this._getUndoStack().push(newVersion) // todo: use diffs?
+ }
+ static fromCsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, ",", '"')
+ }
+ // todo: jeez i think we can come up with a better name than "JsonSubset"
+ static fromJsonSubset(str) {
+ return new Particle(JSON.parse(str))
+ }
+ static serializedParticleToParticle(particle) {
+ const language = new Particle()
+ const atomDelimiter = language.atomBreakSymbol
+ const particleDelimiter = language.particleBreakSymbol
+ const line = particle.atoms ? particle.atoms.join(atomDelimiter) : undefined
+ const newParticle = new Particle(undefined, line)
+ if (particle.subparticles)
+ particle.subparticles.forEach(subparticle => {
+ newParticle.appendParticle(this.serializedParticleToParticle(subparticle))
+ })
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ static fromJson(str) {
+ return this.serializedParticleToParticle(JSON.parse(str))
+ }
+ static fromGridJson(str) {
+ const lines = JSON.parse(str)
+ const language = new Particle()
+ const atomDelimiter = language.atomBreakSymbol
+ const particleDelimiter = language.particleBreakSymbol
+ return new Particle( => line.join(atomDelimiter)).join(particleDelimiter))
+ }
+ static fromSsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, " ", '"')
+ }
+ static fromTsv(str) {
+ return this.fromDelimited(str, "\t", '"')
+ }
+ static fromDelimited(str, delimiter, quoteChar = '"') {
+ str = str.replace(/\r/g, "") // remove windows newlines if present
+ const rows = this._getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar)
+ return this._rowsToParticle(rows, delimiter, true)
+ }
+ static _getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar) {
+ return str.includes(quoteChar) ? this._strToRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar) : str.split("\n").map(line => line.split(delimiter))
+ }
+ static fromDelimitedNoHeaders(str, delimiter, quoteChar) {
+ str = str.replace(/\r/g, "") // remove windows newlines if present
+ const rows = this._getEscapedRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar)
+ return this._rowsToParticle(rows, delimiter, false)
+ }
+ static _strToRows(str, delimiter, quoteChar, newLineChar = "\n") {
+ const rows = [[]]
+ const newLine = "\n"
+ const length = str.length
+ let currentAtom = ""
+ let inQuote = str.substr(0, 1) === quoteChar
+ let currentPosition = inQuote ? 1 : 0
+ let nextChar
+ let isLastChar
+ let currentRow = 0
+ let char
+ let isNextCharAQuote
+ while (currentPosition < length) {
+ char = str[currentPosition]
+ isLastChar = currentPosition + 1 === length
+ nextChar = str[currentPosition + 1]
+ isNextCharAQuote = nextChar === quoteChar
+ if (inQuote) {
+ if (char !== quoteChar) currentAtom += char
+ else if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ // Both the current and next char are ", so the " is escaped
+ currentAtom += nextChar
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ } else {
+ // If the current char is a " and the next char is not, it's the end of the quotes
+ inQuote = false
+ if (isLastChar) rows[currentRow].push(currentAtom)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (char === delimiter) {
+ rows[currentRow].push(currentAtom)
+ currentAtom = ""
+ if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ inQuote = true
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ }
+ } else if (char === newLine) {
+ rows[currentRow].push(currentAtom)
+ currentAtom = ""
+ currentRow++
+ if (nextChar) rows[currentRow] = []
+ if (isNextCharAQuote) {
+ inQuote = true
+ currentPosition++ // Jump 2
+ }
+ } else if (isLastChar) rows[currentRow].push(currentAtom + char)
+ else currentAtom += char
+ }
+ currentPosition++
+ }
+ return rows
+ }
+ static multiply(particleA, particleB) {
+ const productParticle = particleA.clone()
+ productParticle.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ particle.setSubparticles(particle.length ? this.multiply(particle, particleB) : particleB.clone())
+ })
+ return productParticle
+ }
+ // Given an array return a particle
+ static _rowsToParticle(rows, delimiter, hasHeaders) {
+ const numberOfColumns = rows[0].length
+ const particle = new Particle()
+ const names = this._getHeader(rows, hasHeaders)
+ const rowCount = rows.length
+ for (let rowIndex = hasHeaders ? 1 : 0; rowIndex < rowCount; rowIndex++) {
+ let row = rows[rowIndex]
+ // If the row contains too many columns, shift the extra columns onto the last one.
+ // This allows you to not have to escape delimiter characters in the final column.
+ if (row.length > numberOfColumns) {
+ row[numberOfColumns - 1] = row.slice(numberOfColumns - 1).join(delimiter)
+ row = row.slice(0, numberOfColumns)
+ } else if (row.length < numberOfColumns) {
+ // If the row is missing columns add empty columns until it is full.
+ // This allows you to make including delimiters for empty ending columns in each row optional.
+ while (row.length < numberOfColumns) {
+ row.push("")
+ }
+ }
+ const obj = {}
+ row.forEach((atomValue, index) => {
+ obj[names[index]] = atomValue
+ })
+ particle.pushContentAndSubparticles(undefined, obj)
+ }
+ return particle
+ }
+ static _initializeXmlParser() {
+ if (this._xmlParser) return
+ const windowObj = window
+ if (typeof windowObj.DOMParser !== "undefined") this._xmlParser = xmlStr => new windowObj.DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlStr, "text/xml")
+ else if (typeof windowObj.ActiveXObject !== "undefined" && new windowObj.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")) {
+ this._xmlParser = xmlStr => {
+ const xmlDoc = new windowObj.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
+ xmlDoc.async = "false"
+ xmlDoc.loadXML(xmlStr)
+ return xmlDoc
+ }
+ } else throw new Error("No XML parser found")
+ }
+ static fromXml(str) {
+ this._initializeXmlParser()
+ const xml = this._xmlParser(str)
+ try {
+ return this._particleFromXml(xml).getParticle("subparticles")
+ } catch (err) {
+ return this._particleFromXml(this._parseXml2(str)).getParticle("subparticles")
+ }
+ }
+ static _zipObject(keys, values) {
+ const obj = {}
+ keys.forEach((key, index) => (obj[key] = values[index]))
+ return obj
+ }
+ static fromShape(shapeArr, rootParticle = new Particle()) {
+ const part = shapeArr.shift()
+ if (part !== undefined) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < part; index++) {
+ rootParticle.appendLine(index.toString())
+ }
+ }
+ if (shapeArr.length) rootParticle.forEach(particle => Particle.fromShape(shapeArr.slice(0), particle))
+ return rootParticle
+ }
+ static fromDataTable(table) {
+ const header = table.shift()
+ return new Particle( => this._zipObject(header, row)))
+ }
+ static _parseXml2(str) {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.innerHTML = str
+ return el
+ }
+ // todo: cleanup typings
+ static _particleFromXml(xml) {
+ const result = new Particle()
+ const subparticles = new Particle()
+ // Set attributes
+ if (xml.attributes) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < xml.attributes.length; index++) {
+ result.set(xml.attributes[index].name, xml.attributes[index].value)
+ }
+ }
+ if ( subparticles.pushContentAndSubparticles(
+ // Set content
+ if (xml.childNodes && xml.childNodes.length > 0) {
+ for (let index = 0; index < xml.childNodes.length; index++) {
+ const child = xml.childNodes[index]
+ if (child.tagName && child.tagName.match(/parsererror/i)) throw new Error("Parse Error")
+ if (child.childNodes.length > 0 && child.tagName) subparticles.appendLineAndSubparticles(child.tagName, this._particleFromXml(child))
+ else if (child.tagName) subparticles.appendLine(child.tagName)
+ else if ( {
+ const data =
+ if (data) subparticles.pushContentAndSubparticles(data)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (subparticles.length > 0) result.touchParticle("subparticles").setSubparticles(subparticles)
+ return result
+ }
+ static _getHeader(rows, hasHeaders) {
+ const numberOfColumns = rows[0].length
+ const headerRow = hasHeaders ? rows[0] : []
+ const AtomBreakSymbol = " "
+ const ziRegex = new RegExp(AtomBreakSymbol, "g")
+ if (hasHeaders) {
+ // Strip any AtomBreakSymbols from column names in the header row.
+ // This makes the mapping not quite 1 to 1 if there are any AtomBreakSymbols in names.
+ for (let index = 0; index < numberOfColumns; index++) {
+ headerRow[index] = headerRow[index].replace(ziRegex, "")
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If str has no headers, create them as 0,1,2,3
+ for (let index = 0; index < numberOfColumns; index++) {
+ headerRow.push(index.toString())
+ }
+ }
+ return headerRow
+ }
+ static nest(str, xValue) {
+ const ParticleBreakSymbol = TN_NODE_BREAK_SYMBOL
+ const AtomBreakSymbol = TN_WORD_BREAK_SYMBOL
+ const indent = ParticleBreakSymbol + AtomBreakSymbol.repeat(xValue)
+ return str ? indent + str.replace(/\n/g, indent) : ""
+ }
+ static fromDisk(path) {
+ const format = this._getFileFormat(path)
+ const content = require("fs").readFileSync(path, "utf8")
+ const methods = {
+ particles: content => new Particle(content),
+ csv: content => this.fromCsv(content),
+ tsv: content => this.fromTsv(content)
+ }
+ if (!methods[format]) throw new Error(`No support for '${format}'`)
+ return methods[format](content)
+ }
+ static fromFolder(folderPath, filepathPredicate = filepath => filepath !== ".DS_Store") {
+ const path = require("path")
+ const fs = require("fs")
+ const particle = new Particle()
+ const files = fs
+ .readdirSync(folderPath)
+ .map(filename => path.join(folderPath, filename))
+ .filter(filepath => !fs.statSync(filepath).isDirectory() && filepathPredicate(filepath))
+ .forEach(filePath => particle.appendLineAndSubparticles(filePath, fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8")))
+ return particle
+ }
+ }
+ Particle._parserCombinators = new Map()
+ Particle.ParserCombinator = ParserCombinator
+ Particle.iris = `sepal_length,sepal_width,petal_length,petal_width,species
+ 6.1,3,4.9,1.8,virginica
+ 5.6,2.7,4.2,1.3,versicolor
+ 5.6,2.8,4.9,2,virginica
+ 6.2,2.8,4.8,1.8,virginica
+ 7.7,3.8,6.7,2.2,virginica
+ 5.3,3.7,1.5,0.2,setosa
+ 6.2,3.4,5.4,2.3,virginica
+ 4.9,2.5,4.5,1.7,virginica
+ 5.1,3.5,1.4,0.2,setosa
+ 5,3.4,1.5,0.2,setosa`
+ Particle.getVersion = () => "100.1.1"
+ class AbstractExtendibleParticle extends Particle {
+ _getFromExtended(cuePath) {
+ const hit = this._getParticleFromExtended(cuePath)
+ return hit ? hit.get(cuePath) : undefined
+ }
+ _getLineage() {
+ const newParticle = new Particle()
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const path = particle._getAncestorsArray().map(particle =>
+ path.reverse()
+ newParticle.touchParticle(path.join(TN_EDGE_SYMBOL))
+ })
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ // todo: be more specific with the param
+ _getSubparticlesByParserInExtended(parser) {
+ return Utils.flatten(this._getAncestorsArray().map(particle => particle.getSubparticlesByParser(parser)))
+ }
+ _getExtendedParent() {
+ return this._getAncestorsArray()[1]
+ }
+ _hasFromExtended(cuePath) {
+ return !!this._getParticleFromExtended(cuePath)
+ }
+ _getParticleFromExtended(cuePath) {
+ return this._getAncestorsArray().find(particle => particle.has(cuePath))
+ }
+ _getConcatBlockStringFromExtended(cuePath) {
+ return this._getAncestorsArray()
+ .filter(particle => particle.has(cuePath))
+ .map(particle => particle.getParticle(cuePath).subparticlesToString())
+ .reverse()
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ _doesExtend(parserId) {
+ return this._getAncestorSet().has(parserId)
+ }
+ _getAncestorSet() {
+ if (!this._cache_ancestorSet) this._cache_ancestorSet = new Set(this._getAncestorsArray().map(def =>
+ return this._cache_ancestorSet
+ }
+ // Note: the order is: [this, parent, grandParent, ...]
+ _getAncestorsArray(cannotContainParticles) {
+ this._initAncestorsArrayCache(cannotContainParticles)
+ return this._cache_ancestorsArray
+ }
+ get idThatThisExtends() {
+ return this.get(ParticlesConstants.extends)
+ }
+ _initAncestorsArrayCache(cannotContainParticles) {
+ if (this._cache_ancestorsArray) return undefined
+ if (cannotContainParticles && cannotContainParticles.includes(this)) throw new Error(`Loop detected: '${this.getLine()}' is the ancestor of one of its ancestors.`)
+ cannotContainParticles = cannotContainParticles || [this]
+ let ancestors = [this]
+ const extendedId = this.idThatThisExtends
+ if (extendedId) {
+ const parentParticle = this.idToParticleMap[extendedId]
+ if (!parentParticle) throw new Error(`${extendedId} not found`)
+ ancestors = ancestors.concat(parentParticle._getAncestorsArray(cannotContainParticles))
+ }
+ this._cache_ancestorsArray = ancestors
+ }
+ }
+ class ExtendibleParticle extends AbstractExtendibleParticle {
+ get idToParticleMap() {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.root.idToParticleMap
+ if (!this._particleMapCache) {
+ this._particleMapCache = {}
+ this.forEach(subparticle => {
+ this._particleMapCache[] = subparticle
+ })
+ }
+ return this._particleMapCache
+ }
+ get id() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ }
+ window.Particle = Particle
+ window.ExtendibleParticle = ExtendibleParticle
+ window.AbstractExtendibleParticle = AbstractExtendibleParticle
+ window.ParticleEvents = ParticleEvents
+ window.ParticleAtom = ParticleAtom
+ ;
+ // Compiled language parsers will include these files:
+ const GlobalNamespaceAdditions = {
+ Utils: "Utils.js",
+ Particle: "Particle.js",
+ HandParsersProgram: "Parsers.js",
+ ParserBackedParticle: "Parsers.js"
+ }
+ var ParsersConstantsCompiler
+ ;(function (ParsersConstantsCompiler) {
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["stringTemplate"] = "stringTemplate"
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["indentCharacter"] = "indentCharacter"
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["catchAllAtomDelimiter"] = "catchAllAtomDelimiter"
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["openSubparticles"] = "openSubparticles"
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["joinSubparticlesWith"] = "joinSubparticlesWith"
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler["closeSubparticles"] = "closeSubparticles"
+ })(ParsersConstantsCompiler || (ParsersConstantsCompiler = {}))
+ var ParsersConstantsMisc
+ ;(function (ParsersConstantsMisc) {
+ ParsersConstantsMisc["doNotSynthesize"] = "doNotSynthesize"
+ })(ParsersConstantsMisc || (ParsersConstantsMisc = {}))
+ var PreludeAtomTypeIds
+ ;(function (PreludeAtomTypeIds) {
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["anyAtom"] = "anyAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["cueAtom"] = "cueAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["extraAtomAtom"] = "extraAtomAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["floatAtom"] = "floatAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["numberAtom"] = "numberAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["bitAtom"] = "bitAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["booleanAtom"] = "booleanAtom"
+ PreludeAtomTypeIds["integerAtom"] = "integerAtom"
+ })(PreludeAtomTypeIds || (PreludeAtomTypeIds = {}))
+ var ParsersConstantsConstantTypes
+ ;(function (ParsersConstantsConstantTypes) {
+ ParsersConstantsConstantTypes["boolean"] = "boolean"
+ ParsersConstantsConstantTypes["string"] = "string"
+ ParsersConstantsConstantTypes["int"] = "int"
+ ParsersConstantsConstantTypes["float"] = "float"
+ })(ParsersConstantsConstantTypes || (ParsersConstantsConstantTypes = {}))
+ var ParsersBundleFiles
+ ;(function (ParsersBundleFiles) {
+ ParsersBundleFiles["package"] = "package.json"
+ ParsersBundleFiles["readme"] = ""
+ ParsersBundleFiles["indexHtml"] = "index.html"
+ ParsersBundleFiles["indexJs"] = "index.js"
+ ParsersBundleFiles["testJs"] = "test.js"
+ })(ParsersBundleFiles || (ParsersBundleFiles = {}))
+ var ParsersAtomParser
+ ;(function (ParsersAtomParser) {
+ ParsersAtomParser["prefix"] = "prefix"
+ ParsersAtomParser["postfix"] = "postfix"
+ ParsersAtomParser["omnifix"] = "omnifix"
+ })(ParsersAtomParser || (ParsersAtomParser = {}))
+ var ParsersConstants
+ ;(function (ParsersConstants) {
+ // particle types
+ ParsersConstants["comment"] = "//"
+ ParsersConstants["parser"] = "parser"
+ ParsersConstants["atomType"] = "atomType"
+ ParsersConstants["parsersFileExtension"] = "parsers"
+ ParsersConstants["abstractParserPrefix"] = "abstract"
+ ParsersConstants["parserSuffix"] = "Parser"
+ ParsersConstants["atomTypeSuffix"] = "Atom"
+ // error check time
+ ParsersConstants["regex"] = "regex"
+ ParsersConstants["reservedAtoms"] = "reservedAtoms"
+ ParsersConstants["enumFromAtomTypes"] = "enumFromAtomTypes"
+ ParsersConstants["enum"] = "enum"
+ ParsersConstants["examples"] = "examples"
+ ParsersConstants["min"] = "min"
+ ParsersConstants["max"] = "max"
+ // baseParsers
+ ParsersConstants["baseParser"] = "baseParser"
+ ParsersConstants["blobParser"] = "blobParser"
+ ParsersConstants["errorParser"] = "errorParser"
+ // parse time
+ ParsersConstants["extends"] = "extends"
+ ParsersConstants["root"] = "root"
+ ParsersConstants["cue"] = "cue"
+ ParsersConstants["cueFromId"] = "cueFromId"
+ ParsersConstants["pattern"] = "pattern"
+ ParsersConstants["inScope"] = "inScope"
+ ParsersConstants["atoms"] = "atoms"
+ ParsersConstants["listDelimiter"] = "listDelimiter"
+ ParsersConstants["contentKey"] = "contentKey"
+ ParsersConstants["subparticlesKey"] = "subparticlesKey"
+ ParsersConstants["uniqueCue"] = "uniqueCue"
+ ParsersConstants["catchAllAtomType"] = "catchAllAtomType"
+ ParsersConstants["atomParser"] = "atomParser"
+ ParsersConstants["catchAllParser"] = "catchAllParser"
+ ParsersConstants["constants"] = "constants"
+ ParsersConstants["required"] = "required"
+ ParsersConstants["single"] = "single"
+ ParsersConstants["uniqueLine"] = "uniqueLine"
+ ParsersConstants["tags"] = "tags"
+ ParsersConstants["_rootNodeJsHeader"] = "_rootNodeJsHeader"
+ // default catchAll parser
+ ParsersConstants["BlobParser"] = "BlobParser"
+ ParsersConstants["DefaultRootParser"] = "DefaultRootParser"
+ // code
+ ParsersConstants["javascript"] = "javascript"
+ // compile time
+ ParsersConstants["compilerParser"] = "compiler"
+ // develop time
+ ParsersConstants["description"] = "description"
+ ParsersConstants["example"] = "example"
+ ParsersConstants["popularity"] = "popularity"
+ ParsersConstants["paint"] = "paint"
+ })(ParsersConstants || (ParsersConstants = {}))
+ class TypedAtom extends ParticleAtom {
+ constructor(particle, atomIndex, type) {
+ super(particle, atomIndex)
+ this._type = type
+ }
+ get type() {
+ return this._type
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return this.atom + ":" + this.type
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: can we merge these methods into base Particle and ditch this class?
+ class ParserBackedParticle extends Particle {
+ get definition() {
+ if (this._definition) return this._definition
+ this._definition = this.isRoot() ? this.handParsersProgram : this.parent.definition.getParserDefinitionByParserId(
+ return this._definition
+ }
+ get rootParsersParticles() {
+ return this.definition.root
+ }
+ getAutocompleteResults(partialAtom, atomIndex) {
+ return atomIndex === 0 ? this._getAutocompleteResultsForCue(partialAtom) : this._getAutocompleteResultsForAtom(partialAtom, atomIndex)
+ }
+ makeError(message) {
+ return new ParserDefinedError(this, message)
+ }
+ usesParser(parserId) {
+ return !!this.parserIdIndex[parserId]
+ }
+ get parserIdIndex() {
+ if (this._parserIdIndex) return this._parserIdIndex
+ const index = {}
+ this._parserIdIndex = index
+ for (let particle of this.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ Array.from(particle.definition._getAncestorSet()).forEach(id => {
+ if (!index[id]) index[id] = []
+ index[id].push(particle)
+ })
+ }
+ return index
+ }
+ get particleIndex() {
+ // StringMap {cue: index}
+ // When there are multiple tails with the same cue, index stores the last content.
+ // todo: change the above behavior: when a collision occurs, create an array.
+ return this._particleIndex || this._makeParticleIndex()
+ }
+ _clearCueIndex() {
+ delete this._particleIndex
+ return super._clearCueIndex()
+ }
+ _makeCueIndex(startAt = 0) {
+ if (this._particleIndex) this._makeParticleIndex(startAt)
+ return super._makeCueIndex(startAt)
+ }
+ _makeParticleIndex(startAt = 0) {
+ if (!this._particleIndex || !startAt) this._particleIndex = {}
+ const particles = this._getSubparticlesArray()
+ const newIndex = this._particleIndex
+ const length = particles.length
+ for (let index = startAt; index < length; index++) {
+ const particle = particles[index]
+ const ancestors = Array.from(particle.definition._getAncestorSet()).forEach(id => {
+ if (!newIndex[id]) newIndex[id] = []
+ newIndex[id].push(particle)
+ })
+ }
+ return newIndex
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the total information bits required to represent this particle and all its subparticles.
+ * This is calculated as the sum of:
+ * 1. Information bits of all atoms in this particle
+ * 2. Information bits of all subparticles (recursive)
+ */
+ get bitsRequired() {
+ // Get information bits for all atoms in this particle
+ const atomBits = => atom.bitsRequired).reduce((sum, bits) => sum + bits, 0)
+ // Recursively get information bits from all subparticles
+ const subparticleBits = => child.bitsRequired).reduce((sum, bits) => sum + bits, 0)
+ return atomBits + subparticleBits
+ }
+ getSubparticleInstancesOfParserId(parserId) {
+ return this.particleIndex[parserId] || []
+ }
+ doesExtend(parserId) {
+ return this.definition._doesExtend(parserId)
+ }
+ _getErrorParserErrors() {
+ return [this.cue ? new UnknownParserError(this) : new BlankLineError(this)]
+ }
+ _getBlobParserCatchAllParser() {
+ return BlobParser
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteResultsForCue(partialAtom) {
+ const cueMap = this.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions
+ let cues = Object.keys(cueMap)
+ if (partialAtom) cues = cues.filter(cue => cue.includes(partialAtom))
+ return cues
+ .map(cue => {
+ const def = cueMap[cue]
+ if (def.suggestInAutocomplete === false) return false
+ const description = def.description
+ return {
+ text: cue,
+ displayText: cue + (description ? " " + description : "")
+ }
+ })
+ .filter(i => i)
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteResultsForAtom(partialAtom, atomIndex) {
+ // todo: root should be [] correct?
+ const atom = this.parsedAtoms[atomIndex]
+ return atom ? atom.getAutoCompleteAtoms(partialAtom) : []
+ }
+ // note: this is overwritten by the root particle of a runtime parsers program.
+ // some of the magic that makes this all work. but maybe there's a better way.
+ get handParsersProgram() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) throw new Error(`Root particle without getHandParsersProgram defined.`)
+ return this.root.handParsersProgram
+ }
+ getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom) {
+ return undefined
+ }
+ getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(atom) {
+ return this.getRunTimeEnumOptions(atom)
+ }
+ _sortParticlesByInScopeOrder() {
+ const parserOrder = this.definition._getMyInScopeParserIds()
+ if (!parserOrder.length) return this
+ const orderMap = {}
+ parserOrder.forEach((atom, index) => (orderMap[atom] = index))
+ this.sort(Utils.makeSortByFn(runtimeParticle => orderMap[runtimeParticle.definition.parserIdFromDefinition]))
+ return this
+ }
+ get requiredParticleErrors() {
+ const errors = []
+ Object.values(this.definition.cueMapWithDefinitions).forEach(def => {
+ if (def.isRequired() && !this.particleIndex[]) errors.push(new MissingRequiredParserError(this,
+ })
+ return errors
+ }
+ get programAsAtoms() {
+ // todo: what is this?
+ return => {
+ const atoms = particle.parsedAtoms
+ let indents = particle.getIndentLevel() - 1
+ while (indents) {
+ atoms.unshift(undefined)
+ indents--
+ }
+ return atoms
+ })
+ }
+ get programWidth() {
+ return Math.max( => line.length))
+ }
+ get allTypedAtoms() {
+ const atoms = []
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(particle => particle.atomTypes.forEach((atom, index) => atoms.push(new TypedAtom(particle, index, atom.atomTypeId))))
+ return atoms
+ }
+ findAllAtomsWithAtomType(atomTypeId) {
+ return this.allTypedAtoms.filter(typedAtom => typedAtom.type === atomTypeId)
+ }
+ findAllParticlesWithParser(parserId) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.definition.parserIdFromDefinition === parserId)
+ }
+ toAtomTypeParticles() {
+ return => subparticle.indentation + subparticle.lineAtomTypes).join("\n")
+ }
+ getParseTable(maxColumnWidth = 40) {
+ const particle = new Particle(this.toAtomTypeParticles())
+ return new Particle(
+, lineNumber) => {
+ const sourceParticle = this.particleAtLine(lineNumber)
+ const errs = sourceParticle.getErrors()
+ const errorCount = errs.length
+ const obj = {
+ lineNumber: lineNumber,
+ source: sourceParticle.indentation + sourceParticle.getLine(),
+ parser:,
+ atomTypes: particle.content,
+ errorCount: errorCount
+ }
+ if (errorCount) obj.errorMessages = => err.message).join(";")
+ return obj
+ })
+ ).toFormattedTable(maxColumnWidth)
+ }
+ // Helper method for selecting potential parsers needed to update parsers file.
+ get invalidParsers() {
+ return Array.from(
+ new Set(
+ this.getAllErrors()
+ .filter(err => err instanceof UnknownParserError)
+ .map(err => err.getParticle().cue)
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ _getAllAutoCompleteAtoms() {
+ return this.getAllAtomBoundaryCoordinates().map(coordinate => {
+ const results = this.getAutocompleteResultsAt(coordinate.lineIndex, coordinate.charIndex)
+ return {
+ lineIndex: coordinate.lineIndex,
+ charIndex: coordinate.charIndex,
+ atomIndex: coordinate.atomIndex,
+ atom: results.atom,
+ suggestions: results.matches
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ toAutoCompleteCube(fillChar = "") {
+ const particles = [this.clone()]
+ const filled = this.clone().fill(fillChar)
+ this._getAllAutoCompleteAtoms().forEach(hole => {
+ hole.suggestions.forEach((suggestion, index) => {
+ if (!particles[index + 1]) particles[index + 1] = filled.clone()
+ particles[index + 1].particleAtLine(hole.lineIndex).setAtom(hole.atomIndex, suggestion.text)
+ })
+ })
+ return new Particle(particles)
+ }
+ toAutoCompleteTable() {
+ return new Particle(
+ this._getAllAutoCompleteAtoms().map(result => {
+ result.suggestions = => particle.text).join(" ")
+ return result
+ })
+ ).asTable
+ }
+ getAutocompleteResultsAt(lineIndex, charIndex) {
+ const lineParticle = this.particleAtLine(lineIndex) || this
+ const particleInScope = lineParticle.getParticleInScopeAtCharIndex(charIndex)
+ // todo: add more tests
+ // todo: second param this.subparticlesToString()
+ // todo: change to getAutocomplete definitions
+ const atomIndex = lineParticle.getAtomIndexAtCharacterIndex(charIndex)
+ const atomProperties = lineParticle.getAtomProperties(atomIndex)
+ return {
+ startCharIndex: atomProperties.startCharIndex,
+ endCharIndex: atomProperties.endCharIndex,
+ atom: atomProperties.atom,
+ matches: particleInScope.getAutocompleteResults(atomProperties.atom, atomIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ _sortWithParentParsersUpTop() {
+ const lineage = new HandParsersProgram(this.toString()).parserLineage
+ const rank = {}
+ lineage.topDownArray.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ rank[particle.getAtom(0)] = index
+ })
+ const particleAFirst = -1
+ const particleBFirst = 1
+ this.sort((particleA, particleB) => {
+ const particleARank = rank[particleA.getAtom(0)]
+ const particleBRank = rank[particleB.getAtom(0)]
+ return particleARank < particleBRank ? particleAFirst : particleBFirst
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ format() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) {
+ this._sortParticlesByInScopeOrder()
+ try {
+ this._sortWithParentParsersUpTop()
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.log(`Warning: ${err}`)
+ }
+ }
+ this.topDownArray.forEach(subparticle => subparticle.format())
+ return this
+ }
+ getParserUsage(filepath = "") {
+ // returns a report on what parsers from its language the program uses
+ const usage = new Particle()
+ const handParsersProgram = this.handParsersProgram
+ handParsersProgram.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions.forEach(def => {
+ const requiredAtomTypeIds = def.atomParser.getRequiredAtomTypeIds()
+ usage.appendLine([def.parserIdFromDefinition, "line-id", "parser", requiredAtomTypeIds.join(" ")].join(" "))
+ })
+ this.topDownArray.forEach((particle, lineNumber) => {
+ const stats = usage.getParticle(particle.parserId)
+ stats.appendLine([filepath + "-" + lineNumber, particle.atoms.join(" ")].join(" "))
+ })
+ return usage
+ }
+ toPaintParticles() {
+ return => subparticle.indentation + subparticle.getLinePaints()).join("\n")
+ }
+ toDefinitionLineNumberParticles() {
+ return => subparticle.definition.lineNumber + " " + subparticle.indentation + subparticle.atomDefinitionLineNumbers.join(" ")).join("\n")
+ }
+ get asAtomTypeParticlesWithParserIds() {
+ return => + this.atomBreakSymbol + subparticle.indentation + subparticle.lineAtomTypes).join("\n")
+ }
+ toPreludeAtomTypeParticlesWithParserIds() {
+ return => + this.atomBreakSymbol + subparticle.indentation + subparticle.getLineAtomPreludeTypes()).join("\n")
+ }
+ get asParticlesWithParsers() {
+ return => + this.atomBreakSymbol + subparticle.indentation + subparticle.getLine()).join("\n")
+ }
+ getAtomPaintAtPosition(lineIndex, atomIndex) {
+ this._initAtomTypeCache()
+ const typeParticle = this._cache_paintParticles.topDownArray[lineIndex - 1]
+ return typeParticle ? typeParticle.getAtom(atomIndex - 1) : undefined
+ }
+ _initAtomTypeCache() {
+ const particleMTime = this.getLineOrSubparticlesModifiedTime()
+ if (this._cache_programAtomTypeStringMTime === particleMTime) return undefined
+ this._cache_typeParticles = new Particle(this.toAtomTypeParticles())
+ this._cache_paintParticles = new Particle(this.toPaintParticles())
+ this._cache_programAtomTypeStringMTime = particleMTime
+ }
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return this.isRoot() ? new Particle.ParserCombinator(BlobParser) : new Particle.ParserCombinator(this.parent._getParser()._getCatchAllParser(this.parent), {})
+ }
+ get parserId() {
+ return this.definition.parserIdFromDefinition
+ }
+ get atomTypes() {
+ return this.parsedAtoms.filter(atom => atom.getAtom() !== undefined)
+ }
+ get atomErrors() {
+ const { parsedAtoms } = this // todo: speedup. takes ~3s on pldb.
+ // todo: speedup getErrorIfAny. takes ~3s on pldb.
+ return => check.getErrorIfAny()).filter(identity => identity)
+ }
+ get singleParserUsedTwiceErrors() {
+ const errors = []
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const hits = parent.getSubparticleInstancesOfParserId(
+ if (hits.length > 1)
+ hits.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ if (particle === this) errors.push(new ParserUsedMultipleTimesError(particle))
+ })
+ return errors
+ }
+ get uniqueLineAppearsTwiceErrors() {
+ const errors = []
+ const parent = this.parent
+ const hits = parent.getSubparticleInstancesOfParserId(
+ if (hits.length > 1) {
+ const set = new Set()
+ hits.forEach((particle, index) => {
+ const line = particle.getLine()
+ if (set.has(line)) errors.push(new ParserUsedMultipleTimesError(particle))
+ set.add(line)
+ })
+ }
+ return errors
+ }
+ get scopeErrors() {
+ let errors = []
+ const def = this.definition
+ if (def.isSingle) errors = errors.concat(this.singleParserUsedTwiceErrors) // todo: speedup. takes ~1s on pldb.
+ if (def.isUniqueLine) errors = errors.concat(this.uniqueLineAppearsTwiceErrors) // todo: speedup. takes ~1s on pldb.
+ const { requiredParticleErrors } = this // todo: speedup. takes ~1.5s on pldb.
+ if (requiredParticleErrors.length) errors = errors.concat(requiredParticleErrors)
+ return errors
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return this.atomErrors.concat(this.scopeErrors)
+ }
+ get parsedAtoms() {
+ return this.definition.atomParser.getAtomArray(this)
+ }
+ // todo: just make a fn that computes proper spacing and then is given a particle to print
+ get lineAtomTypes() {
+ return => slot.atomTypeId).join(" ")
+ }
+ getLineAtomPreludeTypes() {
+ return this.parsedAtoms
+ .map(slot => {
+ const def = slot.atomTypeDefinition
+ //todo: cleanup
+ return def ? def.preludeKindId : PreludeAtomTypeIds.anyAtom
+ })
+ .join(" ")
+ }
+ getLinePaints(defaultScope = "source") {
+ return => slot.paint || defaultScope).join(" ")
+ }
+ get atomDefinitionLineNumbers() {
+ return => atom.definitionLineNumber)
+ }
+ _getCompiledIndentation() {
+ const indentCharacter = this.definition._getCompilerObject()[ParsersConstantsCompiler.indentCharacter]
+ const indent = this.indentation
+ return indentCharacter !== undefined ? indentCharacter.repeat(indent.length) : indent
+ }
+ _getFields() {
+ // fields are like atoms
+ const fields = {}
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ const def = particle.definition
+ if (def.isRequired() || def.isSingle) fields[particle.getAtom(0)] = particle.content
+ })
+ return fields
+ }
+ _getCompiledLine() {
+ const compiler = this.definition._getCompilerObject()
+ const catchAllAtomDelimiter = compiler[ParsersConstantsCompiler.catchAllAtomDelimiter]
+ const str = compiler[ParsersConstantsCompiler.stringTemplate]
+ return str !== undefined ? Utils.formatStr(str, catchAllAtomDelimiter, Object.assign(this._getFields(), this.atomsMap)) : this.getLine()
+ }
+ get listDelimiter() {
+ return this.definition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.listDelimiter)
+ }
+ get contentKey() {
+ return this.definition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.contentKey)
+ }
+ get subparticlesKey() {
+ return this.definition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.subparticlesKey)
+ }
+ get subparticlesAreTextBlob() {
+ return this.definition._isBlobParser()
+ }
+ get isArrayElement() {
+ return this.definition._hasFromExtended(ParsersConstants.uniqueCue) ? false : !this.definition.isSingle
+ }
+ get list() {
+ return this.listDelimiter ? this.content.split(this.listDelimiter) : super.list
+ }
+ get typedContent() {
+ // todo: probably a better way to do this, perhaps by defining a atomDelimiter at the particle level
+ // todo: this currently parse anything other than string types
+ if (this.listDelimiter) return this.content.split(this.listDelimiter)
+ const atoms = this.parsedAtoms
+ if (atoms.length === 2) return atoms[1].parsed
+ return this.content
+ }
+ get typedTuple() {
+ const key = this.cue
+ if (this.subparticlesAreTextBlob) return [key, this.subparticlesToString()]
+ const { typedContent, contentKey, subparticlesKey } = this
+ if (contentKey || subparticlesKey) {
+ let obj = {}
+ if (subparticlesKey) obj[subparticlesKey] = this.subparticlesToString()
+ else obj = this.typedMap
+ if (contentKey) {
+ obj[contentKey] = typedContent
+ }
+ return [key, obj]
+ }
+ const hasSubparticles = this.length > 0
+ const hasSubparticlesNoContent = typedContent === undefined && hasSubparticles
+ const shouldReturnValueAsObject = hasSubparticlesNoContent
+ if (shouldReturnValueAsObject) return [key, this.typedMap]
+ const hasSubparticlesAndContent = typedContent !== undefined && hasSubparticles
+ const shouldReturnValueAsContentPlusSubparticles = hasSubparticlesAndContent
+ // If the particle has a content and a subparticle return it as a string, as
+ // Javascript object values can't be both a leaf and a particle.
+ if (shouldReturnValueAsContentPlusSubparticles) return [key, this.contentWithSubparticles]
+ return [key, typedContent]
+ }
+ get _shouldSerialize() {
+ const should = this.shouldSerialize
+ return should === undefined ? true : should
+ }
+ get typedMap() {
+ const obj = {}
+ this.forEach(particle => {
+ if (!particle._shouldSerialize) return true
+ const tuple = particle.typedTuple
+ if (!particle.isArrayElement) obj[tuple[0]] = tuple[1]
+ else {
+ if (!obj[tuple[0]]) obj[tuple[0]] = []
+ obj[tuple[0]].push(tuple[1])
+ }
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ fromTypedMap() {}
+ compile() {
+ if (this.isRoot()) return super.compile()
+ const def = this.definition
+ const indent = this._getCompiledIndentation()
+ const compiledLine = this._getCompiledLine()
+ if (def.isTerminalParser()) return indent + compiledLine
+ const compiler = def._getCompilerObject()
+ const openSubparticlesString = compiler[ParsersConstantsCompiler.openSubparticles] || ""
+ const closeSubparticlesString = compiler[ParsersConstantsCompiler.closeSubparticles] || ""
+ const subparticleJoinCharacter = compiler[ParsersConstantsCompiler.joinSubparticlesWith] || "\n"
+ const compiledSubparticles = => subparticle.compile()).join(subparticleJoinCharacter)
+ return `${indent + compiledLine}${openSubparticlesString}
+ ${compiledSubparticles}
+ ${indent}${closeSubparticlesString}`
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ get atomsMap() {
+ const atomsMap = {}
+ this.parsedAtoms.forEach(atom => {
+ const atomTypeId = atom.atomTypeId
+ if (!atom.isCatchAll()) atomsMap[atomTypeId] = atom.parsed
+ else {
+ if (!atomsMap[atomTypeId]) atomsMap[atomTypeId] = []
+ atomsMap[atomTypeId].push(atom.parsed)
+ }
+ })
+ return atomsMap
+ }
+ }
+ class BlobParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(BlobParser, {})
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return []
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: can we remove this? hard to extend.
+ class UnknownParserParticle extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(UnknownParserParticle, {})
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return [new UnknownParserError(this)]
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ A atom contains a atom but also the type information for that atom.
+ */
+ class AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ constructor(particle, index, typeDef, atomTypeId, isCatchAll, parserDefinitionParser) {
+ this._typeDef = typeDef
+ this._particle = particle
+ this._isCatchAll = isCatchAll
+ this._index = index
+ this._atomTypeId = atomTypeId
+ this._parserDefinitionParser = parserDefinitionParser
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ return this._typeDef.optionCount
+ }
+ get bitsRequired() {
+ return Math.log2(this.optionCount)
+ }
+ getAtom() {
+ return this._particle.getAtom(this._index)
+ }
+ get definitionLineNumber() {
+ return this._typeDef.lineNumber
+ }
+ get atomTypeId() {
+ return this._atomTypeId
+ }
+ getParticle() {
+ return this._particle
+ }
+ get atomIndex() {
+ return this._index
+ }
+ isCatchAll() {
+ return this._isCatchAll
+ }
+ get min() {
+ return this.atomTypeDefinition.get(ParsersConstants.min) || "0"
+ }
+ get max() {
+ return this.atomTypeDefinition.get(ParsersConstants.max) || "100"
+ }
+ get placeholder() {
+ return this.atomTypeDefinition.get(ParsersConstants.examples) || ""
+ }
+ get paint() {
+ const definition = this.atomTypeDefinition
+ if (definition) return definition.paint // todo: why the undefined?
+ }
+ getAutoCompleteAtoms(partialAtom = "") {
+ const atomDef = this.atomTypeDefinition
+ let atoms = atomDef ? atomDef._getAutocompleteAtomOptions(this.getParticle().root) : []
+ const runTimeOptions = this.getParticle().getRunTimeEnumOptions(this)
+ if (runTimeOptions) atoms = runTimeOptions.concat(atoms)
+ if (partialAtom) atoms = atoms.filter(atom => atom.includes(partialAtom))
+ return => {
+ return {
+ text: atom,
+ displayText: atom
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ synthesizeAtom(seed = {
+ // todo: cleanup
+ const atomDef = this.atomTypeDefinition
+ const enumOptions = atomDef._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.enum)
+ if (enumOptions) return Utils.getRandomString(1, enumOptions.split(" "))
+ return this._synthesizeAtom(seed)
+ }
+ _getStumpEnumInput(cue) {
+ const atomDef = this.atomTypeDefinition
+ const enumOptions = atomDef._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.enum)
+ if (!enumOptions) return undefined
+ const options = new Particle(
+ enumOptions
+ .split(" ")
+ .map(option => `option ${option}`)
+ .join("\n")
+ )
+ return `select
+ name ${cue}
+ ${options.toString(1)}`
+ }
+ _toStumpInput(cue) {
+ // todo: remove
+ const enumInput = this._getStumpEnumInput(cue)
+ if (enumInput) return enumInput
+ // todo: cleanup. We shouldn't have these dual atomType classes.
+ return `input
+ name ${cue}
+ placeholder ${this.placeholder}`
+ }
+ get atomTypeDefinition() {
+ return this._typeDef
+ }
+ _getErrorContext() {
+ return this.getParticle().getLine().split(" ")[0] // todo: AtomBreakSymbol
+ }
+ isValid() {
+ const runTimeOptions = this.getParticle().getRunTimeEnumOptionsForValidation(this)
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ if (runTimeOptions) return runTimeOptions.includes(atom)
+ return this.atomTypeDefinition.isValid(atom, this.getParticle().root) && this._isValid()
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ if (atom !== undefined && this.isValid()) return undefined
+ // todo: refactor invalidatomError. We want better error messages.
+ return atom === undefined || atom === "" ? new MissingAtomError(this) : new InvalidAtomError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractParsersBackedAtom.parserFunctionName = ""
+ class ParsersBitAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ return atom === "0" || atom === "1"
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ return 2
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ return Utils.getRandomString(1, "01".split(""))
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ return "[01]"
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ return !!parseInt(atom)
+ }
+ }
+ ParsersBitAtom.defaultPaint = "constant.numeric"
+ class ParsersNumberAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ _toStumpInput(cue) {
+ return `input
+ name ${cue}
+ type number
+ placeholder ${this.placeholder}
+ min ${this.min}
+ max ${this.max}`
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersIntegerAtom extends ParsersNumberAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ const num = parseInt(atom)
+ if (isNaN(num)) return false
+ return num.toString() === atom
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ const minVal = parseInt(this.min) || -Infinity
+ const maxVal = parseInt(this.max) || Infinity
+ return maxVal - minVal + 1
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom(seed) {
+ return Utils.randomUniformInt(parseInt(this.min), parseInt(this.max), seed).toString()
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ return "-?[0-9]+"
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ return parseInt(atom)
+ }
+ }
+ ParsersIntegerAtom.defaultPaint = "constant.numeric.integer"
+ ParsersIntegerAtom.parserFunctionName = "parseInt"
+ class ParsersFloatAtom extends ParsersNumberAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ const num = parseFloat(atom)
+ return !isNaN(num) && /^-?\d*(\.\d+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/.test(atom)
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ // For floats, we'll estimate based on typical float32 precision
+ // ~7 decimal digits of precision
+ const minVal = parseInt(this.min) || -Infinity
+ const maxVal = parseInt(this.max) || Infinity
+ return (maxVal - minVal) * Math.pow(10, 7)
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom(seed) {
+ return Utils.randomUniformFloat(parseFloat(this.min), parseFloat(this.max), seed).toString()
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ return "-?d*(.d+)?"
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ return parseFloat(atom)
+ }
+ }
+ ParsersFloatAtom.defaultPaint = "constant.numeric.float"
+ ParsersFloatAtom.parserFunctionName = "parseFloat"
+ // ErrorAtomType => parsers asks for a '' atom type here but the parsers does not specify a '' atom type. (todo: bring in didyoumean?)
+ class ParsersBooleanAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments)
+ this._trues = new Set(["1", "true", "t", "yes"])
+ this._falses = new Set(["0", "false", "f", "no"])
+ }
+ _isValid() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ const str = atom.toLowerCase()
+ return this._trues.has(str) || this._falses.has(str)
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ return 2
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ return Utils.getRandomString(1, ["1", "true", "t", "yes", "0", "false", "f", "no"])
+ }
+ _getOptions() {
+ return Array.from(this._trues).concat(Array.from(this._falses))
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ return "(?:" + this._getOptions().join("|") + ")"
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ const atom = this.getAtom()
+ return this._trues.has(atom.toLowerCase())
+ }
+ }
+ ParsersBooleanAtom.defaultPaint = "constant.language"
+ class ParsersAnyAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ return true
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ const examples = this.atomTypeDefinition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.examples)
+ if (examples) return Utils.getRandomString(1, examples.split(" "))
+ return this._parserDefinitionParser.parserIdFromDefinition + "-" +
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ return "[^ ]+"
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ return this.getAtom()
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersCueAtom extends ParsersAnyAtom {
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ return this._parserDefinitionParser.cueIfAny
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ ParsersCueAtom.defaultPaint = "keyword"
+ class ParsersExtraAtomAtomTypeAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ return false
+ }
+ synthesizeAtom() {
+ throw new Error(`Trying to synthesize a ParsersExtraAtomAtomTypeAtom`)
+ return this._synthesizeAtom()
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ return "extraAtom" // should never occur?
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ return this.getAtom()
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ return new ExtraAtomError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersUnknownAtomTypeAtom extends AbstractParsersBackedAtom {
+ _isValid() {
+ return false
+ }
+ synthesizeAtom() {
+ throw new Error(`Trying to synthesize an ParsersUnknownAtomTypeAtom`)
+ return this._synthesizeAtom()
+ }
+ _synthesizeAtom() {
+ return "extraAtom" // should never occur?
+ }
+ get parsed() {
+ return this.getAtom()
+ }
+ getErrorIfAny() {
+ return new UnknownAtomTypeError(this)
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractParticleError {
+ constructor(particle) {
+ this._particle = particle
+ }
+ getLineIndex() {
+ return this.lineNumber - 1
+ }
+ get lineNumber() {
+ return this.getParticle()._getLineNumber() // todo: handle sourcemaps
+ }
+ isCursorOnAtom(lineIndex, characterIndex) {
+ return lineIndex === this.getLineIndex() && this._doesCharacterIndexFallOnAtom(characterIndex)
+ }
+ _doesCharacterIndexFallOnAtom(characterIndex) {
+ return this.atomIndex === this.getParticle().getAtomIndexAtCharacterIndex(characterIndex)
+ }
+ // convenience method. may be removed.
+ isBlankLineError() {
+ return false
+ }
+ // convenience method. may be removed.
+ isMissingAtomError() {
+ return false
+ }
+ getIndent() {
+ return this.getParticle().indentation
+ }
+ getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElement(onApplySuggestionCallBack = () => {}) {
+ const suggestion = this.suggestionMessage
+ if (this.isMissingAtomError()) return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementAtomTypeHints()
+ if (suggestion) return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithSuggestion(onApplySuggestionCallBack, suggestion)
+ return this._getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithoutSuggestion()
+ }
+ get parserId() {
+ return this.getParticle().definition.parserIdFromDefinition
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementAtomTypeHints() {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getIndent() + this.getParticle().definition.lineHints))
+ el.className = "LintAtomTypeHints"
+ return el
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithoutSuggestion() {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getIndent() + this.message))
+ el.className = "LintError"
+ return el
+ }
+ _getCodeMirrorLineWidgetElementWithSuggestion(onApplySuggestionCallBack, suggestion) {
+ const el = document.createElement("div")
+ el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.getIndent() + `${this.errorTypeName}. Suggestion: ${suggestion}`))
+ el.className = "LintErrorWithSuggestion"
+ el.onclick = () => {
+ this.applySuggestion()
+ onApplySuggestionCallBack()
+ }
+ return el
+ }
+ getLine() {
+ return this.getParticle().getLine()
+ }
+ getExtension() {
+ return this.getParticle().handParsersProgram.extensionName
+ }
+ getParticle() {
+ return this._particle
+ }
+ get errorTypeName() {
+ return"Error", "")
+ }
+ get atomIndex() {
+ return 0
+ }
+ toObject() {
+ return {
+ type: this.errorTypeName,
+ line: this.lineNumber,
+ atom: this.atomIndex,
+ suggestion: this.suggestionMessage,
+ path: this.getParticle().getCuePath(),
+ message: this.message
+ }
+ }
+ hasSuggestion() {
+ return this.suggestionMessage !== ""
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ toString() {
+ return this.message
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {}
+ get message() {
+ return `${this.errorTypeName} at line ${this.lineNumber} atom ${this.atomIndex}.`
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractAtomError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ constructor(atom) {
+ super(atom.getParticle())
+ this._atom = atom
+ }
+ get atom() {
+ return this._atom
+ }
+ get atomIndex() {
+ return this._atom.atomIndex
+ }
+ get atomSuggestion() {
+ return Utils.didYouMean(
+ this.atom.getAtom(),
+ this.atom.getAutoCompleteAtoms().map(option => option.text)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ class UnknownParserError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ get message() {
+ const particle = this.getParticle()
+ const parentParticle = particle.parent
+ const options = parentParticle._getParser().getCueOptions()
+ return super.message + ` Invalid parser "${particle.cue}". Valid parsers are: ${Utils._listToEnglishText(options, 7)}.`
+ }
+ get atomSuggestion() {
+ const particle = this.getParticle()
+ const parentParticle = particle.parent
+ return Utils.didYouMean(
+ particle.cue,
+ parentParticle.getAutocompleteResults("", 0).map(option => option.text)
+ )
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ const suggestion = this.atomSuggestion
+ const particle = this.getParticle()
+ if (suggestion) return `Change "${particle.cue}" to "${suggestion}"`
+ return ""
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ const suggestion = this.atomSuggestion
+ if (suggestion) this.getParticle().setAtom(this.atomIndex, suggestion)
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class ParserDefinedError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ constructor(particle, message) {
+ super()
+ this._particle = particle
+ this._message = message
+ }
+ get message() {
+ return this._message
+ }
+ }
+ class BlankLineError extends UnknownParserError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` Line: "${this.getParticle().getLine()}". Blank lines are errors.`
+ }
+ // convenience method
+ isBlankLineError() {
+ return true
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete line ${this.lineNumber}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ this.getParticle().destroy()
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class MissingRequiredParserError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ constructor(particle, missingParserId) {
+ super(particle)
+ this._missingParserId = missingParserId
+ }
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` A "${this._missingParserId}" is required.`
+ }
+ }
+ class ParserUsedMultipleTimesError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` Multiple "${this.getParticle().cue}" found.`
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete line ${this.lineNumber}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ return this.getParticle().destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ class LineAppearsMultipleTimesError extends AbstractParticleError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` "${this.getParticle().getLine()}" appears multiple times.`
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete line ${this.lineNumber}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ return this.getParticle().destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ class UnknownAtomTypeError extends AbstractAtomError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` No atomType "${this.atom.atomTypeId}" found. Language parsers for "${this.getExtension()}" may need to be fixed.`
+ }
+ }
+ class InvalidAtomError extends AbstractAtomError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` "${this.atom.getAtom()}" does not fit in atomType "${this.atom.atomTypeId}".`
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ const suggestion = this.atomSuggestion
+ if (suggestion) return `Change "${this.atom.getAtom()}" to "${suggestion}"`
+ return ""
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ const suggestion = this.atomSuggestion
+ if (suggestion) this.getParticle().setAtom(this.atomIndex, suggestion)
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ class ExtraAtomError extends AbstractAtomError {
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` Extra atom "${this.atom.getAtom()}" in ${this.parserId}.`
+ }
+ get suggestionMessage() {
+ return `Delete atom "${this.atom.getAtom()}" at atom ${this.atomIndex}`
+ }
+ applySuggestion() {
+ return this.getParticle().deleteAtomAt(this.atomIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ class MissingAtomError extends AbstractAtomError {
+ // todo: autocomplete suggestion
+ get message() {
+ return super.message + ` Missing atom for atom "${this.atom.atomTypeId}".`
+ }
+ isMissingAtomError() {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: add standard types, enum types, from disk types
+ class AbstractParsersAtomTestParser extends Particle {}
+ class ParsersRegexTestParser extends AbstractParsersAtomTestParser {
+ isValid(str) {
+ if (!this._regex) this._regex = new RegExp("^" + this.content + "$")
+ return !!str.match(this._regex)
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersReservedAtomsTestParser extends AbstractParsersAtomTestParser {
+ isValid(str) {
+ if (!this._set) this._set = new Set(this.content.split(" "))
+ return !this._set.has(str)
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: remove in favor of custom atom type constructors
+ class EnumFromAtomTypesTestParser extends AbstractParsersAtomTestParser {
+ _getEnumFromAtomTypes(programRootParticle) {
+ const atomTypeIds = this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ const enumGroup = atomTypeIds.join(" ")
+ // note: hack where we store it on the program. otherwise has global effects.
+ if (!programRootParticle._enumMaps) programRootParticle._enumMaps = {}
+ if (programRootParticle._enumMaps[enumGroup]) return programRootParticle._enumMaps[enumGroup]
+ const atomIndex = 1
+ const map = {}
+ const atomTypeMap = {}
+ atomTypeIds.forEach(typeId => (atomTypeMap[typeId] = true))
+ programRootParticle.allTypedAtoms
+ .filter(typedAtom => atomTypeMap[typedAtom.type])
+ .forEach(typedAtom => {
+ map[typedAtom.atom] = true
+ })
+ programRootParticle._enumMaps[enumGroup] = map
+ return map
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ isValid(str, programRootParticle) {
+ return this._getEnumFromAtomTypes(programRootParticle)[str] === true
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersEnumTestParticle extends AbstractParsersAtomTestParser {
+ isValid(str) {
+ // enum c c++ java
+ return !!this.getOptions()[str]
+ }
+ getOptions() {
+ if (!this._map) this._map = Utils.arrayToMap(this.getAtomsFrom(1))
+ return this._map
+ }
+ }
+ class atomTypeDefinitionParser extends AbstractExtendibleParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ const types = {}
+ types[ParsersConstants.regex] = ParsersRegexTestParser
+ types[ParsersConstants.reservedAtoms] = ParsersReservedAtomsTestParser
+ types[ParsersConstants.enumFromAtomTypes] = EnumFromAtomTypesTestParser
+ types[ParsersConstants.enum] = ParsersEnumTestParticle
+ types[ParsersConstants.paint] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.comment] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.examples] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.min] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.max] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.description] = Particle
+ types[ParsersConstants.extends] = Particle
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(undefined, types)
+ }
+ get id() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get idToParticleMap() {
+ return this.parent.atomTypeDefinitions
+ }
+ getGetter(atomIndex) {
+ const atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser = this.getAtomConstructor().parserFunctionName
+ return `get ${this.atomTypeId}() {
+ return ${atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser ? atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser + `(this.getAtom(${atomIndex}))` : `this.getAtom(${atomIndex})`}
+ }`
+ }
+ getCatchAllGetter(atomIndex) {
+ const atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser = this.getAtomConstructor().parserFunctionName
+ return `get ${this.atomTypeId}() {
+ return ${atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser ? `this.getAtomsFrom(${atomIndex}).map(val => ${atomToNativeJavascriptTypeParser}(val))` : `this.getAtomsFrom(${atomIndex})`}
+ }`
+ }
+ // `this.getAtomsFrom(${requireds.length + 1})`
+ // todo: cleanup typings. todo: remove this hidden logic. have a "baseType" property?
+ getAtomConstructor() {
+ return this.preludeKind || ParsersAnyAtom
+ }
+ get preludeKind() {
+ return PreludeKinds[this.getAtom(0)] || PreludeKinds[this._getExtendedAtomTypeId()]
+ }
+ get preludeKindId() {
+ if (PreludeKinds[this.getAtom(0)]) return this.getAtom(0)
+ else if (PreludeKinds[this._getExtendedAtomTypeId()]) return this._getExtendedAtomTypeId()
+ return PreludeAtomTypeIds.anyAtom
+ }
+ _getExtendedAtomTypeId() {
+ const arr = this._getAncestorsArray()
+ return arr[arr.length - 1].id
+ }
+ get paint() {
+ const hs = this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.paint)
+ if (hs) return hs
+ const preludeKind = this.preludeKind
+ if (preludeKind) return preludeKind.defaultPaint
+ }
+ _getEnumOptions() {
+ const enumParticle = this._getParticleFromExtended(ParsersConstants.enum)
+ if (!enumParticle) return undefined
+ // we sort by longest first to capture longest match first. todo: add test
+ const options = Object.keys(enumParticle.getParticle(ParsersConstants.enum).getOptions())
+ options.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length)
+ return options
+ }
+ get optionCount() {
+ const enumOptions = this._getEnumOptions()
+ if (enumOptions) return enumOptions.length
+ return Infinity
+ }
+ _getEnumFromAtomTypeOptions(program) {
+ const particle = this._getParticleFromExtended(ParsersConstants.enumFromAtomTypes)
+ return particle ? Object.keys(particle.getParticle(ParsersConstants.enumFromAtomTypes)._getEnumFromAtomTypes(program)) : undefined
+ }
+ _getAutocompleteAtomOptions(program) {
+ return this._getEnumOptions() || this._getEnumFromAtomTypeOptions(program) || []
+ }
+ get regexString() {
+ // todo: enum
+ const enumOptions = this._getEnumOptions()
+ return this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.regex) || (enumOptions ? "(?:" + enumOptions.join("|") + ")" : "[^ ]*")
+ }
+ _getAllTests() {
+ return this._getSubparticlesByParserInExtended(AbstractParsersAtomTestParser)
+ }
+ isValid(str, programRootParticle) {
+ return this._getAllTests().every(particle => particle.isValid(str, programRootParticle))
+ }
+ get atomTypeId() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractAtomParser {
+ constructor(definition) {
+ this._definition = definition
+ }
+ get catchAllAtomTypeId() {
+ return this._definition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.catchAllAtomType)
+ }
+ // todo: improve layout (use bold?)
+ get lineHints() {
+ const catchAllAtomTypeId = this.catchAllAtomTypeId
+ const parserId = this._definition.cueIfAny || // todo: cleanup
+ return `${parserId}: ${this.getRequiredAtomTypeIds().join(" ")}${catchAllAtomTypeId ? ` ${catchAllAtomTypeId}...` : ""}`
+ }
+ getRequiredAtomTypeIds() {
+ if (!this._requiredAtomTypeIds) {
+ const parameters = this._definition._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.atoms)
+ this._requiredAtomTypeIds = parameters ? parameters.split(" ") : []
+ }
+ return this._requiredAtomTypeIds
+ }
+ _getAtomTypeId(atomIndex, requiredAtomTypeIds, totalAtomCount) {
+ return requiredAtomTypeIds[atomIndex]
+ }
+ _isCatchAllAtom(atomIndex, numberOfRequiredAtoms, totalAtomCount) {
+ return atomIndex >= numberOfRequiredAtoms
+ }
+ getAtomArray(particle = undefined) {
+ const atomCount = particle ? particle.atoms.length : 0
+ const def = this._definition
+ const parsersProgram = def.languageDefinitionProgram
+ const requiredAtomTypeIds = this.getRequiredAtomTypeIds()
+ const numberOfRequiredAtoms = requiredAtomTypeIds.length
+ const actualAtomCountOrRequiredAtomCount = Math.max(atomCount, numberOfRequiredAtoms)
+ const atoms = []
+ // A for loop instead of map because "numberOfAtomsToFill" can be longer than atoms.length
+ for (let atomIndex = 0; atomIndex < actualAtomCountOrRequiredAtomCount; atomIndex++) {
+ const isCatchAll = this._isCatchAllAtom(atomIndex, numberOfRequiredAtoms, atomCount)
+ let atomTypeId = isCatchAll ? this.catchAllAtomTypeId : this._getAtomTypeId(atomIndex, requiredAtomTypeIds, atomCount)
+ let atomTypeDefinition = parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId)
+ let atomConstructor
+ if (atomTypeDefinition) atomConstructor = atomTypeDefinition.getAtomConstructor()
+ else if (atomTypeId) atomConstructor = ParsersUnknownAtomTypeAtom
+ else {
+ atomConstructor = ParsersExtraAtomAtomTypeAtom
+ atomTypeId = PreludeAtomTypeIds.extraAtomAtom
+ atomTypeDefinition = parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId)
+ }
+ const anyAtomConstructor = atomConstructor
+ atoms[atomIndex] = new anyAtomConstructor(particle, atomIndex, atomTypeDefinition, atomTypeId, isCatchAll, def)
+ }
+ return atoms
+ }
+ }
+ class PrefixAtomParser extends AbstractAtomParser {}
+ class PostfixAtomParser extends AbstractAtomParser {
+ _isCatchAllAtom(atomIndex, numberOfRequiredAtoms, totalAtomCount) {
+ return atomIndex < totalAtomCount - numberOfRequiredAtoms
+ }
+ _getAtomTypeId(atomIndex, requiredAtomTypeIds, totalAtomCount) {
+ const catchAllAtomCount = Math.max(totalAtomCount - requiredAtomTypeIds.length, 0)
+ return requiredAtomTypeIds[atomIndex - catchAllAtomCount]
+ }
+ }
+ class OmnifixAtomParser extends AbstractAtomParser {
+ getAtomArray(particle = undefined) {
+ const atomsArr = []
+ const def = this._definition
+ const program = particle ? particle.root : undefined
+ const parsersProgram = def.languageDefinitionProgram
+ const atoms = particle ? particle.atoms : []
+ const requiredAtomTypeDefs = this.getRequiredAtomTypeIds().map(atomTypeId => parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId))
+ const catchAllAtomTypeId = this.catchAllAtomTypeId
+ const catchAllAtomTypeDef = catchAllAtomTypeId && parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(catchAllAtomTypeId)
+ atoms.forEach((atom, atomIndex) => {
+ let atomConstructor
+ for (let index = 0; index < requiredAtomTypeDefs.length; index++) {
+ const atomTypeDefinition = requiredAtomTypeDefs[index]
+ if (atomTypeDefinition.isValid(atom, program)) {
+ // todo: cleanup atomIndex/atomIndex stuff
+ atomConstructor = atomTypeDefinition.getAtomConstructor()
+ atomsArr.push(new atomConstructor(particle, atomIndex, atomTypeDefinition,, false, def))
+ requiredAtomTypeDefs.splice(index, 1)
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ if (catchAllAtomTypeDef && catchAllAtomTypeDef.isValid(atom, program)) {
+ atomConstructor = catchAllAtomTypeDef.getAtomConstructor()
+ atomsArr.push(new atomConstructor(particle, atomIndex, catchAllAtomTypeDef, catchAllAtomTypeId, true, def))
+ return true
+ }
+ atomsArr.push(new ParsersUnknownAtomTypeAtom(particle, atomIndex, undefined, undefined, false, def))
+ })
+ const atomCount = atoms.length
+ requiredAtomTypeDefs.forEach((atomTypeDef, index) => {
+ let atomConstructor = atomTypeDef.getAtomConstructor()
+ atomsArr.push(new atomConstructor(particle, atomCount + index, atomTypeDef,, false, def))
+ })
+ return atomsArr
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersExampleParser extends Particle {}
+ class ParsersCompilerParser extends Particle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ const types = [
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.stringTemplate,
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.indentCharacter,
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.catchAllAtomDelimiter,
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.joinSubparticlesWith,
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.openSubparticles,
+ ParsersConstantsCompiler.closeSubparticles
+ ]
+ const map = {}
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ map[type] = Particle
+ })
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(undefined, map)
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractParserConstantParser extends Particle {
+ constructor(subparticles, line, parent) {
+ super(subparticles, line, parent)
+ parent[this.identifier] = this.constantValue
+ }
+ getGetter() {
+ return `get ${this.identifier}() { return ${this.constantValueAsJsText} }`
+ }
+ get identifier() {
+ return this.getAtom(1)
+ }
+ get constantValueAsJsText() {
+ const atoms = this.getAtomsFrom(2)
+ return atoms.length > 1 ? `[${atoms.join(",")}]` : atoms[0]
+ }
+ get constantValue() {
+ return JSON.parse(this.constantValueAsJsText)
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersParserConstantInt extends AbstractParserConstantParser {}
+ class ParsersParserConstantString extends AbstractParserConstantParser {
+ get constantValueAsJsText() {
+ return "`" + Utils.escapeBackTicks(this.constantValue) + "`"
+ }
+ get constantValue() {
+ return this.length ? this.subparticlesToString() : this.getAtomsFrom(2).join(" ")
+ }
+ }
+ class ParsersParserConstantFloat extends AbstractParserConstantParser {}
+ class ParsersParserConstantBoolean extends AbstractParserConstantParser {}
+ class AbstractParserDefinitionParser extends AbstractExtendibleParticle {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments)
+ this._isLooping = false
+ }
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ // todo: some of these should just be on nonRootParticles
+ const types = [
+ ParsersConstants.popularity,
+ ParsersConstants.inScope,
+ ParsersConstants.atoms,
+ ParsersConstants.extends,
+ ParsersConstants.description,
+ ParsersConstants.catchAllParser,
+ ParsersConstants.catchAllAtomType,
+ ParsersConstants.atomParser,
+ ParsersConstants.tags,
+ ParsersConstants.cue,
+ ParsersConstants.cueFromId,
+ ParsersConstants.listDelimiter,
+ ParsersConstants.contentKey,
+ ParsersConstants.subparticlesKey,
+ ParsersConstants.uniqueCue,
+ ParsersConstants.uniqueLine,
+ ParsersConstants.pattern,
+ ParsersConstants.baseParser,
+ ParsersConstants.required,
+ ParsersConstants.root,
+ ParsersConstants._rootNodeJsHeader,
+ ParsersConstants.javascript,
+ ParsersConstants.javascript,
+ ParsersConstants.single,
+ ParsersConstants.comment
+ ]
+ const map = {}
+ types.forEach(type => {
+ map[type] = Particle
+ })
+ map[ParsersConstantsConstantTypes.boolean] = ParsersParserConstantBoolean
+ map[] = ParsersParserConstantInt
+ map[ParsersConstantsConstantTypes.string] = ParsersParserConstantString
+ map[ParsersConstantsConstantTypes.float] = ParsersParserConstantFloat
+ map[ParsersConstants.compilerParser] = ParsersCompilerParser
+ map[ParsersConstants.example] = ParsersExampleParser
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(undefined, map, [{ regex: HandParsersProgram.parserFullRegex, parser: parserDefinitionParser }])
+ }
+ toTypeScriptInterface(used = new Set()) {
+ let subparticlesInterfaces = []
+ let properties = []
+ const inScope = this.cueMapWithDefinitions
+ const thisId =
+ used.add(thisId)
+ Object.keys(inScope).forEach(key => {
+ const def = inScope[key]
+ const map = def.cueMapWithDefinitions
+ const id =
+ const optionalTag = def.isRequired() ? "" : "?"
+ const escapedKey = key.match(/\?/) ? `"${key}"` : key
+ const description = def.description
+ if (Object.keys(map).length && !used.has(id)) {
+ subparticlesInterfaces.push(def.toTypeScriptInterface(used))
+ properties.push(` ${escapedKey}${optionalTag}: ${id}`)
+ } else properties.push(` ${escapedKey}${optionalTag}: any${description ? " // " + description : ""}`)
+ })
+ properties.sort()
+ const description = this.description
+ const myInterface = ""
+ return `${subparticlesInterfaces.join("\n")}
+ ${description ? "// " + description : ""}
+ interface ${thisId} {
+ ${properties.join("\n")}
+ }`.trim()
+ }
+ get id() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get idWithoutSuffix() {
+ return, "")
+ }
+ get constantsObject() {
+ const obj = this._getUniqueConstantParticles()
+ Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => (obj[key] = obj[key].constantValue))
+ return obj
+ }
+ _getUniqueConstantParticles(extended = true) {
+ const obj = {}
+ const items = extended ? this._getSubparticlesByParserInExtended(AbstractParserConstantParser) : this.getSubparticlesByParser(AbstractParserConstantParser)
+ items.reverse() // Last definition wins.
+ items.forEach(particle => (obj[particle.identifier] = particle))
+ return obj
+ }
+ get examples() {
+ return this._getSubparticlesByParserInExtended(ParsersExampleParser)
+ }
+ get parserIdFromDefinition() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ // todo: remove? just reused parserId
+ get generatedClassName() {
+ return this.parserIdFromDefinition
+ }
+ _hasValidParserId() {
+ return !!this.generatedClassName
+ }
+ _isAbstract() {
+ return
+ }
+ get cueIfAny() {
+ return this.get(ParsersConstants.cue) || (this._hasFromExtended(ParsersConstants.cueFromId) ? this.idWithoutSuffix : undefined)
+ }
+ get regexMatch() {
+ return this.get(ParsersConstants.pattern)
+ }
+ get cueEnumOptions() {
+ const cueDef = this._getMyAtomTypeDefs()[0]
+ return cueDef ? cueDef._getEnumOptions() : undefined
+ }
+ get languageDefinitionProgram() {
+ return this.root
+ }
+ get customJavascriptMethods() {
+ const hasJsCode = this.has(ParsersConstants.javascript)
+ return hasJsCode ? this.getParticle(ParsersConstants.javascript).subparticlesToString() : ""
+ }
+ get cueMapWithDefinitions() {
+ if (!this._cache_cueToParticleDefMap) this._cache_cueToParticleDefMap = this._createParserInfo(this._getInScopeParserIds()).cueMap
+ return this._cache_cueToParticleDefMap
+ }
+ // todo: remove
+ get runTimeCuesInScope() {
+ return this._getParser().getCueOptions()
+ }
+ _getMyAtomTypeDefs() {
+ const requiredAtoms = this.get(ParsersConstants.atoms)
+ if (!requiredAtoms) return []
+ const parsersProgram = this.languageDefinitionProgram
+ return requiredAtoms.split(" ").map(atomTypeId => {
+ const atomTypeDef = parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId)
+ if (!atomTypeDef) throw new Error(`No atomType "${atomTypeId}" found`)
+ return atomTypeDef
+ })
+ }
+ // todo: what happens when you have a atom getter and constant with same name?
+ get atomGettersAndParserConstants() {
+ // todo: add atomType parsings
+ const parsersProgram = this.languageDefinitionProgram
+ const getters = this._getMyAtomTypeDefs().map((atomTypeDef, index) => atomTypeDef.getGetter(index))
+ const catchAllAtomTypeId = this.get(ParsersConstants.catchAllAtomType)
+ if (catchAllAtomTypeId) getters.push(parsersProgram.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(catchAllAtomTypeId).getCatchAllGetter(getters.length))
+ // Constants
+ Object.values(this._getUniqueConstantParticles(false)).forEach(particle => getters.push(particle.getGetter()))
+ return getters.join("\n")
+ }
+ _createParserInfo(parserIdsInScope) {
+ const result = {
+ cueMap: {},
+ regexTests: []
+ }
+ if (!parserIdsInScope.length) return result
+ const allProgramParserDefinitionsMap = this.programParserDefinitionCache
+ Object.keys(allProgramParserDefinitionsMap)
+ .filter(parserId => {
+ const def = allProgramParserDefinitionsMap[parserId]
+ return def.isOrExtendsAParserInScope(parserIdsInScope) && !def._isAbstract()
+ })
+ .forEach(parserId => {
+ const def = allProgramParserDefinitionsMap[parserId]
+ const regex = def.regexMatch
+ const cue = def.cueIfAny
+ const enumOptions = def.cueEnumOptions
+ if (regex) result.regexTests.push({ regex: regex, parser: def.parserIdFromDefinition })
+ else if (cue) result.cueMap[cue] = def
+ else if (enumOptions) {
+ enumOptions.forEach(option => (result.cueMap[option] = def))
+ }
+ })
+ return result
+ }
+ get topParserDefinitions() {
+ const arr = Object.values(this.cueMapWithDefinitions)
+ arr.sort(Utils.makeSortByFn(definition => definition.popularity))
+ arr.reverse()
+ return arr
+ }
+ _getMyInScopeParserIds(target = this) {
+ const parsersParticle = target.getParticle(ParsersConstants.inScope)
+ const scopedDefinitionIds = =>
+ return parsersParticle ? parsersParticle.getAtomsFrom(1).concat(scopedDefinitionIds) : scopedDefinitionIds
+ }
+ _getInScopeParserIds() {
+ // todo: allow multiple of these if we allow mixins?
+ const ids = this._getMyInScopeParserIds()
+ const parentDef = this._getExtendedParent()
+ return parentDef ? ids.concat(parentDef._getInScopeParserIds()) : ids
+ }
+ get isSingle() {
+ const hit = this._getParticleFromExtended(ParsersConstants.single)
+ return hit && hit.get(ParsersConstants.single) !== "false"
+ }
+ get isUniqueLine() {
+ const hit = this._getParticleFromExtended(ParsersConstants.uniqueLine)
+ return hit && hit.get(ParsersConstants.uniqueLine) !== "false"
+ }
+ isRequired() {
+ return this._hasFromExtended(ParsersConstants.required)
+ }
+ getParserDefinitionByParserId(parserId) {
+ // todo: return catch all?
+ const def = this.programParserDefinitionCache[parserId]
+ if (def) return def
+ this.languageDefinitionProgram._addDefaultCatchAllBlobParser() // todo: cleanup. Why did I do this? Needs to be removed or documented.
+ const particleDef = this.languageDefinitionProgram.programParserDefinitionCache[parserId]
+ if (!particleDef) throw new Error(`No definition found for parser id "${parserId}". Particle: \n---\n${this.asString}\n---`)
+ return particleDef
+ }
+ isDefined(parserId) {
+ return !!this.programParserDefinitionCache[parserId]
+ }
+ get idToParticleMap() {
+ return this.programParserDefinitionCache
+ }
+ _amIRoot() {
+ if (this._cache_isRoot === undefined) this._cache_isRoot = this._languageRootParticle === this
+ return this._cache_isRoot
+ }
+ get _languageRootParticle() {
+ return this.root.rootParserDefinition
+ }
+ _isErrorParser() {
+ return this.get(ParsersConstants.baseParser) === ParsersConstants.errorParser
+ }
+ _isBlobParser() {
+ // Do not check extended classes. Only do once.
+ return this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.baseParser) === ParsersConstants.blobParser
+ }
+ get errorMethodToJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobParser()) return "getErrors() { return [] }" // Skips parsing subparticles for perf gains.
+ if (this._isErrorParser()) return "getErrors() { return this._getErrorParserErrors() }"
+ return ""
+ }
+ get parserAsJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobParser())
+ // todo: do we need this?
+ return "createParserCombinator() { return new Particle.ParserCombinator(this._getBlobParserCatchAllParser())}"
+ const parserInfo = this._createParserInfo(this._getMyInScopeParserIds())
+ const myCueMap = parserInfo.cueMap
+ const regexRules = parserInfo.regexTests
+ // todo: use constants in first atom maps?
+ // todo: cache the super extending?
+ const cues = Object.keys(myCueMap)
+ const hasCues = cues.length
+ const catchAllParser = this.catchAllParserToJavascript
+ if (!hasCues && !catchAllParser && !regexRules.length) return ""
+ const cuesStr = hasCues ? `Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParserCombinator()._getCueMapAsObject()), {` + => `"${cue}" : ${myCueMap[cue].parserIdFromDefinition}`).join(",\n") + "})" : "undefined"
+ const regexStr = regexRules.length
+ ? `[${regexRules
+ .map(rule => {
+ return `{regex: /${rule.regex}/, parser: ${rule.parser}}`
+ })
+ .join(",")}]`
+ : "undefined"
+ const catchAllStr = catchAllParser ? catchAllParser : this._amIRoot() ? `this._getBlobParserCatchAllParser()` : "undefined"
+ const scopedParserJavascript = => def.asJavascriptClass).join("\n\n")
+ return `createParserCombinator() {${scopedParserJavascript}
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(${catchAllStr}, ${cuesStr}, ${regexStr})
+ }`
+ }
+ get myScopedParserDefinitions() {
+ return this.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser)
+ }
+ get catchAllParserToJavascript() {
+ if (this._isBlobParser()) return "this._getBlobParserCatchAllParser()"
+ const parserId = this.get(ParsersConstants.catchAllParser)
+ if (!parserId) return ""
+ const particleDef = this.getParserDefinitionByParserId(parserId)
+ return particleDef.generatedClassName
+ }
+ get asJavascriptClass() {
+ const components = [this.parserAsJavascript, this.errorMethodToJavascript, this.atomGettersAndParserConstants, this.customJavascriptMethods].filter(identity => identity)
+ const thisClassName = this.generatedClassName
+ if (this._amIRoot()) {
+ components.push(`static cachedHandParsersProgramRoot = new HandParsersProgram(\`${Utils.escapeBackTicks(this.parent.toString().replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"))}\`)
+ get handParsersProgram() {
+ return this.constructor.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot
+ }`)
+ components.push(`static rootParser = ${thisClassName}`)
+ }
+ return `class ${thisClassName} extends ${this._getExtendsClassName()} {
+ ${components.join("\n")}
+ }`
+ }
+ _getExtendsClassName() {
+ const extendedDef = this._getExtendedParent()
+ return extendedDef ? extendedDef.generatedClassName : "ParserBackedParticle"
+ }
+ _getCompilerObject() {
+ let obj = {}
+ const items = this._getSubparticlesByParserInExtended(ParsersCompilerParser)
+ items.reverse() // Last definition wins.
+ items.forEach(particle => {
+ obj = Object.assign(obj, particle.toObject()) // todo: what about multiline strings?
+ })
+ return obj
+ }
+ // todo: improve layout (use bold?)
+ get lineHints() {
+ return this.atomParser.lineHints
+ }
+ isOrExtendsAParserInScope(cuesInScope) {
+ const chain = this._getParserInheritanceSet()
+ return cuesInScope.some(cue => chain.has(cue))
+ }
+ isTerminalParser() {
+ return !this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.inScope) && !this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.catchAllParser)
+ }
+ get sublimeMatchLine() {
+ const regexMatch = this.regexMatch
+ if (regexMatch) return `'${regexMatch}'`
+ const cueMatch = this.cueIfAny
+ if (cueMatch) return `'^ *${Utils.escapeRegExp(cueMatch)}(?: |$)'`
+ const enumOptions = this.cueEnumOptions
+ if (enumOptions) return `'^ *(${Utils.escapeRegExp(enumOptions.join("|"))})(?: |$)'`
+ }
+ // todo: refactor. move some parts to atomParser?
+ _toSublimeMatchBlock() {
+ const defaultPaint = "source"
+ const program = this.languageDefinitionProgram
+ const atomParser = this.atomParser
+ const requiredAtomTypeIds = atomParser.getRequiredAtomTypeIds()
+ const catchAllAtomTypeId = atomParser.catchAllAtomTypeId
+ const cueTypeDef = program.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(requiredAtomTypeIds[0])
+ const cuePaint = (cueTypeDef ? cueTypeDef.paint : defaultPaint) + "." + this.parserIdFromDefinition
+ const topHalf = ` '${this.parserIdFromDefinition}':
+ - match: ${this.sublimeMatchLine}
+ scope: ${cuePaint}`
+ if (catchAllAtomTypeId) requiredAtomTypeIds.push(catchAllAtomTypeId)
+ if (!requiredAtomTypeIds.length) return topHalf
+ const captures = requiredAtomTypeIds
+ .map((atomTypeId, index) => {
+ const atomTypeDefinition = program.getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId) // todo: cleanup
+ if (!atomTypeDefinition) throw new Error(`No ${ParsersConstants.atomType} ${atomTypeId} found`) // todo: standardize error/capture error at parsers time
+ return ` ${index + 1}: ${(atomTypeDefinition.paint || defaultPaint) + "." + atomTypeDefinition.atomTypeId}`
+ })
+ .join("\n")
+ const atomTypesToRegex = atomTypeIds => => `({{${atomTypeId}}})?`).join(" ?")
+ return `${topHalf}
+ push:
+ - match: ${atomTypesToRegex(requiredAtomTypeIds)}
+ captures:
+ ${captures}
+ - match: $
+ pop: true`
+ }
+ _getParserInheritanceSet() {
+ if (!this._cache_parserInheritanceSet) this._cache_parserInheritanceSet = new Set(this.ancestorParserIdsArray)
+ return this._cache_parserInheritanceSet
+ }
+ get ancestorParserIdsArray() {
+ if (!this._cache_ancestorParserIdsArray) {
+ this._cache_ancestorParserIdsArray = this._getAncestorsArray().map(def => def.parserIdFromDefinition)
+ this._cache_ancestorParserIdsArray.reverse()
+ }
+ return this._cache_ancestorParserIdsArray
+ }
+ get programParserDefinitionCache() {
+ var _a
+ if (!this._cache_parserDefinitionParsers) {
+ if (this._isLooping) throw new Error(`Loop detected in ${}`)
+ this._isLooping = true
+ this._cache_parserDefinitionParsers =
+ this.isRoot() || this.hasParserDefinitions
+ ? this.makeProgramParserDefinitionCache()
+ : ((_a = this.parent.programParserDefinitionCache[this.get(ParsersConstants.extends)]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.programParserDefinitionCache) || this.parent.programParserDefinitionCache
+ this._isLooping = false
+ }
+ return this._cache_parserDefinitionParsers
+ }
+ get hasParserDefinitions() {
+ return !!this.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser).length
+ }
+ makeProgramParserDefinitionCache() {
+ const scopedParsers = this.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser)
+ const cache = Object.assign({}, this.parent.programParserDefinitionCache) // todo. We don't really need this. we should just lookup the parent if no local hits.
+ scopedParsers.forEach(parserDefinitionParser => (cache[parserDefinitionParser.parserIdFromDefinition] = parserDefinitionParser))
+ return cache
+ }
+ get description() {
+ return this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.description) || ""
+ }
+ get popularity() {
+ const val = this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.popularity)
+ return val ? parseFloat(val) : 0
+ }
+ _getExtendedParserId() {
+ const ancestorIds = this.ancestorParserIdsArray
+ if (ancestorIds.length > 1) return ancestorIds[ancestorIds.length - 2]
+ }
+ _toStumpString() {
+ const cue = this.cueIfAny
+ const atomArray = this.atomParser.getAtomArray().filter((item, index) => index) // for now this only works for cue langs
+ if (!atomArray.length)
+ // todo: remove this! just doing it for now until we refactor getAtomArray to handle catchAlls better.
+ return ""
+ const atoms = new Particle(, index) => atom._toStumpInput(cue)).join("\n"))
+ return `div
+ label ${cue}
+ ${atoms.toString(1)}`
+ }
+ toStumpString() {
+ const particleBreakSymbol = "\n"
+ return this._getConcreteNonErrorInScopeParticleDefinitions(this._getInScopeParserIds())
+ .map(def => def._toStumpString())
+ .filter(identity => identity)
+ .join(particleBreakSymbol)
+ }
+ _generateSimulatedLine(seed) {
+ // todo: generate simulated data from catch all
+ const cue = this.cueIfAny
+ return this.atomParser
+ .getAtomArray()
+ .map((atom, index) => (!index && cue ? cue : atom.synthesizeAtom(seed)))
+ .join(" ")
+ }
+ _shouldSynthesize(def, parserChain) {
+ if (def._isErrorParser() || def._isAbstract()) return false
+ if (parserChain.includes( return false
+ const tags = def.get(ParsersConstants.tags)
+ if (tags && tags.includes(ParsersConstantsMisc.doNotSynthesize)) return false
+ return true
+ }
+ // Get all definitions in this current scope down, even ones that are scoped inside other definitions.
+ get inScopeAndDescendantDefinitions() {
+ return this.languageDefinitionProgram._collectAllDefinitions(Object.values(this.programParserDefinitionCache), [])
+ }
+ _collectAllDefinitions(defs, collection = []) {
+ defs.forEach(def => {
+ collection.push(def)
+ def._collectAllDefinitions(def.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser), collection)
+ })
+ return collection
+ }
+ get cuePath() {
+ const parentPath = this.parent.cuePath
+ return (parentPath ? parentPath + " " : "") + this.cueIfAny
+ }
+ get cuePathAsColumnName() {
+ return this.cuePath.replace(/ /g, "_")
+ }
+ // Get every definition that extends from this one, even ones that are scoped inside other definitions.
+ get concreteDescendantDefinitions() {
+ const { inScopeAndDescendantDefinitions, id } = this
+ return Object.values(inScopeAndDescendantDefinitions).filter(def => def._doesExtend(id) && !def._isAbstract())
+ }
+ get concreteInScopeDescendantDefinitions() {
+ // Note: non-recursive.
+ const defs = this.programParserDefinitionCache
+ const id =
+ return Object.values(defs).filter(def => def._doesExtend(id) && !def._isAbstract())
+ }
+ _getConcreteNonErrorInScopeParticleDefinitions(parserIds) {
+ const defs = []
+ parserIds.forEach(parserId => {
+ const def = this.getParserDefinitionByParserId(parserId)
+ if (def._isErrorParser()) return
+ else if (def._isAbstract()) def.concreteInScopeDescendantDefinitions.forEach(def => defs.push(def))
+ else defs.push(def)
+ })
+ return defs
+ }
+ // todo: refactor
+ synthesizeParticle(particleCount = 1, indentCount = -1, parsersAlreadySynthesized = [], seed = {
+ let inScopeParserIds = this._getInScopeParserIds()
+ const catchAllParserId = this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.catchAllParser)
+ if (catchAllParserId) inScopeParserIds.push(catchAllParserId)
+ const thisId =
+ if (!parsersAlreadySynthesized.includes(thisId)) parsersAlreadySynthesized.push(thisId)
+ const lines = []
+ while (particleCount) {
+ const line = this._generateSimulatedLine(seed)
+ if (line) lines.push(" ".repeat(indentCount >= 0 ? indentCount : 0) + line)
+ this._getConcreteNonErrorInScopeParticleDefinitions(inScopeParserIds.filter(parserId => !parsersAlreadySynthesized.includes(parserId)))
+ .filter(def => this._shouldSynthesize(def, parsersAlreadySynthesized))
+ .forEach(def => {
+ const chain = parsersAlreadySynthesized // .slice(0)
+ chain.push(
+ def.synthesizeParticle(1, indentCount + 1, chain, seed).forEach(line => lines.push(line))
+ })
+ particleCount--
+ }
+ return lines
+ }
+ get atomParser() {
+ if (!this._atomParser) {
+ const atomParsingStrategy = this._getFromExtended(ParsersConstants.atomParser)
+ if (atomParsingStrategy === ParsersAtomParser.postfix) this._atomParser = new PostfixAtomParser(this)
+ else if (atomParsingStrategy === ParsersAtomParser.omnifix) this._atomParser = new OmnifixAtomParser(this)
+ else this._atomParser = new PrefixAtomParser(this)
+ }
+ return this._atomParser
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ class parserDefinitionParser extends AbstractParserDefinitionParser {}
+ // HandParsersProgram is a constructor that takes a parsers file, and builds a new
+ // constructor for new language that takes files in that language to execute, compile, etc.
+ class HandParsersProgram extends AbstractParserDefinitionParser {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ const map = {}
+ map[ParsersConstants.comment] = Particle
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(UnknownParserParticle, map, [
+ { regex: HandParsersProgram.blankLineRegex, parser: Particle },
+ { regex: HandParsersProgram.parserFullRegex, parser: parserDefinitionParser },
+ { regex: HandParsersProgram.atomTypeFullRegex, parser: atomTypeDefinitionParser }
+ ])
+ }
+ // rootParser
+ // Note: this is some so far unavoidable tricky code. We need to eval the transpiled JS, in a NodeJS or browser environment.
+ _compileAndReturnRootParser() {
+ if (this._cache_rootParser) return this._cache_rootParser
+ if (!this.isNodeJs()) {
+ this._cache_rootParser = Utils.appendCodeAndReturnValueOnWindow(this.toBrowserJavascript(), this.rootParserId).rootParser
+ return this._cache_rootParser
+ }
+ const path = require("path")
+ const code = this.toNodeJsJavascript(__dirname)
+ try {
+ const rootParticle = this._requireInVmNodeJsRootParser(code)
+ this._cache_rootParser = rootParticle.rootParser
+ if (!this._cache_rootParser) throw new Error(`Failed to rootParser`)
+ } catch (err) {
+ // todo: figure out best error pattern here for debugging
+ console.log(err)
+ // console.log(`Error in code: `)
+ // console.log(new Particle(code).toStringWithLineNumbers())
+ }
+ return this._cache_rootParser
+ }
+ get cuePath() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ trainModel(programs, rootParser = this.compileAndReturnRootParser()) {
+ const particleDefs = this.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions
+ const particleDefCountIncludingRoot = particleDefs.length + 1
+ const matrix = Utils.makeMatrix(particleDefCountIncludingRoot, particleDefCountIncludingRoot, 0)
+ const idToIndex = {}
+ const indexToId = {}
+ particleDefs.forEach((def, index) => {
+ const id =
+ idToIndex[id] = index + 1
+ indexToId[index + 1] = id
+ })
+ programs.forEach(code => {
+ const exampleProgram = new rootParser(code)
+ exampleProgram.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ const particleIndex = idToIndex[]
+ const parentParticle = particle.parent
+ if (!particleIndex) return undefined
+ if (parentParticle.isRoot()) matrix[0][particleIndex]++
+ else {
+ const parentIndex = idToIndex[]
+ if (!parentIndex) return undefined
+ matrix[parentIndex][particleIndex]++
+ }
+ })
+ })
+ return {
+ idToIndex,
+ indexToId,
+ matrix
+ }
+ }
+ _mapPredictions(predictionsVector, model) {
+ const total = Utils.sum(predictionsVector)
+ const predictions = predictionsVector.slice(1).map((count, index) => {
+ const id = model.indexToId[index + 1]
+ return {
+ id,
+ def: this.getParserDefinitionByParserId(id),
+ count,
+ prob: count / total
+ }
+ })
+ predictions.sort(Utils.makeSortByFn(prediction => prediction.count)).reverse()
+ return predictions
+ }
+ predictSubparticles(model, particle) {
+ return this._mapPredictions(this._predictSubparticles(model, particle), model)
+ }
+ predictParents(model, particle) {
+ return this._mapPredictions(this._predictParents(model, particle), model)
+ }
+ _predictSubparticles(model, particle) {
+ return model.matrix[particle.isRoot() ? 0 : model.idToIndex[]]
+ }
+ _predictParents(model, particle) {
+ if (particle.isRoot()) return []
+ const particleIndex = model.idToIndex[]
+ return => row[particleIndex])
+ }
+ _setDirName(name) {
+ this._dirName = name
+ return this
+ }
+ _requireInVmNodeJsRootParser(code) {
+ const vm = require("vm")
+ const path = require("path")
+ // todo: cleanup up
+ try {
+ Object.keys(GlobalNamespaceAdditions).forEach(key => {
+ global[key] = require("./" + GlobalNamespaceAdditions[key])
+ })
+ global.require = require
+ global.__dirname = this._dirName
+ global.module = {}
+ return vm.runInThisContext(code)
+ } catch (err) {
+ // todo: figure out best error pattern here for debugging
+ console.log(`Error in compiled parsers code for language "${this.parsersName}"`)
+ // console.log(new Particle(code).toStringWithLineNumbers())
+ console.log(err)
+ throw err
+ }
+ }
+ examplesToTestBlocks(rootParser = this.compileAndReturnRootParser(), expectedErrorMessage = "") {
+ const testBlocks = {}
+ this.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions.forEach(def =>
+ def.examples.forEach(example => {
+ const id = + example.content
+ testBlocks[id] = equal => {
+ const exampleProgram = new rootParser(example.subparticlesToString())
+ const errors = exampleProgram.getAllErrors(example._getLineNumber() + 1)
+ equal(errors.join("\n"), expectedErrorMessage, `Expected no errors in ${id}`)
+ }
+ })
+ )
+ return testBlocks
+ }
+ toReadMe() {
+ const languageName = this.extensionName
+ const rootParticleDef = this.rootParserDefinition
+ const atomTypes = this.atomTypeDefinitions
+ const parserLineage = this.parserLineage
+ const exampleParticle = rootParticleDef.examples[0]
+ return `title2 ${languageName} stats
+ list
+ - ${languageName} has ${parserLineage.topDownArray.length} parsers.
+ - ${languageName} has ${Object.keys(atomTypes).length} atom types.
+ - The source code for ${languageName} is ${this.topDownArray.length} lines long.
+ `
+ }
+ toBundle() {
+ const files = {}
+ const rootParticleDef = this.rootParserDefinition
+ const languageName = this.extensionName
+ const example = rootParticleDef.examples[0]
+ const sampleCode = example ? example.subparticlesToString() : ""
+ files[ParsersBundleFiles.package] = JSON.stringify(
+ {
+ name: languageName,
+ private: true,
+ dependencies: {
+ scrollsdk: Particle.getVersion()
+ }
+ },
+ null,
+ 2
+ )
+ files[ParsersBundleFiles.readme] = this.toReadMe()
+ const testCode = `const program = new ${languageName}(sampleCode)
+ const errors = program.getAllErrors()
+ console.log("Sample program compiled with " + errors.length + " errors.")
+ if (errors.length)
+ console.log( => error.message))`
+ const nodePath = `${languageName}.node.js`
+ files[nodePath] = this.toNodeJsJavascript()
+ files[ParsersBundleFiles.indexJs] = `module.exports = require("./${nodePath}")`
+ const browserPath = `${languageName}.browser.js`
+ files[browserPath] = this.toBrowserJavascript()
+ files[ParsersBundleFiles.indexHtml] = `
+ `
+ const samplePath = "sample." + this.extensionName
+ files[samplePath] = sampleCode.toString()
+ files[ParsersBundleFiles.testJs] = `const ${languageName} = require("./index.js")
+ /*keep-line*/ const sampleCode = require("fs").readFileSync("${samplePath}", "utf8")
+ ${testCode}`
+ return files
+ }
+ get atomTypeDefinitions() {
+ if (this._cache_atomTypes) return this._cache_atomTypes
+ const types = {}
+ // todo: add built in atom types?
+ this.getSubparticlesByParser(atomTypeDefinitionParser).forEach(type => (types[type.atomTypeId] = type))
+ this._cache_atomTypes = types
+ return types
+ }
+ getAtomTypeDefinitionById(atomTypeId) {
+ // todo: return unknownAtomTypeDefinition? or is that handled somewhere else?
+ return this.atomTypeDefinitions[atomTypeId]
+ }
+ get parserLineage() {
+ const newParticle = new Particle()
+ Object.values(this.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions).forEach(particle => newParticle.touchParticle(particle.ancestorParserIdsArray.join(" ")))
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ get languageDefinitionProgram() {
+ return this
+ }
+ get validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions() {
+ return this.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser).filter(particle => particle._hasValidParserId())
+ }
+ get lastRootParserDefinitionParticle() {
+ return this.findLast(def => def instanceof AbstractParserDefinitionParser && def.has(ParsersConstants.root) && def._hasValidParserId())
+ }
+ _initRootParserDefinitionParticle() {
+ if (this._cache_rootParserParticle) return
+ if (!this._cache_rootParserParticle) this._cache_rootParserParticle = this.lastRootParserDefinitionParticle
+ // By default, have a very permissive basic root particle.
+ // todo: whats the best design pattern to use for this sort of thing?
+ if (!this._cache_rootParserParticle) {
+ this._cache_rootParserParticle = this.concat(`${ParsersConstants.DefaultRootParser}
+ ${ParsersConstants.root}
+ ${ParsersConstants.catchAllParser} ${ParsersConstants.BlobParser}`)[0]
+ this._addDefaultCatchAllBlobParser()
+ }
+ }
+ get rootParserDefinition() {
+ this._initRootParserDefinitionParticle()
+ return this._cache_rootParserParticle
+ }
+ _addDefaultCatchAllBlobParser() {
+ if (this._addedCatchAll) return
+ this._addedCatchAll = true
+ delete this._cache_parserDefinitionParsers
+ this.concat(`${ParsersConstants.BlobParser}
+ ${ParsersConstants.baseParser} ${ParsersConstants.blobParser}`)
+ }
+ get extensionName() {
+ return this.parsersName
+ }
+ get id() {
+ return this.rootParserId
+ }
+ get rootParserId() {
+ return this.rootParserDefinition.parserIdFromDefinition
+ }
+ get parsersName() {
+ return this.rootParserId.replace(HandParsersProgram.parserSuffixRegex, "")
+ }
+ _getMyInScopeParserIds() {
+ return super._getMyInScopeParserIds(this.rootParserDefinition)
+ }
+ _getInScopeParserIds() {
+ const parsersParticle = this.rootParserDefinition.getParticle(ParsersConstants.inScope)
+ return parsersParticle ? parsersParticle.getAtomsFrom(1) : []
+ }
+ makeProgramParserDefinitionCache() {
+ const cache = {}
+ this.getSubparticlesByParser(parserDefinitionParser).forEach(parserDefinitionParser => (cache[parserDefinitionParser.parserIdFromDefinition] = parserDefinitionParser))
+ return cache
+ }
+ compileAndReturnRootParser() {
+ if (!this._cached_rootParser) {
+ const rootDef = this.rootParserDefinition
+ this._cached_rootParser = rootDef.languageDefinitionProgram._compileAndReturnRootParser()
+ }
+ return this._cached_rootParser
+ }
+ toNodeJsJavascript(scrollsdkProductsPath = "scrollsdk/products") {
+ return this._rootParticleDefToJavascriptClass(scrollsdkProductsPath, true).trim()
+ }
+ toBrowserJavascript() {
+ return this._rootParticleDefToJavascriptClass("", false).trim()
+ }
+ _rootParticleDefToJavascriptClass(scrollsdkProductsPath, forNodeJs = true) {
+ const defs = this.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions
+ // todo: throw if there is no root particle defined
+ const parserClasses = => def.asJavascriptClass).join("\n\n")
+ const rootDef = this.rootParserDefinition
+ const rootNodeJsHeader = forNodeJs && rootDef._getConcatBlockStringFromExtended(ParsersConstants._rootNodeJsHeader)
+ const rootName = rootDef.generatedClassName
+ if (!rootName) throw new Error(`Root Particle Type Has No Name`)
+ let exportScript = ""
+ if (forNodeJs)
+ exportScript = `module.exports = ${rootName};
+ ${rootName}`
+ else exportScript = `window.${rootName} = ${rootName}`
+ let nodeJsImports = ``
+ if (forNodeJs) {
+ const path = require("path")
+ nodeJsImports = Object.keys(GlobalNamespaceAdditions)
+ .map(key => {
+ const thePath = scrollsdkProductsPath + "/" + GlobalNamespaceAdditions[key]
+ return `const { ${key} } = require("${thePath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")}")` // escape windows backslashes
+ })
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ // todo: we can expose the previous "constants" export, if needed, via the parsers, which we preserve.
+ return `{
+ ${nodeJsImports}
+ ${rootNodeJsHeader ? rootNodeJsHeader : ""}
+ ${parserClasses}
+ ${exportScript}
+ }
+ `
+ }
+ toSublimeSyntaxFile(fileExtensions = "") {
+ const atomTypeDefs = this.atomTypeDefinitions
+ const variables = Object.keys(atomTypeDefs)
+ .map(name => ` ${name}: '${atomTypeDefs[name].regexString}'`)
+ .join("\n")
+ const defs = this.validConcreteAndAbstractParserDefinitions.filter(kw => !kw._isAbstract())
+ const parserContexts = => def._toSublimeMatchBlock()).join("\n\n")
+ const includes = => ` - include: '${parserDef.parserIdFromDefinition}'`).join("\n")
+ return `%YAML 1.2
+ ---
+ name: ${this.extensionName}
+ file_extensions: [${fileExtensions}]
+ scope: source.${this.extensionName}
+ variables:
+ ${variables}
+ contexts:
+ main:
+ ${includes}
+ ${parserContexts}`
+ }
+ }
+ HandParsersProgram.makeParserId = str => Utils._replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str).replace(HandParsersProgram.parserSuffixRegex, "") + ParsersConstants.parserSuffix
+ HandParsersProgram.makeAtomTypeId = str => Utils._replaceNonAlphaNumericCharactersWithCharCodes(str).replace(HandParsersProgram.atomTypeSuffixRegex, "") + ParsersConstants.atomTypeSuffix
+ HandParsersProgram.parserSuffixRegex = new RegExp(ParsersConstants.parserSuffix + "$")
+ HandParsersProgram.parserFullRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" + ParsersConstants.parserSuffix + "$")
+ HandParsersProgram.blankLineRegex = new RegExp("^$")
+ HandParsersProgram.atomTypeSuffixRegex = new RegExp(ParsersConstants.atomTypeSuffix + "$")
+ HandParsersProgram.atomTypeFullRegex = new RegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" + ParsersConstants.atomTypeSuffix + "$")
+ HandParsersProgram._languages = {}
+ HandParsersProgram._parsers = {}
+ const PreludeKinds = {}
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.anyAtom] = ParsersAnyAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.cueAtom] = ParsersCueAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.floatAtom] = ParsersFloatAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.numberAtom] = ParsersFloatAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.bitAtom] = ParsersBitAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.booleanAtom] = ParsersBooleanAtom
+ PreludeKinds[PreludeAtomTypeIds.integerAtom] = ParsersIntegerAtom
+ class UnknownParsersProgram extends Particle {
+ _inferRootParticleForAPrefixLanguage(parsersName) {
+ parsersName = HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(parsersName)
+ const rootParticle = new Particle(`${parsersName}
+ ${ParsersConstants.root}`)
+ // note: right now we assume 1 global atomTypeMap and parserMap per parsers. But we may have scopes in the future?
+ const rootParticleNames = this.getCues()
+ .filter(identity => identity)
+ .map(atom => HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(atom))
+ rootParticle
+ .particleAt(0)
+ .touchParticle(ParsersConstants.inScope)
+ .setAtomsFrom(1, Array.from(new Set(rootParticleNames)))
+ return rootParticle
+ }
+ _renameIntegerCues(clone) {
+ // todo: why are we doing this?
+ for (let particle of clone.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const cueIsAnInteger = !!particle.cue.match(/^\d+$/)
+ const parentCue = particle.parent.cue
+ if (cueIsAnInteger && parentCue) particle.setCue(HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(parentCue + UnknownParsersProgram._subparticleSuffix))
+ }
+ }
+ _getCueMaps(clone) {
+ const cuesToChildCues = {}
+ const cuesToParticleInstances = {}
+ for (let particle of clone.getTopDownArrayIterator()) {
+ const cue = particle.cue
+ if (!cuesToChildCues[cue]) cuesToChildCues[cue] = {}
+ if (!cuesToParticleInstances[cue]) cuesToParticleInstances[cue] = []
+ cuesToParticleInstances[cue].push(particle)
+ particle.forEach(subparticle => (cuesToChildCues[cue][subparticle.cue] = true))
+ }
+ return { cuesToChildCues, cuesToParticleInstances }
+ }
+ _inferParserDef(cue, globalAtomTypeMap, subparticleCues, instances) {
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ const parserId = HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(cue)
+ const particleDefParticle = new Particle(parserId).particleAt(0)
+ const subparticleParserIds = => HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(atom))
+ if (subparticleParserIds.length) particleDefParticle.touchParticle(ParsersConstants.inScope).setAtomsFrom(1, subparticleParserIds)
+ const atomsForAllInstances = instances
+ .map(line => line.content)
+ .filter(identity => identity)
+ .map(line => line.split(edgeSymbol))
+ const instanceAtomCounts = new Set( => atoms.length))
+ const maxAtomsOnLine = Math.max(...Array.from(instanceAtomCounts))
+ const minAtomsOnLine = Math.min(...Array.from(instanceAtomCounts))
+ let catchAllAtomType
+ let atomTypeIds = []
+ for (let atomIndex = 0; atomIndex < maxAtomsOnLine; atomIndex++) {
+ const atomType = this._getBestAtomType(
+ cue,
+ instances.length,
+ maxAtomsOnLine,
+ => atoms[atomIndex])
+ )
+ if (!globalAtomTypeMap.has(atomType.atomTypeId)) globalAtomTypeMap.set(atomType.atomTypeId, atomType.atomTypeDefinition)
+ atomTypeIds.push(atomType.atomTypeId)
+ }
+ if (maxAtomsOnLine > minAtomsOnLine) {
+ //columns = columns.slice(0, min)
+ catchAllAtomType = atomTypeIds.pop()
+ while (atomTypeIds[atomTypeIds.length - 1] === catchAllAtomType) {
+ atomTypeIds.pop()
+ }
+ }
+ const needsCueProperty = !cue.endsWith(UnknownParsersProgram._subparticleSuffix + ParsersConstants.parserSuffix) // todo: cleanup
+ if (needsCueProperty) particleDefParticle.set(ParsersConstants.cue, cue)
+ if (catchAllAtomType) particleDefParticle.set(ParsersConstants.catchAllAtomType, catchAllAtomType)
+ const atomLine = atomTypeIds.slice()
+ atomLine.unshift(PreludeAtomTypeIds.cueAtom)
+ if (atomLine.length > 0) particleDefParticle.set(ParsersConstants.atoms, atomLine.join(edgeSymbol))
+ //if (!catchAllAtomType && atomTypeIds.length === 1) particleDefParticle.set(ParsersConstants.atoms, atomTypeIds[0])
+ // Todo: add conditional frequencies
+ return particleDefParticle.parent.toString()
+ }
+ // inferParsersFileForAnSSVLanguage(parsersName: string): string {
+ // parsersName = HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(parsersName)
+ // const rootParticle = new Particle(`${parsersName}
+ // ${ParsersConstants.root}`)
+ // // note: right now we assume 1 global atomTypeMap and parserMap per parsers. But we may have scopes in the future?
+ // const rootParticleNames = this.getCues().map(atom => HandParsersProgram.makeParserId(atom))
+ // rootParticle
+ // .particleAt(0)
+ // .touchParticle(ParsersConstants.inScope)
+ // .setAtomsFrom(1, Array.from(new Set(rootParticleNames)))
+ // return rootParticle
+ // }
+ inferParsersFileForACueLanguage(parsersName) {
+ const clone = this.clone()
+ this._renameIntegerCues(clone)
+ const { cuesToChildCues, cuesToParticleInstances } = this._getCueMaps(clone)
+ const globalAtomTypeMap = new Map()
+ globalAtomTypeMap.set(PreludeAtomTypeIds.cueAtom, undefined)
+ const parserDefs = Object.keys(cuesToChildCues)
+ .filter(identity => identity)
+ .map(cue => this._inferParserDef(cue, globalAtomTypeMap, Object.keys(cuesToChildCues[cue]), cuesToParticleInstances[cue]))
+ const atomTypeDefs = []
+ globalAtomTypeMap.forEach((def, id) => atomTypeDefs.push(def ? def : id))
+ const particleBreakSymbol = this.particleBreakSymbol
+ return this._formatCode([this._inferRootParticleForAPrefixLanguage(parsersName).toString(), atomTypeDefs.join(particleBreakSymbol), parserDefs.join(particleBreakSymbol)].filter(identity => identity).join("\n"))
+ }
+ _formatCode(code) {
+ // todo: make this run in browser too
+ if (!this.isNodeJs()) return code
+ const parsersProgram = new HandParsersProgram(Particle.fromDisk(__dirname + "/../langs/parsers/parsers.parsers"))
+ const rootParser = parsersProgram.compileAndReturnRootParser()
+ const program = new rootParser(code)
+ return program.format().toString()
+ }
+ _getBestAtomType(cue, instanceCount, maxAtomsOnLine, allValues) {
+ const asSet = new Set(allValues)
+ const edgeSymbol = this.edgeSymbol
+ const values = Array.from(asSet).filter(identity => identity)
+ const every = fn => {
+ for (let index = 0; index < values.length; index++) {
+ if (!fn(values[index])) return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ if (every(str => str === "0" || str === "1")) return { atomTypeId: PreludeAtomTypeIds.bitAtom }
+ if (
+ every(str => {
+ const num = parseInt(str)
+ if (isNaN(num)) return false
+ return num.toString() === str
+ })
+ ) {
+ return { atomTypeId: PreludeAtomTypeIds.integerAtom }
+ }
+ if (every(str => str.match(/^-?\d*.?\d+$/))) return { atomTypeId: PreludeAtomTypeIds.floatAtom }
+ const bools = new Set(["1", "0", "true", "false", "t", "f", "yes", "no"])
+ if (every(str => bools.has(str.toLowerCase()))) return { atomTypeId: PreludeAtomTypeIds.booleanAtom }
+ // todo: cleanup
+ const enumLimit = 30
+ if (instanceCount > 1 && maxAtomsOnLine === 1 && allValues.length > asSet.size && asSet.size < enumLimit)
+ return {
+ atomTypeId: HandParsersProgram.makeAtomTypeId(cue),
+ atomTypeDefinition: `${HandParsersProgram.makeAtomTypeId(cue)}
+ enum ${values.join(edgeSymbol)}`
+ }
+ return { atomTypeId: PreludeAtomTypeIds.anyAtom }
+ }
+ }
+ UnknownParsersProgram._subparticleSuffix = "Subparticle"
+ window.ParsersConstants = ParsersConstants
+ window.PreludeAtomTypeIds = PreludeAtomTypeIds
+ window.HandParsersProgram = HandParsersProgram
+ window.ParserBackedParticle = ParserBackedParticle
+ window.UnknownParserError = UnknownParserError
+ window.UnknownParsersProgram = UnknownParsersProgram
+ ;
+ //
+ function assertPath(path) {
+ if (typeof path !== "string") {
+ throw new TypeError("Path must be a string. Received " + JSON.stringify(path))
+ }
+ }
+ // Resolves . and .. elements in a path with directory names
+ function normalizeStringPosix(path, allowAboveRoot) {
+ var res = ""
+ var lastSegmentLength = 0
+ var lastSlash = -1
+ var dots = 0
+ var code
+ for (var i = 0; i <= path.length; ++i) {
+ if (i < path.length) code = path.charCodeAt(i)
+ else if (code === 47 /*/*/) break
+ else code = 47 /*/*/
+ if (code === 47 /*/*/) {
+ if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) {
+ // NOOP
+ } else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) {
+ if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== 46 /*.*/ || res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== 46 /*.*/) {
+ if (res.length > 2) {
+ var lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/")
+ if (lastSlashIndex !== res.length - 1) {
+ if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
+ res = ""
+ lastSegmentLength = 0
+ } else {
+ res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex)
+ lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/")
+ }
+ lastSlash = i
+ dots = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) {
+ res = ""
+ lastSegmentLength = 0
+ lastSlash = i
+ dots = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowAboveRoot) {
+ if (res.length > 0) res += "/.."
+ else res = ".."
+ lastSegmentLength = 2
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (res.length > 0) res += "/" + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i)
+ else res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i)
+ lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1
+ }
+ lastSlash = i
+ dots = 0
+ } else if (code === 46 /*.*/ && dots !== -1) {
+ ++dots
+ } else {
+ dots = -1
+ }
+ }
+ return res
+ }
+ function _format(sep, pathObject) {
+ var dir = pathObject.dir || pathObject.root
+ var base = pathObject.base || ( || "") + (pathObject.ext || "")
+ if (!dir) {
+ return base
+ }
+ if (dir === pathObject.root) {
+ return dir + base
+ }
+ return dir + sep + base
+ }
+ var posix = {
+ // path.resolve([from ...], to)
+ resolve: function resolve() {
+ var resolvedPath = ""
+ var resolvedAbsolute = false
+ var cwd
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
+ var path
+ if (i >= 0) path = arguments[i]
+ else {
+ if (cwd === undefined) cwd = process.cwd()
+ path = cwd
+ }
+ assertPath(path)
+ // Skip empty entries
+ if (path.length === 0) {
+ continue
+ }
+ resolvedPath = path + "/" + resolvedPath
+ resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /*/*/
+ }
+ // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
+ // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
+ // Normalize the path
+ resolvedPath = normalizeStringPosix(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute)
+ if (resolvedAbsolute) {
+ if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return "/" + resolvedPath
+ else return "/"
+ } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) {
+ return resolvedPath
+ } else {
+ return "."
+ }
+ },
+ normalize: function normalize(path) {
+ assertPath(path)
+ if (path.length === 0) return "."
+ var isAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /*/*/
+ var trailingSeparator = path.charCodeAt(path.length - 1) === 47 /*/*/
+ // Normalize the path
+ path = normalizeStringPosix(path, !isAbsolute)
+ if (path.length === 0 && !isAbsolute) path = "."
+ if (path.length > 0 && trailingSeparator) path += "/"
+ if (isAbsolute) return "/" + path
+ return path
+ },
+ isAbsolute: function isAbsolute(path) {
+ assertPath(path)
+ return path.length > 0 && path.charCodeAt(0) === 47 /*/*/
+ },
+ join: function join() {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) return "."
+ var joined
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
+ var arg = arguments[i]
+ assertPath(arg)
+ if (arg.length > 0) {
+ if (joined === undefined) joined = arg
+ else joined += "/" + arg
+ }
+ }
+ if (joined === undefined) return "."
+ return posix.normalize(joined)
+ },
+ relative: function relative(from, to) {
+ assertPath(from)
+ assertPath(to)
+ if (from === to) return ""
+ from = posix.resolve(from)
+ to = posix.resolve(to)
+ if (from === to) return ""
+ // Trim any leading backslashes
+ var fromStart = 1
+ for (; fromStart < from.length; ++fromStart) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart) !== 47 /*/*/) break
+ }
+ var fromEnd = from.length
+ var fromLen = fromEnd - fromStart
+ // Trim any leading backslashes
+ var toStart = 1
+ for (; toStart < to.length; ++toStart) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) !== 47 /*/*/) break
+ }
+ var toEnd = to.length
+ var toLen = toEnd - toStart
+ // Compare paths to find the longest common path from root
+ var length = fromLen < toLen ? fromLen : toLen
+ var lastCommonSep = -1
+ var i = 0
+ for (; i <= length; ++i) {
+ if (i === length) {
+ if (toLen > length) {
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart + i) === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // We get here if `from` is the exact base path for `to`.
+ // For example: from='/foo/bar'; to='/foo/bar/baz'
+ return to.slice(toStart + i + 1)
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ // We get here if `from` is the root
+ // For example: from='/'; to='/foo'
+ return to.slice(toStart + i)
+ }
+ } else if (fromLen > length) {
+ if (from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i) === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // We get here if `to` is the exact base path for `from`.
+ // For example: from='/foo/bar/baz'; to='/foo/bar'
+ lastCommonSep = i
+ } else if (i === 0) {
+ // We get here if `to` is the root.
+ // For example: from='/foo'; to='/'
+ lastCommonSep = 0
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ var fromCode = from.charCodeAt(fromStart + i)
+ var toCode = to.charCodeAt(toStart + i)
+ if (fromCode !== toCode) break
+ else if (fromCode === 47 /*/*/) lastCommonSep = i
+ }
+ var out = ""
+ // Generate the relative path based on the path difference between `to`
+ // and `from`
+ for (i = fromStart + lastCommonSep + 1; i <= fromEnd; ++i) {
+ if (i === fromEnd || from.charCodeAt(i) === 47 /*/*/) {
+ if (out.length === 0) out += ".."
+ else out += "/.."
+ }
+ }
+ // Lastly, append the rest of the destination (`to`) path that comes after
+ // the common path parts
+ if (out.length > 0) return out + to.slice(toStart + lastCommonSep)
+ else {
+ toStart += lastCommonSep
+ if (to.charCodeAt(toStart) === 47 /*/*/) ++toStart
+ return to.slice(toStart)
+ }
+ },
+ _makeLong: function _makeLong(path) {
+ return path
+ },
+ dirname: function dirname(path) {
+ assertPath(path)
+ if (path.length === 0) return "."
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0)
+ var hasRoot = code === 47 /*/*/
+ var end = -1
+ var matchedSlash = true
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 1; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i)
+ if (code === 47 /*/*/) {
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ end = i
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We saw the first non-path separator
+ matchedSlash = false
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1) return hasRoot ? "/" : "."
+ if (hasRoot && end === 1) return "//"
+ return path.slice(0, end)
+ },
+ basename: function basename(path, ext) {
+ if (ext !== undefined && typeof ext !== "string") throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string')
+ assertPath(path)
+ var start = 0
+ var end = -1
+ var matchedSlash = true
+ var i
+ if (ext !== undefined && ext.length > 0 && ext.length <= path.length) {
+ if (ext.length === path.length && ext === path) return ""
+ var extIdx = ext.length - 1
+ var firstNonSlashEnd = -1
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i)
+ if (code === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path
+ // separators at the end of the string, stop now
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) {
+ // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case
+ // we need it if the extension ends up not matching
+ matchedSlash = false
+ firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1
+ }
+ if (extIdx >= 0) {
+ // Try to match the explicit extension
+ if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) {
+ if (--extIdx === -1) {
+ // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path
+ // component
+ end = i
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path
+ // component
+ extIdx = -1
+ end = firstNonSlashEnd
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (start === end) end = firstNonSlashEnd
+ else if (end === -1) end = path.length
+ return path.slice(start, end)
+ } else {
+ for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path
+ // separators at the end of the string, stop now
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ start = i + 1
+ break
+ }
+ } else if (end === -1) {
+ // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our
+ // path component
+ matchedSlash = false
+ end = i + 1
+ }
+ }
+ if (end === -1) return ""
+ return path.slice(start, end)
+ }
+ },
+ extname: function extname(path) {
+ assertPath(path)
+ var startDot = -1
+ var startPart = 0
+ var end = -1
+ var matchedSlash = true
+ // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and
+ // after any path separator we find
+ var preDotState = 0
+ for (var i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(i)
+ if (code === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path
+ // separators at the end of the string, stop now
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1
+ break
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our
+ // extension
+ matchedSlash = false
+ end = i + 1
+ }
+ if (code === 46 /*.*/) {
+ // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension
+ if (startDot === -1) startDot = i
+ else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should
+ // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension
+ preDotState = -1
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ startDot === -1 ||
+ end === -1 ||
+ // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 ||
+ // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)
+ ) {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return path.slice(startDot, end)
+ },
+ format: function format(pathObject) {
+ if (pathObject === null || typeof pathObject !== "object") {
+ throw new TypeError('The "pathObject" argument must be of type Object. Received type ' + typeof pathObject)
+ }
+ return _format("/", pathObject)
+ },
+ parse: function parse(path) {
+ assertPath(path)
+ var ret = { root: "", dir: "", base: "", ext: "", name: "" }
+ if (path.length === 0) return ret
+ var code = path.charCodeAt(0)
+ var isAbsolute = code === 47 /*/*/
+ var start
+ if (isAbsolute) {
+ ret.root = "/"
+ start = 1
+ } else {
+ start = 0
+ }
+ var startDot = -1
+ var startPart = 0
+ var end = -1
+ var matchedSlash = true
+ var i = path.length - 1
+ // Track the state of characters (if any) we see before our first dot and
+ // after any path separator we find
+ var preDotState = 0
+ // Get non-dir info
+ for (; i >= start; --i) {
+ code = path.charCodeAt(i)
+ if (code === 47 /*/*/) {
+ // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path
+ // separators at the end of the string, stop now
+ if (!matchedSlash) {
+ startPart = i + 1
+ break
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if (end === -1) {
+ // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our
+ // extension
+ matchedSlash = false
+ end = i + 1
+ }
+ if (code === 46 /*.*/) {
+ // If this is our first dot, mark it as the start of our extension
+ if (startDot === -1) startDot = i
+ else if (preDotState !== 1) preDotState = 1
+ } else if (startDot !== -1) {
+ // We saw a non-dot and non-path separator before our dot, so we should
+ // have a good chance at having a non-empty extension
+ preDotState = -1
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ startDot === -1 ||
+ end === -1 ||
+ // We saw a non-dot character immediately before the dot
+ preDotState === 0 ||
+ // The (right-most) trimmed path component is exactly '..'
+ (preDotState === 1 && startDot === end - 1 && startDot === startPart + 1)
+ ) {
+ if (end !== -1) {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) ret.base = = path.slice(1, end)
+ else ret.base = = path.slice(startPart, end)
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (startPart === 0 && isAbsolute) {
+ = path.slice(1, startDot)
+ ret.base = path.slice(1, end)
+ } else {
+ = path.slice(startPart, startDot)
+ ret.base = path.slice(startPart, end)
+ }
+ ret.ext = path.slice(startDot, end)
+ }
+ if (startPart > 0) ret.dir = path.slice(0, startPart - 1)
+ else if (isAbsolute) ret.dir = "/"
+ return ret
+ },
+ sep: "/",
+ delimiter: ":",
+ win32: null,
+ posix: null
+ }
+ posix.posix = posix
+ // Check if the environment is Node.js, and export the module
+ if (typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof module.exports !== "undefined") {
+ module.exports = { posix }
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, assign the module to the global scope (browser environment)
+ window.posix = posix
+ }
+ ;
+ const PARSERS_EXTENSION = ".parsers"
+ const SCROLL_EXTENSION = ".scroll"
+ // Add URL regex pattern
+ const urlRegex = /^https?:\/\/[^ ]+$/i
+ const parserRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/gm
+ const importRegex = /^(import |[a-zA-Z\_\-\.0-9\/]+\.(scroll|parsers)$|https?:\/\/.+\.(scroll|parsers)$)/gm
+ const importOnlyRegex = /^importOnly/
+ const isUrl = path => urlRegex.test(path)
+ // URL content cache with pending requests tracking
+ const urlCache = {}
+ const pendingRequests = {}
+ async function fetchWithCache(url) {
+ const now =
+ const cached = urlCache[url]
+ if (cached) return cached
+ // If there's already a pending request for this URL, return that promise
+ if (pendingRequests[url]) {
+ return pendingRequests[url]
+ }
+ // Create new request and store in pending
+ const requestPromise = (async () => {
+ try {
+ const response = await fetch(url)
+ if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`)
+ const content = await response.text()
+ const result = {
+ content,
+ timestamp: now,
+ exists: true
+ }
+ urlCache[url] = result
+ return result
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error fetching ${url}:`, error)
+ const result = {
+ content: "",
+ timestamp: now,
+ exists: false
+ }
+ urlCache[url] = result
+ return result
+ } finally {
+ delete pendingRequests[url]
+ }
+ })()
+ pendingRequests[url] = requestPromise
+ return requestPromise
+ }
+ class DiskWriter {
+ constructor() {
+ this.fileCache = {}
+ }
+ async _read(absolutePath) {
+ const { fileCache } = this
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const result = await fetchWithCache(absolutePath)
+ return {
+ absolutePath,
+ exists: result.exists,
+ content: result.content,
+ stats: { mtimeMs:, ctimeMs: }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!fileCache[absolutePath]) {
+ const exists = await fs
+ .access(absolutePath)
+ .then(() => true)
+ .catch(() => false)
+ if (exists) {
+ const [content, stats] = await Promise.all([fs.readFile(absolutePath, "utf8").then(content => content.replace(/\r/g, "")), fs.stat(absolutePath)])
+ fileCache[absolutePath] = { absolutePath, exists: true, content, stats }
+ } else {
+ fileCache[absolutePath] = { absolutePath, exists: false, content: "", stats: { mtimeMs: 0, ctimeMs: 0 } }
+ }
+ }
+ return fileCache[absolutePath]
+ }
+ async exists(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const result = await fetchWithCache(absolutePath)
+ return result.exists
+ }
+ const file = await this._read(absolutePath)
+ return file.exists
+ }
+ async read(absolutePath) {
+ const file = await this._read(absolutePath)
+ return file.content
+ }
+ async list(folder) {
+ if (isUrl(folder)) {
+ return [] // URLs don't support directory listing
+ }
+ return Disk.getFiles(folder)
+ }
+ async write(fullPath, content) {
+ if (isUrl(fullPath)) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot write to URL")
+ }
+ Disk.writeIfChanged(fullPath, content)
+ }
+ async getMTime(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const cached = urlCache[absolutePath]
+ return cached ? cached.timestamp :
+ }
+ const file = await this._read(absolutePath)
+ return file.stats.mtimeMs
+ }
+ async getCTime(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const cached = urlCache[absolutePath]
+ return cached ? cached.timestamp :
+ }
+ const file = await this._read(absolutePath)
+ return file.stats.ctimeMs
+ }
+ dirname(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ return absolutePath.substring(0, absolutePath.lastIndexOf("/"))
+ }
+ return path.dirname(absolutePath)
+ }
+ join(...segments) {
+ const firstSegment = segments[0]
+ if (isUrl(firstSegment)) {
+ // For URLs, we need to handle joining differently
+ const baseUrl = firstSegment.endsWith("/") ? firstSegment : firstSegment + "/"
+ return new URL(segments.slice(1).join("/"), baseUrl).toString()
+ }
+ return path.join(...segments)
+ }
+ }
+ // Update MemoryWriter to support URLs
+ class MemoryWriter {
+ constructor(inMemoryFiles) {
+ this.inMemoryFiles = inMemoryFiles
+ }
+ async read(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const result = await fetchWithCache(absolutePath)
+ return result.content
+ }
+ const value = this.inMemoryFiles[absolutePath]
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return value
+ }
+ async exists(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const result = await fetchWithCache(absolutePath)
+ return result.exists
+ }
+ return this.inMemoryFiles[absolutePath] !== undefined
+ }
+ async write(absolutePath, content) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ throw new Error("Cannot write to URL")
+ }
+ this.inMemoryFiles[absolutePath] = content
+ }
+ async list(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ return []
+ }
+ return Object.keys(this.inMemoryFiles).filter(filePath => filePath.startsWith(absolutePath) && !filePath.replace(absolutePath, "").includes("/"))
+ }
+ async getMTime(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const cached = urlCache[absolutePath]
+ return cached ? cached.timestamp :
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ async getCTime(absolutePath) {
+ if (isUrl(absolutePath)) {
+ const cached = urlCache[absolutePath]
+ return cached ? cached.timestamp :
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ dirname(path) {
+ if (isUrl(path)) {
+ return path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/"))
+ }
+ return posix.dirname(path)
+ }
+ join(...segments) {
+ const firstSegment = segments[0]
+ if (isUrl(firstSegment)) {
+ const baseUrl = firstSegment.endsWith("/") ? firstSegment : firstSegment + "/"
+ return new URL(segments.slice(1).join("/"), baseUrl).toString()
+ }
+ return posix.join(...segments)
+ }
+ }
+ class EmptyScrollParser extends Particle {
+ evalMacros(fusionFile) {
+ return fusionFile.fusedCode
+ }
+ setFile(fusionFile) {
+ this.file = fusionFile
+ }
+ }
+ class FusionFile {
+ constructor(codeAtStart, absoluteFilePath = "", fileSystem = new Fusion({})) {
+ this.defaultParserCode = ""
+ this.defaultParser = EmptyScrollParser
+ this.fileSystem = fileSystem
+ this.filePath = absoluteFilePath
+ this.filename = posix.basename(absoluteFilePath)
+ this.folderPath = posix.dirname(absoluteFilePath) + "/"
+ this.codeAtStart = codeAtStart
+ this.timeIndex = 0
+ this.timestamp = 0
+ this.importOnly = false
+ }
+ async readCodeFromStorage() {
+ if (this.codeAtStart !== undefined) return this // Code provided
+ const { filePath } = this
+ if (!filePath) {
+ this.codeAtStart = ""
+ return this
+ }
+ this.codeAtStart = await
+ }
+ get isFused() {
+ return this.fusedCode !== undefined
+ }
+ async fuse() {
+ await this.readCodeFromStorage()
+ const { codeAtStart, fileSystem, filePath, defaultParserCode, defaultParser } = this
+ let fusedCode = codeAtStart
+ let fusedFile
+ if (filePath) {
+ this.timestamp = await fileSystem.getCTime(filePath)
+ fusedFile = await fileSystem.fuseFile(filePath, defaultParserCode)
+ this.importOnly = fusedFile.isImportOnly
+ fusedCode = fusedFile.fused
+ if (fusedFile.footers.length) fusedCode += "\n" + fusedFile.footers.join("\n")
+ this.dependencies = fusedFile.importFilePaths
+ this.fusedFile = fusedFile
+ }
+ this.fusedCode = fusedCode
+ const tempProgram = new defaultParser()
+ const codeAfterMacroPass = tempProgram.evalMacros(this)
+ this.codeAfterMacroPass = codeAfterMacroPass
+ this.parser = (fusedFile === null || fusedFile === void 0 ? void 0 : fusedFile.parser) || defaultParser
+ this.scrollProgram = new this.parser(codeAfterMacroPass)
+ this.scrollProgram.setFile(this)
+ return this
+ }
+ get formatted() {
+ return this.codeAtStart
+ }
+ async formatAndSave() {
+ const { codeAtStart, formatted } = this
+ if (codeAtStart === formatted) return false
+ await this.fileSystem.write(this.filePath, formatted)
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ let fusionIdNumber = 0
+ class Fusion {
+ constructor(inMemoryFiles) {
+ this.productCache = {}
+ this._particleCache = {}
+ this._parserCache = {}
+ this._expandedImportCache = {}
+ this._parsersExpandersCache = {}
+ this.defaultFileClass = FusionFile
+ this.parsedFiles = {}
+ this.folderCache = {}
+ if (inMemoryFiles) this._storage = new MemoryWriter(inMemoryFiles)
+ else this._storage = new DiskWriter()
+ fusionIdNumber = fusionIdNumber + 1
+ this.fusionId = fusionIdNumber
+ }
+ async read(absolutePath) {
+ return await
+ }
+ async exists(absolutePath) {
+ return await this._storage.exists(absolutePath)
+ }
+ async write(absolutePath, content) {
+ return await this._storage.write(absolutePath, content)
+ }
+ async list(absolutePath) {
+ return await this._storage.list(absolutePath)
+ }
+ dirname(absolutePath) {
+ return this._storage.dirname(absolutePath)
+ }
+ join(...segments) {
+ return this._storage.join(...segments)
+ }
+ async getMTime(absolutePath) {
+ return await this._storage.getMTime(absolutePath)
+ }
+ async getCTime(absolutePath) {
+ return await this._storage.getCTime(absolutePath)
+ }
+ async writeProduct(absolutePath, content) {
+ this.productCache[absolutePath] = content
+ return await this.write(absolutePath, content)
+ }
+ async _getFileAsParticles(absoluteFilePathOrUrl) {
+ const { _particleCache } = this
+ if (_particleCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl] === undefined) {
+ const content = await
+ _particleCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl] = new Particle(content)
+ }
+ return _particleCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl]
+ }
+ async _fuseFile(absoluteFilePathOrUrl) {
+ const { _expandedImportCache } = this
+ if (_expandedImportCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl]) return _expandedImportCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl]
+ const [code, exists] = await Promise.all([, this.exists(absoluteFilePathOrUrl)])
+ const isImportOnly = importOnlyRegex.test(code)
+ // Perf hack
+ // If its a parsers file, it will have no content, just parsers (and maybe imports).
+ // The parsers will already have been processed. We can skip them
+ const stripParsers = absoluteFilePathOrUrl.endsWith(PARSERS_EXTENSION)
+ const processedCode = stripParsers
+ ? code
+ .split("\n")
+ .filter(line => importRegex.test(line))
+ .join("\n")
+ : code
+ const filepathsWithParserDefinitions = []
+ if (await this._doesFileHaveParsersDefinitions(absoluteFilePathOrUrl)) {
+ filepathsWithParserDefinitions.push(absoluteFilePathOrUrl)
+ }
+ if (!importRegex.test(processedCode)) {
+ return {
+ fused: processedCode,
+ footers: [],
+ isImportOnly,
+ importFilePaths: [],
+ filepathsWithParserDefinitions,
+ exists
+ }
+ }
+ const particle = new Particle(processedCode)
+ const folder = this.dirname(absoluteFilePathOrUrl)
+ // Fetch all imports in parallel
+ const importParticles = particle.filter(particle => particle.getLine().match(importRegex))
+ const importResults = importParticle => {
+ const rawPath = importParticle.getLine().replace("import ", "")
+ let absoluteImportFilePath = this.join(folder, rawPath)
+ if (isUrl(rawPath)) absoluteImportFilePath = rawPath
+ else if (isUrl(folder)) absoluteImportFilePath = folder + "/" + rawPath
+ // todo: race conditions
+ const [expandedFile, exists] = await Promise.all([this._fuseFile(absoluteImportFilePath), this.exists(absoluteImportFilePath)])
+ return {
+ expandedFile,
+ exists,
+ absoluteImportFilePath,
+ importParticle
+ }
+ })
+ const imported = await Promise.all(importResults)
+ // Assemble all imports
+ let importFilePaths = []
+ let footers = []
+ imported.forEach(importResults => {
+ const { importParticle, absoluteImportFilePath, expandedFile, exists } = importResults
+ importFilePaths.push(absoluteImportFilePath)
+ importFilePaths = importFilePaths.concat(expandedFile.importFilePaths)
+ importParticle.setLine("imported " + absoluteImportFilePath)
+ importParticle.set("exists", `${exists}`)
+ footers = footers.concat(expandedFile.footers)
+ if (importParticle.has("footer")) footers.push(expandedFile.fused)
+ else importParticle.insertLinesAfter(expandedFile.fused)
+ })
+ const existStates = await Promise.all( => this.exists(file)))
+ const allImportsExist = !existStates.some(exists => !exists)
+ _expandedImportCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl] = {
+ importFilePaths,
+ isImportOnly,
+ fused: particle.toString(),
+ footers,
+ exists: allImportsExist,
+ filepathsWithParserDefinitions: (
+ await Promise.all(
+ filename => ({
+ filename,
+ hasParser: await this._doesFileHaveParsersDefinitions(filename)
+ }))
+ )
+ )
+ .filter(result => result.hasParser)
+ .map(result => result.filename)
+ .concat(filepathsWithParserDefinitions)
+ }
+ return _expandedImportCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl]
+ }
+ async _doesFileHaveParsersDefinitions(absoluteFilePathOrUrl) {
+ if (!absoluteFilePathOrUrl) return false
+ const { _parsersExpandersCache } = this
+ if (_parsersExpandersCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl] === undefined) {
+ const content = await
+ _parsersExpandersCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl] = !!content.match(parserRegex)
+ }
+ return _parsersExpandersCache[absoluteFilePathOrUrl]
+ }
+ async _getOneParsersParserFromFiles(filePaths, baseParsersCode) {
+ const fileContents = await Promise.all( filePath => await
+ return Fusion.combineParsers(filePaths, fileContents, baseParsersCode)
+ }
+ async getParser(filePaths, baseParsersCode = "") {
+ const { _parserCache } = this
+ const key = filePaths
+ .filter(fp => fp)
+ .sort()
+ .join("\n")
+ const hit = _parserCache[key]
+ if (hit) return hit
+ _parserCache[key] = await this._getOneParsersParserFromFiles(filePaths, baseParsersCode)
+ return _parserCache[key]
+ }
+ static combineParsers(filePaths, fileContents, baseParsersCode = "") {
+ const parserDefinitionRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Parser$/
+ const atomDefinitionRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Atom/
+ const mapped =, index) => {
+ const filePath = filePaths[index]
+ if (filePath.endsWith(PARSERS_EXTENSION)) return content
+ return new Particle(content)
+ .filter(particle => particle.getLine().match(parserDefinitionRegex) || particle.getLine().match(atomDefinitionRegex))
+ .map(particle => particle.asString)
+ .join("\n")
+ })
+ const asOneFile = mapped.join("\n").trim()
+ const sorted = new parsersParser(baseParsersCode + "\n" + asOneFile)._sortParticlesByInScopeOrder()._sortWithParentParsersUpTop()
+ const parsersCode = sorted.asString
+ return {
+ parsersParser: sorted,
+ parsersCode,
+ parser: new HandParsersProgram(parsersCode).compileAndReturnRootParser()
+ }
+ }
+ get parsers() {
+ return Object.values(this._parserCache).map(parser => parser.parsersParser)
+ }
+ async fuseFile(absoluteFilePathOrUrl, defaultParserCode) {
+ const fusedFile = await this._fuseFile(absoluteFilePathOrUrl)
+ if (!defaultParserCode) return fusedFile
+ if (fusedFile.filepathsWithParserDefinitions.length) {
+ const parser = await this.getParser(fusedFile.filepathsWithParserDefinitions, defaultParserCode)
+ fusedFile.parser = parser.parser
+ }
+ return fusedFile
+ }
+ async getLoadedFile(filePath) {
+ return await this._getLoadedFile(filePath, this.defaultFileClass)
+ }
+ async _getLoadedFile(absolutePath, parser) {
+ if (this.parsedFiles[absolutePath]) return this.parsedFiles[absolutePath]
+ const file = new parser(undefined, absolutePath, this)
+ await file.fuse()
+ this.parsedFiles[absolutePath] = file
+ return file
+ }
+ getCachedLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, requester) {
+ folderPath = Utils.ensureFolderEndsInSlash(folderPath)
+ const hit = this.folderCache[folderPath]
+ if (!hit) console.log(`Warning: '${folderPath}' not yet loaded in '${this.fusionId}'. Requested by '${requester.filePath}'`)
+ return hit || []
+ }
+ async getLoadedFilesInFolder(folderPath, extension) {
+ folderPath = Utils.ensureFolderEndsInSlash(folderPath)
+ if (this.folderCache[folderPath]) return this.folderCache[folderPath]
+ const allFiles = await this.list(folderPath)
+ const loadedFiles = await Promise.all(allFiles.filter(file => file.endsWith(extension)).map(filePath => this.getLoadedFile(filePath)))
+ const sorted = loadedFiles.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp)
+ sorted.forEach((file, index) => (file.timeIndex = index))
+ this.folderCache[folderPath] = sorted
+ return this.folderCache[folderPath]
+ }
+ }
+ window.Fusion = Fusion
+ window.FusionFile = FusionFile
+ ;
+ {
+ class stumpParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(
+ errorParser,
+ Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParserCombinator()._getCueMapAsObject()), {
+ blockquote: htmlTagParser,
+ colgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ datalist: htmlTagParser,
+ fieldset: htmlTagParser,
+ menuitem: htmlTagParser,
+ noscript: htmlTagParser,
+ optgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ progress: htmlTagParser,
+ styleTag: htmlTagParser,
+ template: htmlTagParser,
+ textarea: htmlTagParser,
+ titleTag: htmlTagParser,
+ address: htmlTagParser,
+ article: htmlTagParser,
+ caption: htmlTagParser,
+ details: htmlTagParser,
+ section: htmlTagParser,
+ summary: htmlTagParser,
+ button: htmlTagParser,
+ canvas: htmlTagParser,
+ dialog: htmlTagParser,
+ figure: htmlTagParser,
+ footer: htmlTagParser,
+ header: htmlTagParser,
+ hgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ iframe: htmlTagParser,
+ keygen: htmlTagParser,
+ legend: htmlTagParser,
+ object: htmlTagParser,
+ option: htmlTagParser,
+ output: htmlTagParser,
+ script: htmlTagParser,
+ select: htmlTagParser,
+ source: htmlTagParser,
+ strong: htmlTagParser,
+ aside: htmlTagParser,
+ embed: htmlTagParser,
+ input: htmlTagParser,
+ label: htmlTagParser,
+ meter: htmlTagParser,
+ param: htmlTagParser,
+ small: htmlTagParser,
+ table: htmlTagParser,
+ tbody: htmlTagParser,
+ tfoot: htmlTagParser,
+ thead: htmlTagParser,
+ track: htmlTagParser,
+ video: htmlTagParser,
+ abbr: htmlTagParser,
+ area: htmlTagParser,
+ base: htmlTagParser,
+ body: htmlTagParser,
+ code: htmlTagParser,
+ form: htmlTagParser,
+ head: htmlTagParser,
+ html: htmlTagParser,
+ link: htmlTagParser,
+ main: htmlTagParser,
+ mark: htmlTagParser,
+ menu: htmlTagParser,
+ meta: htmlTagParser,
+ ruby: htmlTagParser,
+ samp: htmlTagParser,
+ span: htmlTagParser,
+ time: htmlTagParser,
+ bdi: htmlTagParser,
+ bdo: htmlTagParser,
+ col: htmlTagParser,
+ del: htmlTagParser,
+ dfn: htmlTagParser,
+ div: htmlTagParser,
+ img: htmlTagParser,
+ ins: htmlTagParser,
+ kbd: htmlTagParser,
+ map: htmlTagParser,
+ nav: htmlTagParser,
+ pre: htmlTagParser,
+ rtc: htmlTagParser,
+ sub: htmlTagParser,
+ sup: htmlTagParser,
+ var: htmlTagParser,
+ wbr: htmlTagParser,
+ br: htmlTagParser,
+ dd: htmlTagParser,
+ dl: htmlTagParser,
+ dt: htmlTagParser,
+ em: htmlTagParser,
+ h1: htmlTagParser,
+ h2: htmlTagParser,
+ h3: htmlTagParser,
+ h4: htmlTagParser,
+ h5: htmlTagParser,
+ h6: htmlTagParser,
+ hr: htmlTagParser,
+ li: htmlTagParser,
+ ol: htmlTagParser,
+ rb: htmlTagParser,
+ rp: htmlTagParser,
+ rt: htmlTagParser,
+ td: htmlTagParser,
+ th: htmlTagParser,
+ tr: htmlTagParser,
+ ul: htmlTagParser,
+ a: htmlTagParser,
+ b: htmlTagParser,
+ i: htmlTagParser,
+ p: htmlTagParser,
+ q: htmlTagParser,
+ s: htmlTagParser,
+ u: htmlTagParser
+ }),
+ [
+ { regex: /^$/, parser: blankLineParser },
+ { regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Component/, parser: componentDefinitionParser }
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ compile() {
+ return this.asHtml
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ static cachedHandParsersProgramRoot = new HandParsersProgram(`// Atom parsers
+ anyAtom
+ cueAtom
+ emptyAtom
+ extraAtom
+ paint invalid
+ anyHtmlContentAtom
+ paint string
+ attributeValueAtom
+ paint constant.language
+ componentTagNameAtom
+ paint variable.function
+ extends cueAtom
+ htmlTagNameAtom
+ paint variable.function
+ extends cueAtom
+ enum a abbr address area article aside b base bdi bdo blockquote body br button canvas caption code col colgroup datalist dd del details dfn dialog div dl dt em embed fieldset figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hgroup hr html i iframe img input ins kbd keygen label legend li link main map mark menu menuitem meta meter nav noscript object ol optgroup option output p param pre progress q rb rp rt rtc ruby s samp script section select small source span strong styleTag sub summary sup table tbody td template textarea tfoot th thead time titleTag tr track u ul var video wbr
+ htmlAttributeNameAtom
+ paint
+ extends cueAtom
+ enum accept accept-charset accesskey action align alt async autocomplete autofocus autoplay bgcolor border charset checked class color cols colspan content contenteditable controls coords datetime default defer dir dirname disabled download draggable dropzone enctype for formaction headers height hidden high href hreflang http-equiv id ismap kind lang list loop low max maxlength media method min multiple muted name novalidate onabort onafterprint onbeforeprint onbeforeunload onblur oncanplay oncanplaythrough onchange onclick oncontextmenu oncopy oncuechange oncut ondblclick ondrag ondragend ondragenter ondragleave ondragover ondragstart ondrop ondurationchange onemptied onended onerror onfocus onhashchange oninput oninvalid onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onloadeddata onloadedmetadata onloadstart onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup onmousewheel onoffline ononline onpagehide onpageshow onpaste onpause onplay onplaying onpopstate onprogress onratechange onreset onresize onscroll onsearch onseeked onseeking onselect onstalled onstorage onsubmit onsuspend ontimeupdate ontoggle onunload onvolumechange onwaiting onwheel open optimum pattern placeholder poster preload property readonly rel required reversed rows rowspan sandbox scope selected shape size sizes spellcheck src srcdoc srclang srcset start step style tabindex target title translate type usemap value width wrap
+ bernKeywordAtom
+ enum bern
+ extends cueAtom
+ // Line parsers
+ stumpParser
+ root
+ description A prefix Language that compiles to HTML.
+ catchAllParser errorParser
+ inScope htmlTagParser blankLineParser
+ example
+ div
+ h1 hello world
+ javascript
+ compile() {
+ return this.asHtml
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ blankLineParser
+ pattern ^$
+ tags doNotSynthesize
+ atoms emptyAtom
+ javascript
+ _toHtml() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {return ""}
+ htmlTagParser
+ inScope bernParser htmlTagParser htmlAttributeParser blankLineParser
+ catchAllAtomType anyHtmlContentAtom
+ atoms htmlTagNameAtom
+ javascript
+ isHtmlTagParser = true
+ getTag() {
+ // we need to remove the "Tag" bit to handle the style and title attribute/tag conflict.
+ const cue = this.cue
+ const map = {
+ titleTag: "title",
+ styleTag: "style"
+ }
+ return map[cue] || cue
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ asHtmlWithSuids() {
+ return this._toHtml(undefined, true)
+ }
+ _getOneLiner() {
+ const oneLinerAtoms = this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ return oneLinerAtoms.length ? oneLinerAtoms.join(" ") : ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return this._getOneLiner()
+ }
+ shouldCollapse() {
+ return this.has("collapse")
+ }
+ get domElement() {
+ var elem = document.createElement(this.getTag())
+ elem.setAttribute("stumpUid", this._getUid())
+ this.filter(particle => particle.isAttributeParser)
+ .forEach(subparticle => elem.setAttribute(subparticle.cue, subparticle.content))
+ elem.innerHTML = this.has("bern") ? this.getParticle("bern").subparticlesToString() : this._getOneLiner()
+ this.filter(particle => particle.isHtmlTagParser)
+ .forEach(subparticle => elem.appendChild(subparticle.domElement))
+ return elem
+ }
+ _toHtml(indentCount, withSuid) {
+ const tag = this.getTag()
+ const children = => child._toHtml(indentCount + 1, withSuid)).join("")
+ const attributesStr = this.filter(particle => particle.isAttributeParser)
+ .map(child => child.getAttribute())
+ .join("")
+ const indent = " ".repeat(indentCount)
+ const collapse = this.shouldCollapse()
+ const indentForChildParsers = !collapse && this.getSubparticleInstancesOfParserId("htmlTagParser").length > 0
+ const suid = withSuid ? \` stumpUid="\${this._getUid()}"\` : ""
+ const oneLiner = this._getOneLiner()
+ return \`\${!collapse ? indent : ""}<\${tag}\${attributesStr}\${suid}>\${oneLiner}\${indentForChildParsers ? "\\n" : ""}\${children}\${collapse ? "" : "\\n"}\`
+ }
+ removeCssStumpParticle() {
+ return this.removeStumpParticle()
+ }
+ removeStumpParticle() {
+ this.getShadow().removeShadow()
+ return this.destroy()
+ }
+ getParticleByGuid(guid) {
+ return this.topDownArray.find(particle => particle._getUid() === guid)
+ }
+ addClassToStumpParticle(className) {
+ const classParser = this.touchParticle("class")
+ const atoms = classParser.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ // note: we call add on shadow regardless, because at the moment stump may have gotten out of
+ // sync with shadow, if things modified the dom. todo: cleanup.
+ this.getShadow().addClassToShadow(className)
+ if (atoms.includes(className)) return this
+ atoms.push(className)
+ classParser.setContent(atoms.join(this.atomBreakSymbol))
+ return this
+ }
+ removeClassFromStumpParticle(className) {
+ const classParser = this.getParticle("class")
+ if (!classParser) return this
+ const newClasses = classParser.atoms.filter(atom => atom !== className)
+ if (!newClasses.length) classParser.destroy()
+ else classParser.setContent(newClasses.join(" "))
+ this.getShadow().removeClassFromShadow(className)
+ return this
+ }
+ stumpParticleHasClass(className) {
+ const classParser = this.getParticle("class")
+ return classParser && classParser.atoms.includes(className) ? true : false
+ }
+ isStumpParticleCheckbox() {
+ return this.get("type") === "checkbox"
+ }
+ getShadow() {
+ if (!this._shadow) {
+ const shadowClass = this.getShadowClass()
+ this._shadow = new shadowClass(this)
+ }
+ return this._shadow
+ }
+ insertCssChildParticle(text, index) {
+ return this.insertChildParticle(text, index)
+ }
+ insertChildParticle(text, index) {
+ const singleParticle = new Particle(text).getSubparticles()[0]
+ const newParticle = this.insertLineAndSubparticles(singleParticle.getLine(), singleParticle.subparticlesToString(), index)
+ const stumpParserIndex = this.filter(particle => particle.isHtmlTagParser).indexOf(newParticle)
+ this.getShadow().insertHtmlParticle(newParticle, stumpParserIndex)
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ isInputType() {
+ return ["input", "textarea"].includes(this.getTag()) || this.get("contenteditable") === "true"
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByChild(line) {
+ return this.findStumpParticlesByChild(line)[0]
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByChildString(line) {
+ return this.topDownArray.find(particle =>
+ particle
+ .map(subparticle => subparticle.getLine())
+ .join("\\n")
+ .includes(line)
+ )
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByCue(cue) {
+ return this._findStumpParticlesByBase(cue)[0]
+ }
+ _findStumpParticlesByBase(cue) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") && particle.cue === cue)
+ }
+ hasLine(line) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().some(particle => particle.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ findStumpParticlesByChild(line) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") && particle.hasLine(line))
+ }
+ findStumpParticlesWithClass(className) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(
+ particle =>
+ particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") &&
+ particle.has("class") &&
+ particle
+ .getParticle("class")
+ .atoms
+ .includes(className)
+ )
+ }
+ getShadowClass() {
+ return this.parent.getShadowClass()
+ }
+ // todo: should not be here
+ getStumpParticleParticleComponent() {
+ return this._particleComponent || this.parent.getStumpParticleParticleComponent()
+ }
+ // todo: should not be here
+ setStumpParticleParticleComponent(particleComponent) {
+ this._particleComponent = particleComponent
+ return this
+ }
+ getStumpParticleCss(prop) {
+ return this.getShadow().getShadowCss(prop)
+ }
+ getStumpParticleAttr(key) {
+ return this.get(key)
+ }
+ setStumpParticleAttr(key, value) {
+ // todo
+ return this
+ }
+ get asHtml() {
+ return this._toHtml()
+ }
+ errorParser
+ baseParser errorParser
+ componentDefinitionParser
+ extends htmlTagParser
+ pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Component
+ atoms componentTagNameAtom
+ javascript
+ getTag() {
+ return "div"
+ }
+ htmlAttributeParser
+ javascript
+ _toHtml() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {return ""}
+ getAttribute() {
+ return \` \${this.cue}="\${this.content}"\`
+ }
+ boolean isAttributeParser true
+ boolean isTileAttribute true
+ catchAllParser errorParser
+ catchAllAtomType attributeValueAtom
+ atoms htmlAttributeNameAtom
+ stumpExtendedAttributeNameAtom
+ extends htmlAttributeNameAtom
+ enum collapse blurCommand changeCommand clickCommand contextMenuCommand doubleClickCommand keyUpCommand lineClickCommand lineShiftClickCommand shiftClickCommand
+ stumpExtendedAttributeParser
+ description Parser types not present in HTML but included in stump.
+ extends htmlAttributeParser
+ atoms stumpExtendedAttributeNameAtom
+ lineOfHtmlContentParser
+ boolean isTileAttribute true
+ catchAllParser lineOfHtmlContentParser
+ catchAllAtomType anyHtmlContentAtom
+ javascript
+ getTextContent() {return this.getLine()}
+ bernParser
+ boolean isTileAttribute true
+ // todo Rename this particle type
+ description This is a particle where you can put any HTML content. It is called "bern" until someone comes up with a better name.
+ catchAllParser lineOfHtmlContentParser
+ javascript
+ _toHtml() {
+ return this.subparticlesToString()
+ }
+ getTextContent() {return ""}
+ atoms bernKeywordAtom`)
+ get handParsersProgram() {
+ return this.constructor.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot
+ }
+ static rootParser = stumpParser
+ }
+ class blankLineParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ get emptyAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ _toHtml() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ class htmlTagParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(
+ undefined,
+ Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParserCombinator()._getCueMapAsObject()), {
+ blockquote: htmlTagParser,
+ colgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ datalist: htmlTagParser,
+ fieldset: htmlTagParser,
+ menuitem: htmlTagParser,
+ noscript: htmlTagParser,
+ optgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ progress: htmlTagParser,
+ styleTag: htmlTagParser,
+ template: htmlTagParser,
+ textarea: htmlTagParser,
+ titleTag: htmlTagParser,
+ address: htmlTagParser,
+ article: htmlTagParser,
+ caption: htmlTagParser,
+ details: htmlTagParser,
+ section: htmlTagParser,
+ summary: htmlTagParser,
+ button: htmlTagParser,
+ canvas: htmlTagParser,
+ dialog: htmlTagParser,
+ figure: htmlTagParser,
+ footer: htmlTagParser,
+ header: htmlTagParser,
+ hgroup: htmlTagParser,
+ iframe: htmlTagParser,
+ keygen: htmlTagParser,
+ legend: htmlTagParser,
+ object: htmlTagParser,
+ option: htmlTagParser,
+ output: htmlTagParser,
+ script: htmlTagParser,
+ select: htmlTagParser,
+ source: htmlTagParser,
+ strong: htmlTagParser,
+ aside: htmlTagParser,
+ embed: htmlTagParser,
+ input: htmlTagParser,
+ label: htmlTagParser,
+ meter: htmlTagParser,
+ param: htmlTagParser,
+ small: htmlTagParser,
+ table: htmlTagParser,
+ tbody: htmlTagParser,
+ tfoot: htmlTagParser,
+ thead: htmlTagParser,
+ track: htmlTagParser,
+ video: htmlTagParser,
+ abbr: htmlTagParser,
+ area: htmlTagParser,
+ base: htmlTagParser,
+ body: htmlTagParser,
+ code: htmlTagParser,
+ form: htmlTagParser,
+ head: htmlTagParser,
+ html: htmlTagParser,
+ link: htmlTagParser,
+ main: htmlTagParser,
+ mark: htmlTagParser,
+ menu: htmlTagParser,
+ meta: htmlTagParser,
+ ruby: htmlTagParser,
+ samp: htmlTagParser,
+ span: htmlTagParser,
+ time: htmlTagParser,
+ bdi: htmlTagParser,
+ bdo: htmlTagParser,
+ col: htmlTagParser,
+ del: htmlTagParser,
+ dfn: htmlTagParser,
+ div: htmlTagParser,
+ img: htmlTagParser,
+ ins: htmlTagParser,
+ kbd: htmlTagParser,
+ map: htmlTagParser,
+ nav: htmlTagParser,
+ pre: htmlTagParser,
+ rtc: htmlTagParser,
+ sub: htmlTagParser,
+ sup: htmlTagParser,
+ var: htmlTagParser,
+ wbr: htmlTagParser,
+ br: htmlTagParser,
+ dd: htmlTagParser,
+ dl: htmlTagParser,
+ dt: htmlTagParser,
+ em: htmlTagParser,
+ h1: htmlTagParser,
+ h2: htmlTagParser,
+ h3: htmlTagParser,
+ h4: htmlTagParser,
+ h5: htmlTagParser,
+ h6: htmlTagParser,
+ hr: htmlTagParser,
+ li: htmlTagParser,
+ ol: htmlTagParser,
+ rb: htmlTagParser,
+ rp: htmlTagParser,
+ rt: htmlTagParser,
+ td: htmlTagParser,
+ th: htmlTagParser,
+ tr: htmlTagParser,
+ ul: htmlTagParser,
+ a: htmlTagParser,
+ b: htmlTagParser,
+ i: htmlTagParser,
+ p: htmlTagParser,
+ q: htmlTagParser,
+ s: htmlTagParser,
+ u: htmlTagParser,
+ oncanplaythrough: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondurationchange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onloadedmetadata: htmlAttributeParser,
+ contenteditable: htmlAttributeParser,
+ "accept-charset": htmlAttributeParser,
+ onbeforeunload: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onvolumechange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onbeforeprint: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oncontextmenu: htmlAttributeParser,
+ autocomplete: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onafterprint: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onhashchange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onloadeddata: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmousewheel: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onratechange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ontimeupdate: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oncuechange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondragenter: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondragleave: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondragstart: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onloadstart: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmousedown: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmousemove: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmouseover: htmlAttributeParser,
+ placeholder: htmlAttributeParser,
+ formaction: htmlAttributeParser,
+ "http-equiv": htmlAttributeParser,
+ novalidate: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondblclick: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondragover: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onkeypress: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmouseout: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onpagehide: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onpageshow: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onpopstate: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onprogress: htmlAttributeParser,
+ spellcheck: htmlAttributeParser,
+ accesskey: htmlAttributeParser,
+ autofocus: htmlAttributeParser,
+ draggable: htmlAttributeParser,
+ maxlength: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oncanplay: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondragend: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onemptied: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oninvalid: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onkeydown: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onmouseup: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onoffline: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onplaying: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onseeking: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onstalled: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onstorage: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onsuspend: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onwaiting: htmlAttributeParser,
+ translate: htmlAttributeParser,
+ autoplay: htmlAttributeParser,
+ controls: htmlAttributeParser,
+ datetime: htmlAttributeParser,
+ disabled: htmlAttributeParser,
+ download: htmlAttributeParser,
+ dropzone: htmlAttributeParser,
+ hreflang: htmlAttributeParser,
+ multiple: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onchange: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ononline: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onresize: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onscroll: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onsearch: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onseeked: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onselect: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onsubmit: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ontoggle: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onunload: htmlAttributeParser,
+ property: htmlAttributeParser,
+ readonly: htmlAttributeParser,
+ required: htmlAttributeParser,
+ reversed: htmlAttributeParser,
+ selected: htmlAttributeParser,
+ tabindex: htmlAttributeParser,
+ bgcolor: htmlAttributeParser,
+ charset: htmlAttributeParser,
+ checked: htmlAttributeParser,
+ colspan: htmlAttributeParser,
+ content: htmlAttributeParser,
+ default: htmlAttributeParser,
+ dirname: htmlAttributeParser,
+ enctype: htmlAttributeParser,
+ headers: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onabort: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onclick: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onended: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onerror: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onfocus: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oninput: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onkeyup: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onpaste: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onpause: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onreset: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onwheel: htmlAttributeParser,
+ optimum: htmlAttributeParser,
+ pattern: htmlAttributeParser,
+ preload: htmlAttributeParser,
+ rowspan: htmlAttributeParser,
+ sandbox: htmlAttributeParser,
+ srclang: htmlAttributeParser,
+ accept: htmlAttributeParser,
+ action: htmlAttributeParser,
+ border: htmlAttributeParser,
+ coords: htmlAttributeParser,
+ height: htmlAttributeParser,
+ hidden: htmlAttributeParser,
+ method: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onblur: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oncopy: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondrag: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ondrop: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onload: htmlAttributeParser,
+ onplay: htmlAttributeParser,
+ poster: htmlAttributeParser,
+ srcdoc: htmlAttributeParser,
+ srcset: htmlAttributeParser,
+ target: htmlAttributeParser,
+ usemap: htmlAttributeParser,
+ align: htmlAttributeParser,
+ async: htmlAttributeParser,
+ class: htmlAttributeParser,
+ color: htmlAttributeParser,
+ defer: htmlAttributeParser,
+ ismap: htmlAttributeParser,
+ media: htmlAttributeParser,
+ muted: htmlAttributeParser,
+ oncut: htmlAttributeParser,
+ scope: htmlAttributeParser,
+ shape: htmlAttributeParser,
+ sizes: htmlAttributeParser,
+ start: htmlAttributeParser,
+ style: htmlAttributeParser,
+ title: htmlAttributeParser,
+ value: htmlAttributeParser,
+ width: htmlAttributeParser,
+ cols: htmlAttributeParser,
+ high: htmlAttributeParser,
+ href: htmlAttributeParser,
+ kind: htmlAttributeParser,
+ lang: htmlAttributeParser,
+ list: htmlAttributeParser,
+ loop: htmlAttributeParser,
+ name: htmlAttributeParser,
+ open: htmlAttributeParser,
+ rows: htmlAttributeParser,
+ size: htmlAttributeParser,
+ step: htmlAttributeParser,
+ type: htmlAttributeParser,
+ wrap: htmlAttributeParser,
+ alt: htmlAttributeParser,
+ dir: htmlAttributeParser,
+ for: htmlAttributeParser,
+ low: htmlAttributeParser,
+ max: htmlAttributeParser,
+ min: htmlAttributeParser,
+ rel: htmlAttributeParser,
+ src: htmlAttributeParser,
+ id: htmlAttributeParser,
+ lineShiftClickCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ contextMenuCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ doubleClickCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ shiftClickCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ lineClickCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ changeCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ clickCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ keyUpCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ blurCommand: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ collapse: stumpExtendedAttributeParser,
+ bern: bernParser
+ }),
+ [
+ { regex: /^$/, parser: blankLineParser },
+ { regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+Component/, parser: componentDefinitionParser }
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ get htmlTagNameAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get anyHtmlContentAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ }
+ isHtmlTagParser = true
+ getTag() {
+ // we need to remove the "Tag" bit to handle the style and title attribute/tag conflict.
+ const cue = this.cue
+ const map = {
+ titleTag: "title",
+ styleTag: "style"
+ }
+ return map[cue] || cue
+ }
+ _getHtmlJoinByCharacter() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ asHtmlWithSuids() {
+ return this._toHtml(undefined, true)
+ }
+ _getOneLiner() {
+ const oneLinerAtoms = this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ return oneLinerAtoms.length ? oneLinerAtoms.join(" ") : ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return this._getOneLiner()
+ }
+ shouldCollapse() {
+ return this.has("collapse")
+ }
+ get domElement() {
+ var elem = document.createElement(this.getTag())
+ elem.setAttribute("stumpUid", this._getUid())
+ this.filter(particle => particle.isAttributeParser).forEach(subparticle => elem.setAttribute(subparticle.cue, subparticle.content))
+ elem.innerHTML = this.has("bern") ? this.getParticle("bern").subparticlesToString() : this._getOneLiner()
+ this.filter(particle => particle.isHtmlTagParser).forEach(subparticle => elem.appendChild(subparticle.domElement))
+ return elem
+ }
+ _toHtml(indentCount, withSuid) {
+ const tag = this.getTag()
+ const children = => child._toHtml(indentCount + 1, withSuid)).join("")
+ const attributesStr = this.filter(particle => particle.isAttributeParser)
+ .map(child => child.getAttribute())
+ .join("")
+ const indent = " ".repeat(indentCount)
+ const collapse = this.shouldCollapse()
+ const indentForChildParsers = !collapse && this.getSubparticleInstancesOfParserId("htmlTagParser").length > 0
+ const suid = withSuid ? ` stumpUid="${this._getUid()}"` : ""
+ const oneLiner = this._getOneLiner()
+ return `${!collapse ? indent : ""}<${tag}${attributesStr}${suid}>${oneLiner}${indentForChildParsers ? "\n" : ""}${children}${collapse ? "" : "\n"}`
+ }
+ removeCssStumpParticle() {
+ return this.removeStumpParticle()
+ }
+ removeStumpParticle() {
+ this.getShadow().removeShadow()
+ return this.destroy()
+ }
+ getParticleByGuid(guid) {
+ return this.topDownArray.find(particle => particle._getUid() === guid)
+ }
+ addClassToStumpParticle(className) {
+ const classParser = this.touchParticle("class")
+ const atoms = classParser.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ // note: we call add on shadow regardless, because at the moment stump may have gotten out of
+ // sync with shadow, if things modified the dom. todo: cleanup.
+ this.getShadow().addClassToShadow(className)
+ if (atoms.includes(className)) return this
+ atoms.push(className)
+ classParser.setContent(atoms.join(this.atomBreakSymbol))
+ return this
+ }
+ removeClassFromStumpParticle(className) {
+ const classParser = this.getParticle("class")
+ if (!classParser) return this
+ const newClasses = classParser.atoms.filter(atom => atom !== className)
+ if (!newClasses.length) classParser.destroy()
+ else classParser.setContent(newClasses.join(" "))
+ this.getShadow().removeClassFromShadow(className)
+ return this
+ }
+ stumpParticleHasClass(className) {
+ const classParser = this.getParticle("class")
+ return classParser && classParser.atoms.includes(className) ? true : false
+ }
+ isStumpParticleCheckbox() {
+ return this.get("type") === "checkbox"
+ }
+ getShadow() {
+ if (!this._shadow) {
+ const shadowClass = this.getShadowClass()
+ this._shadow = new shadowClass(this)
+ }
+ return this._shadow
+ }
+ insertCssChildParticle(text, index) {
+ return this.insertChildParticle(text, index)
+ }
+ insertChildParticle(text, index) {
+ const singleParticle = new Particle(text).getSubparticles()[0]
+ const newParticle = this.insertLineAndSubparticles(singleParticle.getLine(), singleParticle.subparticlesToString(), index)
+ const stumpParserIndex = this.filter(particle => particle.isHtmlTagParser).indexOf(newParticle)
+ this.getShadow().insertHtmlParticle(newParticle, stumpParserIndex)
+ return newParticle
+ }
+ isInputType() {
+ return ["input", "textarea"].includes(this.getTag()) || this.get("contenteditable") === "true"
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByChild(line) {
+ return this.findStumpParticlesByChild(line)[0]
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByChildString(line) {
+ return this.topDownArray.find(particle =>
+ particle
+ .map(subparticle => subparticle.getLine())
+ .join("\n")
+ .includes(line)
+ )
+ }
+ findStumpParticleByCue(cue) {
+ return this._findStumpParticlesByBase(cue)[0]
+ }
+ _findStumpParticlesByBase(cue) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") && particle.cue === cue)
+ }
+ hasLine(line) {
+ return this.getSubparticles().some(particle => particle.getLine() === line)
+ }
+ findStumpParticlesByChild(line) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") && particle.hasLine(line))
+ }
+ findStumpParticlesWithClass(className) {
+ return this.topDownArray.filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("htmlTagParser") && particle.has("class") && particle.getParticle("class").atoms.includes(className))
+ }
+ getShadowClass() {
+ return this.parent.getShadowClass()
+ }
+ // todo: should not be here
+ getStumpParticleParticleComponent() {
+ return this._particleComponent || this.parent.getStumpParticleParticleComponent()
+ }
+ // todo: should not be here
+ setStumpParticleParticleComponent(particleComponent) {
+ this._particleComponent = particleComponent
+ return this
+ }
+ getStumpParticleCss(prop) {
+ return this.getShadow().getShadowCss(prop)
+ }
+ getStumpParticleAttr(key) {
+ return this.get(key)
+ }
+ setStumpParticleAttr(key, value) {
+ // todo
+ return this
+ }
+ get asHtml() {
+ return this._toHtml()
+ }
+ }
+ class errorParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ getErrors() {
+ return this._getErrorParserErrors()
+ }
+ }
+ class componentDefinitionParser extends htmlTagParser {
+ get componentTagNameAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ getTag() {
+ return "div"
+ }
+ }
+ class htmlAttributeParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(errorParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ get htmlAttributeNameAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get attributeValueAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ }
+ get isTileAttribute() {
+ return true
+ }
+ get isAttributeParser() {
+ return true
+ }
+ _toHtml() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getAttribute() {
+ return ` ${this.cue}="${this.content}"`
+ }
+ }
+ class stumpExtendedAttributeParser extends htmlAttributeParser {
+ get stumpExtendedAttributeNameAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ }
+ class lineOfHtmlContentParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(lineOfHtmlContentParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ get anyHtmlContentAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(0)
+ }
+ get isTileAttribute() {
+ return true
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return this.getLine()
+ }
+ }
+ class bernParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(lineOfHtmlContentParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ get bernKeywordAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get isTileAttribute() {
+ return true
+ }
+ _toHtml() {
+ return this.subparticlesToString()
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ }
+ window.stumpParser = stumpParser
+ }
+ ;
+ {
+ class hakonParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(selectorParser, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParserCombinator()._getCueMapAsObject()), { comment: commentParser }), undefined)
+ }
+ getSelector() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ compile() {
+ return this.topDownArray
+ .filter(particle => particle.isSelectorParser)
+ .map(subparticle => subparticle.compile())
+ .join("")
+ }
+ static cachedHandParsersProgramRoot = new HandParsersProgram(`// Atom Parsers
+ anyAtom
+ cueAtom
+ commentKeywordAtom
+ extends cueAtom
+ paint comment
+ enum comment
+ extraAtom
+ paint invalid
+ cssValueAtom
+ paint constant.numeric
+ selectorAtom
+ paint keyword.control
+ examples body h1
+ // todo add html tags, css and ids selector regexes, etc
+ vendorPrefixCueAtom
+ description Properties like -moz-column-fill
+ paint variable.function
+ extends cueAtom
+ propertyNameAtom
+ paint variable.function
+ // todo Where are these coming from? Can we add a url link
+ enum align-content align-items align-self all animation animation-delay animation-direction animation-duration animation-fill-mode animation-iteration-count animation-name animation-play-state animation-timing-function backface-visibility background background-attachment background-blend-mode background-clip background-color background-image background-origin background-position background-repeat background-size border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-image border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-radius border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom box-shadow box-sizing break-inside caption-side clear clip color column-count column-fill column-gap column-rule column-rule-color column-rule-style column-rule-width column-span column-width columns content counter-increment counter-reset cursor direction display empty-atoms fill filter flex flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap float font @font-face font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight hanging-punctuation height hyphens justify-content @keyframes left letter-spacing line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top max-height max-width @media min-height min-width nav-down nav-index nav-left nav-right nav-up opacity order outline outline-color outline-offset outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-x overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside perspective perspective-origin position quotes resize right tab-size table-layout text-align text-align-last text-decoration text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-indent text-justify text-overflow text-shadow text-transform top transform transform-origin transform-style transition transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function unicode-bidi vertical-align visibility white-space width atom-break atom-spacing atom-wrap z-index overscroll-behavior-x user-select -ms-touch-action -webkit-user-select -webkit-touch-callout -moz-user-select touch-action -ms-user-select -khtml-user-select gap grid-auto-flow grid-column grid-column-end grid-column-gap grid-column-start grid-gap grid-row grid-row-end grid-row-gap grid-row-start grid-template-columns grid-template-rows justify-items justify-self
+ errorAtom
+ paint invalid
+ commentAtom
+ paint comment
+ // Line Parsers
+ hakonParser
+ root
+ // todo Add variables?
+ description A prefix Language that compiles to CSS
+ inScope commentParser
+ catchAllParser selectorParser
+ javascript
+ getSelector() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ compile() {
+ return this.topDownArray
+ .filter(particle => particle.isSelectorParser)
+ .map(subparticle => subparticle.compile())
+ .join("")
+ }
+ example A basic example
+ body
+ font-size 12px
+ h1,h2
+ color red
+ a
+ &:hover
+ color blue
+ font-size 17px
+ propertyParser
+ catchAllAtomType cssValueAtom
+ catchAllParser errorParser
+ javascript
+ compile(spaces) {
+ return \`\${spaces}\${this.cue}: \${this.content};\`
+ }
+ atoms propertyNameAtom
+ variableParser
+ extends propertyParser
+ pattern --
+ browserPrefixPropertyParser
+ extends propertyParser
+ pattern ^\\-\\w.+
+ atoms vendorPrefixCueAtom
+ errorParser
+ catchAllParser errorParser
+ catchAllAtomType errorAtom
+ baseParser errorParser
+ commentParser
+ atoms commentKeywordAtom
+ catchAllAtomType commentAtom
+ catchAllParser commentParser
+ selectorParser
+ inScope propertyParser variableParser commentParser
+ catchAllParser selectorParser
+ boolean isSelectorParser true
+ javascript
+ getSelector() {
+ const parentSelector = this.parent.getSelector()
+ return this.cue
+ .split(",")
+ .map(part => {
+ if (part.startsWith("&")) return parentSelector + part.substr(1)
+ return parentSelector ? parentSelector + " " + part : part
+ })
+ .join(",")
+ }
+ compile() {
+ const propertyParsers = this.getSubparticles().filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("propertyParser"))
+ if (!propertyParsers.length) return ""
+ const spaces = " "
+ return \`\${this.getSelector()} {
+ \${ => subparticle.compile(spaces)).join("\\n")}
+ }\\n\`
+ }
+ atoms selectorAtom`)
+ get handParsersProgram() {
+ return this.constructor.cachedHandParsersProgramRoot
+ }
+ static rootParser = hakonParser
+ }
+ class propertyParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(errorParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ get propertyNameAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get cssValueAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ }
+ compile(spaces) {
+ return `${spaces}${this.cue}: ${this.content};`
+ }
+ }
+ class variableParser extends propertyParser {}
+ class browserPrefixPropertyParser extends propertyParser {
+ get vendorPrefixCueAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ }
+ class errorParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(errorParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ getErrors() {
+ return this._getErrorParserErrors()
+ }
+ get errorAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(0)
+ }
+ }
+ class commentParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(commentParser, undefined, undefined)
+ }
+ get commentKeywordAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get commentAtom() {
+ return this.getAtomsFrom(1)
+ }
+ }
+ class selectorParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(
+ selectorParser,
+ Object.assign(Object.assign({}, super.createParserCombinator()._getCueMapAsObject()), {
+ "border-bottom-right-radius": propertyParser,
+ "transition-timing-function": propertyParser,
+ "animation-iteration-count": propertyParser,
+ "animation-timing-function": propertyParser,
+ "border-bottom-left-radius": propertyParser,
+ "border-top-right-radius": propertyParser,
+ "border-top-left-radius": propertyParser,
+ "background-attachment": propertyParser,
+ "background-blend-mode": propertyParser,
+ "text-decoration-color": propertyParser,
+ "text-decoration-style": propertyParser,
+ "overscroll-behavior-x": propertyParser,
+ "-webkit-touch-callout": propertyParser,
+ "grid-template-columns": propertyParser,
+ "animation-play-state": propertyParser,
+ "text-decoration-line": propertyParser,
+ "animation-direction": propertyParser,
+ "animation-fill-mode": propertyParser,
+ "backface-visibility": propertyParser,
+ "background-position": propertyParser,
+ "border-bottom-color": propertyParser,
+ "border-bottom-style": propertyParser,
+ "border-bottom-width": propertyParser,
+ "border-image-outset": propertyParser,
+ "border-image-repeat": propertyParser,
+ "border-image-source": propertyParser,
+ "hanging-punctuation": propertyParser,
+ "list-style-position": propertyParser,
+ "transition-duration": propertyParser,
+ "transition-property": propertyParser,
+ "-webkit-user-select": propertyParser,
+ "animation-duration": propertyParser,
+ "border-image-slice": propertyParser,
+ "border-image-width": propertyParser,
+ "border-right-color": propertyParser,
+ "border-right-style": propertyParser,
+ "border-right-width": propertyParser,
+ "perspective-origin": propertyParser,
+ "-khtml-user-select": propertyParser,
+ "grid-template-rows": propertyParser,
+ "background-origin": propertyParser,
+ "background-repeat": propertyParser,
+ "border-left-color": propertyParser,
+ "border-left-style": propertyParser,
+ "border-left-width": propertyParser,
+ "column-rule-color": propertyParser,
+ "column-rule-style": propertyParser,
+ "column-rule-width": propertyParser,
+ "counter-increment": propertyParser,
+ "page-break-before": propertyParser,
+ "page-break-inside": propertyParser,
+ "grid-column-start": propertyParser,
+ "background-color": propertyParser,
+ "background-image": propertyParser,
+ "border-top-color": propertyParser,
+ "border-top-style": propertyParser,
+ "border-top-width": propertyParser,
+ "font-size-adjust": propertyParser,
+ "list-style-image": propertyParser,
+ "page-break-after": propertyParser,
+ "transform-origin": propertyParser,
+ "transition-delay": propertyParser,
+ "-ms-touch-action": propertyParser,
+ "-moz-user-select": propertyParser,
+ "animation-delay": propertyParser,
+ "background-clip": propertyParser,
+ "background-size": propertyParser,
+ "border-collapse": propertyParser,
+ "justify-content": propertyParser,
+ "list-style-type": propertyParser,
+ "text-align-last": propertyParser,
+ "text-decoration": propertyParser,
+ "transform-style": propertyParser,
+ "-ms-user-select": propertyParser,
+ "grid-column-end": propertyParser,
+ "grid-column-gap": propertyParser,
+ "animation-name": propertyParser,
+ "border-spacing": propertyParser,
+ "flex-direction": propertyParser,
+ "letter-spacing": propertyParser,
+ "outline-offset": propertyParser,
+ "padding-bottom": propertyParser,
+ "text-transform": propertyParser,
+ "vertical-align": propertyParser,
+ "grid-auto-flow": propertyParser,
+ "grid-row-start": propertyParser,
+ "align-content": propertyParser,
+ "border-bottom": propertyParser,
+ "border-radius": propertyParser,
+ "counter-reset": propertyParser,
+ "margin-bottom": propertyParser,
+ "outline-color": propertyParser,
+ "outline-style": propertyParser,
+ "outline-width": propertyParser,
+ "padding-right": propertyParser,
+ "text-overflow": propertyParser,
+ "justify-items": propertyParser,
+ "border-color": propertyParser,
+ "border-image": propertyParser,
+ "border-right": propertyParser,
+ "border-style": propertyParser,
+ "border-width": propertyParser,
+ "break-inside": propertyParser,
+ "caption-side": propertyParser,
+ "column-count": propertyParser,
+ "column-width": propertyParser,
+ "font-stretch": propertyParser,
+ "font-variant": propertyParser,
+ "margin-right": propertyParser,
+ "padding-left": propertyParser,
+ "table-layout": propertyParser,
+ "text-justify": propertyParser,
+ "unicode-bidi": propertyParser,
+ "atom-spacing": propertyParser,
+ "touch-action": propertyParser,
+ "grid-row-end": propertyParser,
+ "grid-row-gap": propertyParser,
+ "justify-self": propertyParser,
+ "align-items": propertyParser,
+ "border-left": propertyParser,
+ "column-fill": propertyParser,
+ "column-rule": propertyParser,
+ "column-span": propertyParser,
+ "empty-atoms": propertyParser,
+ "flex-shrink": propertyParser,
+ "font-family": propertyParser,
+ "font-weight": propertyParser,
+ "line-height": propertyParser,
+ "margin-left": propertyParser,
+ "padding-top": propertyParser,
+ perspective: propertyParser,
+ "text-indent": propertyParser,
+ "text-shadow": propertyParser,
+ "white-space": propertyParser,
+ "user-select": propertyParser,
+ "grid-column": propertyParser,
+ "align-self": propertyParser,
+ background: propertyParser,
+ "border-top": propertyParser,
+ "box-shadow": propertyParser,
+ "box-sizing": propertyParser,
+ "column-gap": propertyParser,
+ "flex-basis": propertyParser,
+ "@font-face": propertyParser,
+ "font-style": propertyParser,
+ "@keyframes": propertyParser,
+ "list-style": propertyParser,
+ "margin-top": propertyParser,
+ "max-height": propertyParser,
+ "min-height": propertyParser,
+ "overflow-x": propertyParser,
+ "overflow-y": propertyParser,
+ "text-align": propertyParser,
+ transition: propertyParser,
+ visibility: propertyParser,
+ "atom-break": propertyParser,
+ animation: propertyParser,
+ direction: propertyParser,
+ "flex-flow": propertyParser,
+ "flex-grow": propertyParser,
+ "flex-wrap": propertyParser,
+ "font-size": propertyParser,
+ "max-width": propertyParser,
+ "min-width": propertyParser,
+ "nav-index": propertyParser,
+ "nav-right": propertyParser,
+ transform: propertyParser,
+ "atom-wrap": propertyParser,
+ "nav-down": propertyParser,
+ "nav-left": propertyParser,
+ overflow: propertyParser,
+ position: propertyParser,
+ "tab-size": propertyParser,
+ "grid-gap": propertyParser,
+ "grid-row": propertyParser,
+ columns: propertyParser,
+ content: propertyParser,
+ display: propertyParser,
+ hyphens: propertyParser,
+ opacity: propertyParser,
+ outline: propertyParser,
+ padding: propertyParser,
+ "z-index": propertyParser,
+ border: propertyParser,
+ bottom: propertyParser,
+ cursor: propertyParser,
+ filter: propertyParser,
+ height: propertyParser,
+ margin: propertyParser,
+ "@media": propertyParser,
+ "nav-up": propertyParser,
+ quotes: propertyParser,
+ resize: propertyParser,
+ clear: propertyParser,
+ color: propertyParser,
+ float: propertyParser,
+ order: propertyParser,
+ right: propertyParser,
+ width: propertyParser,
+ clip: propertyParser,
+ fill: propertyParser,
+ flex: propertyParser,
+ font: propertyParser,
+ left: propertyParser,
+ all: propertyParser,
+ top: propertyParser,
+ gap: propertyParser,
+ "": propertyParser,
+ comment: commentParser
+ }),
+ [
+ { regex: /--/, parser: variableParser },
+ { regex: /^\-\w.+/, parser: browserPrefixPropertyParser }
+ ]
+ )
+ }
+ get selectorAtom() {
+ return this.getAtom(0)
+ }
+ get isSelectorParser() {
+ return true
+ }
+ getSelector() {
+ const parentSelector = this.parent.getSelector()
+ return this.cue
+ .split(",")
+ .map(part => {
+ if (part.startsWith("&")) return parentSelector + part.substr(1)
+ return parentSelector ? parentSelector + " " + part : part
+ })
+ .join(",")
+ }
+ compile() {
+ const propertyParsers = this.getSubparticles().filter(particle => particle.doesExtend("propertyParser"))
+ if (!propertyParsers.length) return ""
+ const spaces = " "
+ return `${this.getSelector()} {
+ ${ => subparticle.compile(spaces)).join("\n")}
+ }\n`
+ }
+ }
+ window.hakonParser = hakonParser
+ }
+ ;
+ //onsave scrollsdk build produce ParticleComponentFramework.browser.js
+ const BrowserEvents = {}
+ = "click"
+ BrowserEvents.change = "change"
+ BrowserEvents.mouseover = "mouseover"
+ BrowserEvents.mouseout = "mouseout"
+ BrowserEvents.mousedown = "mousedown"
+ BrowserEvents.contextmenu = "contextmenu"
+ BrowserEvents.keypress = "keypress"
+ BrowserEvents.keyup = "keyup"
+ BrowserEvents.focus = "focus"
+ BrowserEvents.mousemove = "mousemove"
+ BrowserEvents.dblclick = "dblclick"
+ BrowserEvents.submit = "submit"
+ BrowserEvents.blur = "blur"
+ BrowserEvents.paste = "paste"
+ BrowserEvents.copy = "copy"
+ BrowserEvents.resize = "resize"
+ BrowserEvents.cut = "cut"
+ BrowserEvents.drop = "drop"
+ BrowserEvents.dragover = "dragover"
+ BrowserEvents.dragenter = "dragenter"
+ BrowserEvents.dragleave = "dragleave"
+ BrowserEvents.ready = "ready"
+ const WillowConstants = {}
+ // todo: cleanup
+ WillowConstants.clickCommand = "clickCommand"
+ WillowConstants.shiftClickCommand = "shiftClickCommand"
+ WillowConstants.blurCommand = "blurCommand"
+ WillowConstants.keyUpCommand = "keyUpCommand"
+ WillowConstants.contextMenuCommand = "contextMenuCommand"
+ WillowConstants.changeCommand = "changeCommand"
+ WillowConstants.doubleClickCommand = "doubleClickCommand"
+ // todo: cleanup
+ WillowConstants.titleTag = "titleTag"
+ WillowConstants.styleTag = "styleTag"
+ WillowConstants.tagMap = {}
+ WillowConstants.tagMap[WillowConstants.styleTag] = "style"
+ WillowConstants.tagMap[WillowConstants.titleTag] = "title"
+ WillowConstants.tags = {}
+ WillowConstants.tags.html = "html"
+ WillowConstants.tags.head = "head"
+ WillowConstants.tags.body = "body"
+ WillowConstants.collapse = "collapse"
+ WillowConstants.uidAttribute = "stumpUid"
+ WillowConstants.class = "class"
+ WillowConstants.type = "type"
+ WillowConstants.value = "value"
+ = "name"
+ WillowConstants.checkbox = "checkbox"
+ WillowConstants.checkedSelector = ":checked"
+ WillowConstants.contenteditable = "contenteditable"
+ WillowConstants.inputTypes = ["input", "textarea"]
+ var CacheType
+ ;(function (CacheType) {
+ CacheType["inBrowserMemory"] = "inBrowserMemory"
+ })(CacheType || (CacheType = {}))
+ class WillowHTTPResponse {
+ constructor(superAgentResponse) {
+ this._cacheType = CacheType.inBrowserMemory
+ this._fromCache = false
+ this._cacheTime =
+ this._superAgentResponse = superAgentResponse
+ this._mimeType = superAgentResponse && superAgentResponse.type
+ }
+ // todo: ServerMemoryCacheTime and ServerMemoryDiskCacheTime
+ get cacheTime() {
+ return this._cacheTime
+ }
+ get cacheType() {
+ return this._cacheType
+ }
+ get body() {
+ return this._superAgentResponse && this._superAgentResponse.body
+ }
+ get text() {
+ if (this._text === undefined) this._text = this._superAgentResponse && this._superAgentResponse.text ? this._superAgentResponse.text : this.body ? JSON.stringify(this.body, null, 2) : ""
+ return this._text
+ }
+ get asJson() {
+ return this.body ? this.body : JSON.parse(this.text)
+ }
+ get fromCache() {
+ return this._fromCache
+ }
+ setFromCache(val) {
+ this._fromCache = val
+ return this
+ }
+ getParsedDataOrText() {
+ if (this._mimeType === "text/csv") return this.text
+ return this.body || this.text
+ }
+ }
+ class WillowHTTPProxyCacheResponse extends WillowHTTPResponse {
+ constructor(proxyServerResponse) {
+ super()
+ this._proxyServerResponse = proxyServerResponse
+ this._cacheType = proxyServerResponse.body.cacheType
+ this._cacheTime = proxyServerResponse.body.cacheTime
+ this._text = proxyServerResponse.body.text
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractWillowShadow {
+ constructor(stumpParticle) {
+ this._stumpParticle = stumpParticle
+ }
+ getShadowStumpParticle() {
+ return this._stumpParticle
+ }
+ getShadowValue() {
+ return this._val
+ }
+ removeShadow() {
+ return this
+ }
+ setInputOrTextAreaValue(value) {
+ this._val = value
+ return this
+ }
+ getShadowParent() {
+ return this.getShadowStumpParticle().parent.getShadow()
+ }
+ getPositionAndDimensions(gridSize = 1) {
+ const offset = this.getShadowOffset()
+ const parentOffset = this.getShadowParent().getShadowOffset()
+ return {
+ left: Math.floor((offset.left - parentOffset.left) / gridSize),
+ top: Math.floor(( - / gridSize),
+ width: Math.floor(this.getShadowWidth() / gridSize),
+ height: Math.floor(this.getShadowHeight() / gridSize)
+ }
+ }
+ shadowHasClass(name) {
+ return false
+ }
+ getShadowAttr(name) {
+ return ""
+ }
+ makeResizable(options) {
+ return this
+ }
+ makeDraggable(options) {
+ return this
+ }
+ makeSelectable(options) {
+ return this
+ }
+ isShadowChecked() {
+ return false
+ }
+ getShadowOffset() {
+ return { left: 111, top: 111 }
+ }
+ getShadowWidth() {
+ return 111
+ }
+ getShadowHeight() {
+ return 111
+ }
+ setShadowAttr(name, value) {
+ return this
+ }
+ isShadowDraggable() {
+ return this.shadowHasClass("draggable")
+ }
+ toggleShadow() {}
+ addClassToShadow(className) {}
+ removeClassFromShadow(className) {
+ return this
+ }
+ onShadowEvent(event, fn) {
+ // todo:
+ return this
+ }
+ onShadowEventWithSelector(event, selector, fn) {
+ // todo:
+ return this
+ }
+ offShadowEvent(event, fn) {
+ // todo:
+ return this
+ }
+ triggerShadowEvent(name) {
+ return this
+ }
+ getShadowPosition() {
+ return {
+ left: 111,
+ top: 111
+ }
+ }
+ getShadowOuterHeight() {
+ return 11
+ }
+ getShadowOuterWidth() {
+ return 11
+ }
+ getShadowCss(property) {
+ return ""
+ }
+ insertHtmlParticle(subparticle, index) {}
+ get element() {
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ class WillowShadow extends AbstractWillowShadow {}
+ class WillowStore {
+ constructor() {
+ this._values = {}
+ }
+ get(key) {
+ return this._values[key]
+ }
+ set(key, value) {
+ this._values[key] = value
+ return this
+ }
+ remove(key) {
+ delete this._values[key]
+ }
+ each(fn) {
+ Object.keys(this._values).forEach(key => {
+ fn(this._values[key], key)
+ })
+ }
+ clearAll() {
+ this._values = {}
+ }
+ }
+ class WillowMousetrap {
+ constructor() {
+ this.prototype = {}
+ }
+ bind() {}
+ }
+ // this one should have no document, window, $, et cetera.
+ class AbstractWillowBrowser extends stumpParser {
+ constructor(fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName) {
+ super(`${WillowConstants.tags.html}
+ ${WillowConstants.tags.head}
+ ${WillowConstants.tags.body}`)
+ this._offlineMode = false
+ this._httpGetResponseCache = {}
+ this.location = {}
+ this._htmlStumpParticle = this.particleAt(0)
+ this._headStumpParticle = this.particleAt(0).particleAt(0)
+ this._bodyStumpParticle = this.particleAt(0).particleAt(1)
+ this.addSuidsToHtmlHeadAndBodyShadows()
+ this._fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName = fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName
+ const url = new URL(fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName)
+ this.location.port = url.port
+ this.location.protocol = url.protocol
+ this.location.hostname = url.hostname
+ =
+ }
+ _getPort() {
+ return this.location.port ? ":" + this.location.port : ""
+ }
+ getHash() {
+ return this.location.hash || ""
+ }
+ setHash(value) {
+ this.location.hash = value
+ }
+ setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack(id, html) {}
+ setHtmlOfElementsWithClassHack(id, html) {}
+ setValueOfElementWithIdHack(id, value) {}
+ setValueOfElementWithClassHack(id, value) {}
+ getElementById(id) {}
+ queryObjectToQueryString(obj) {
+ const params = new URLSearchParams()
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
+ params.set(key, String(value))
+ }
+ return params.toString()
+ }
+ toPrettyDeepLink(particleCode, queryObject) {
+ // todo: move things to a constant.
+ const particleBreakSymbol = "~"
+ const edgeSymbol = "_"
+ const obj = Object.assign({}, queryObject)
+ if (!particleCode.includes(particleBreakSymbol) && !particleCode.includes(edgeSymbol)) {
+ obj.particleBreakSymbol = particleBreakSymbol
+ obj.edgeSymbol = edgeSymbol
+ = encodeURIComponent(particleCode.replace(/ /g, edgeSymbol).replace(/\n/g, particleBreakSymbol))
+ } else = encodeURIComponent(particleCode)
+ return this.getAppWebPageUrl() + "?" + this.queryObjectToQueryString(obj)
+ }
+ getHost() {
+ return
+ }
+ reload() {}
+ toggleOfflineMode() {
+ this._offlineMode = !this._offlineMode
+ }
+ addSuidsToHtmlHeadAndBodyShadows() {}
+ getShadowClass() {
+ return WillowShadow
+ }
+ getMockMouseEvent() {
+ return {
+ clientX: 0,
+ clientY: 0,
+ offsetX: 0,
+ offsetY: 0
+ }
+ }
+ toggleFullScreen() {}
+ getMousetrap() {
+ if (!this._mousetrap) this._mousetrap = new WillowMousetrap()
+ return this._mousetrap
+ }
+ _getFocusedShadow() {
+ return this._focusedShadow || this.getBodyStumpParticle().getShadow()
+ }
+ getHeadStumpParticle() {
+ return this._headStumpParticle
+ }
+ getBodyStumpParticle() {
+ return this._bodyStumpParticle
+ }
+ getHtmlStumpParticle() {
+ return this._htmlStumpParticle
+ }
+ getStore() {
+ if (!this._store) this._store = new WillowStore()
+ return this._store
+ }
+ someInputHasFocus() {
+ const focusedShadow = this._getFocusedShadow()
+ if (!focusedShadow) return false
+ const stumpParticle = focusedShadow.getShadowStumpParticle()
+ return stumpParticle && stumpParticle.isInputType()
+ }
+ copyTextToClipboard(text) {}
+ setCopyData(evt, str) {}
+ getAppWebPageUrl() {
+ return this._fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName
+ }
+ getAppWebPageParentFolderWithoutTrailingSlash() {
+ return Utils.getPathWithoutFileName(this._fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName)
+ }
+ _makeRelativeUrlAbsolute(url) {
+ if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://")) return url
+ return this.getAppWebPageParentFolderWithoutTrailingSlash() + "/" + url.replace(/^\//, "")
+ }
+ async makeUrlAbsoluteAndHttpGetUrl(url, queryStringObject, responseClass = WillowHTTPResponse) {
+ return this.httpGetUrl(this._makeRelativeUrlAbsolute(url), queryStringObject, responseClass)
+ }
+ async httpGetUrl(url, queryStringObject, responseClass = WillowHTTPResponse) {
+ if (this._offlineMode) return new WillowHTTPResponse()
+ const superAgentResponse = await superagent
+ .get(url)
+ .query(queryStringObject)
+ .set(this._headers || {})
+ return new responseClass(superAgentResponse)
+ }
+ _getFromResponseCache(cacheKey) {
+ const hit = this._httpGetResponseCache[cacheKey]
+ if (hit) hit.setFromCache(true)
+ return hit
+ }
+ _setInResponseCache(url, res) {
+ this._httpGetResponseCache[url] = res
+ return this
+ }
+ async httpGetUrlFromCache(url, queryStringMap = {}, responseClass = WillowHTTPResponse) {
+ const cacheKey = url + JSON.stringify(queryStringMap)
+ const cacheHit = this._getFromResponseCache(cacheKey)
+ if (!cacheHit) {
+ const res = await this.httpGetUrl(url, queryStringMap, responseClass)
+ this._setInResponseCache(cacheKey, res)
+ return res
+ }
+ return cacheHit
+ }
+ async httpGetUrlFromProxyCache(url) {
+ const queryStringMap = {}
+ queryStringMap.url = url
+ queryStringMap.cacheOnServer = "true"
+ return await this.httpGetUrlFromCache("/proxy", queryStringMap, WillowHTTPProxyCacheResponse)
+ }
+ async httpPostUrl(url, data) {
+ if (this._offlineMode) return new WillowHTTPResponse()
+ const superAgentResponse = await superagent
+ .post(this._makeRelativeUrlAbsolute(url))
+ .set(this._headers || {})
+ .send(data)
+ return new WillowHTTPResponse(superAgentResponse)
+ }
+ encodeURIComponent(str) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(str)
+ }
+ downloadFile(data, filename, filetype) {
+ // noop
+ }
+ async appendScript(url) {}
+ getWindowTitle() {
+ // todo: deep getParticleByBase/withBase/type/atom or something?
+ const particles = this.topDownArray
+ const titleParticle = particles.find(particle => particle.cue === WillowConstants.titleTag)
+ return titleParticle ? titleParticle.content : ""
+ }
+ setWindowTitle(value) {
+ const particles = this.topDownArray
+ const headParticle = particles.find(particle => particle.cue === WillowConstants.tags.head)
+ headParticle.touchParticle(WillowConstants.titleTag).setContent(value)
+ return this
+ }
+ _getHostname() {
+ return this.location.hostname || ""
+ }
+ openUrl(link) {
+ // noop in willow
+ }
+ getPageHtml() {
+ return this.getHtmlStumpParticle().asHtmlWithSuids()
+ }
+ getStumpParticleFromElement(el) {}
+ setPasteHandler(fn) {
+ return this
+ }
+ setErrorHandler(fn) {
+ return this
+ }
+ setCopyHandler(fn) {
+ return this
+ }
+ setCutHandler(fn) {
+ return this
+ }
+ setResizeEndHandler(fn) {
+ return this
+ }
+ async confirmThen(message) {
+ return true
+ }
+ async promptThen(message, value) {
+ return value
+ }
+ setLoadedDroppedFileHandler(callback, helpText = "") {}
+ getWindowSize() {
+ return {
+ width: 1111,
+ height: 1111
+ }
+ }
+ getDocumentSize() {
+ return this.getWindowSize()
+ }
+ isExternalLink(link) {
+ if (link && link.substr(0, 1) === "/") return false
+ if (!link.includes("//")) return false
+ const hostname = this._getHostname()
+ const url = new URL(link)
+ return url.hostname && hostname !== url.hostname
+ }
+ forceRepaint() {}
+ blurFocusedInput() {}
+ }
+ class WillowBrowser extends AbstractWillowBrowser {
+ constructor(fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName) {
+ super(fullHtmlPageUrlIncludingProtocolAndFileName)
+ this._offlineMode = true
+ }
+ }
+ WillowBrowser._stumpsOnPage = 0
+ class WillowBrowserShadow extends AbstractWillowShadow {
+ get element() {
+ if (!this._cachedEl) this._cachedEl = document.querySelector(`[${WillowConstants.uidAttribute}="${this.getShadowStumpParticle()._getUid()}"]`)
+ return this._cachedEl
+ }
+ getShadowValueFromAttr() {
+ return this.element.getAttribute(WillowConstants.value)
+ }
+ isShadowChecked() {
+ return this.element.checked
+ }
+ getShadowAttr(name) {
+ return this.element.getAttribute(name)
+ }
+ _logMessage(type) {
+ if (true) return true
+ WillowBrowserShadow._shadowUpdateNumber++
+ console.log(`DOM Update ${WillowBrowserShadow._shadowUpdateNumber}: ${type}`)
+ }
+ // todo: add tests
+ // todo: idea, don't "paint" wall (dont append it to parent, until done.)
+ insertHtmlParticle(childStumpParticle, index) {
+ const { domElement } = childStumpParticle
+ const { element } = this
+ // todo: can we virtualize this?
+ // would it be a "virtual shadow?"
+ if (index === undefined) element.appendChild(domElement)
+ else if (index === 0) element.prepend(domElement)
+ else element.insertBefore(domElement, element.children[index])
+ WillowBrowser._stumpsOnPage++
+ this._logMessage("insert")
+ }
+ removeShadow() {
+ this.element.remove()
+ WillowBrowser._stumpsOnPage--
+ this._logMessage("remove")
+ return this
+ }
+ setInputOrTextAreaValue(value) {
+ this.element.value = value
+ this._logMessage("val")
+ return this
+ }
+ setShadowAttr(name, value) {
+ this.element.setAttribute(name, value)
+ this._logMessage("attr")
+ return this
+ }
+ getShadowCss(prop) {
+ const { element } = this
+ const compStyles = window.getComputedStyle(element)
+ return compStyles.getPropertyValue(prop)
+ }
+ getShadowPosition() {
+ return this.element.getBoundingClientRect()
+ }
+ shadowHasClass(name) {
+ return this.element.classList.contains(name)
+ }
+ getShadowValue() {
+ // todo: cleanup, add tests
+ if (this.getShadowStumpParticle().isInputType()) return this.element.value
+ return this.element.value || this.getShadowValueFromAttr()
+ }
+ addClassToShadow(className) {
+ this.element.classList.add(className)
+ this._logMessage("addClass")
+ return this
+ }
+ removeClassFromShadow(className) {
+ this.element.classList.remove(className)
+ this._logMessage("removeClass")
+ return this
+ }
+ toggleShadow() {
+ const { element } = this
+ = == "none" ? "block" : "none"
+ this._logMessage("toggle")
+ return this
+ }
+ getShadowOuterHeight() {
+ return this.element.outerHeight
+ }
+ getShadowOuterWidth() {
+ return this.element.outerWidth
+ }
+ getShadowWidth() {
+ return this.element.innerWidth
+ }
+ getShadowHeight() {
+ return this.element.innerHeight
+ }
+ getShadowOffset() {
+ const element = this.element
+ if (!element.getClientRects().length) return { top: 0, left: 0 }
+ const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect()
+ const win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView
+ return {
+ top: + win.pageYOffset,
+ left: rect.left + win.pageXOffset
+ }
+ }
+ triggerShadowEvent(event) {
+ this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event(event))
+ this._logMessage("trigger")
+ return this
+ }
+ onShadowEvent(event, fn) {
+ this.element.addEventListener(event, fn)
+ this._logMessage("bind on")
+ return this
+ }
+ onShadowEventWithSelector(event, selector, fn) {
+ this.element.addEventListener(event, function (evt) {
+ let target =
+ while (target !== null) {
+ if (target.matches(selector)) {
+ fn(target, evt)
+ return
+ }
+ target = target.parentElement
+ }
+ })
+ this._logMessage("bind on")
+ return this
+ }
+ offShadowEvent(event, fn) {
+ this.element.removeEventListener(event, fn)
+ this._logMessage("bind off")
+ return this
+ }
+ }
+ WillowBrowserShadow._shadowUpdateNumber = 0 // todo: what is this for, debugging perf?
+ // same thing, except with side effects.
+ class RealWillowBrowser extends AbstractWillowBrowser {
+ findStumpParticlesByShadowClass(className) {
+ const stumpParticles = []
+ const els = document.getElementsByClassName(className)
+ for (let el of els) {
+ stumpParticles.push(this.getStumpParticleFromElement(this))
+ }
+ return stumpParticles
+ }
+ getElementById(id) {
+ return document.getElementById(id)
+ }
+ setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack(id, html = "") {
+ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = html
+ }
+ setHtmlOfElementsWithClassHack(className, html = "") {
+ const els = document.getElementsByClassName(className)
+ for (let el of els) {
+ el.innerHTML = html
+ }
+ }
+ setValueOfElementWithIdHack(id, value = "") {
+ const el = document.getElementById(id)
+ el.value = value
+ }
+ setValueOfElementsWithClassHack(className, value = "") {
+ const els = document.getElementsByClassName(className)
+ for (let el of els) {
+ el.value = value
+ }
+ }
+ getElementByTagName(tagName) {
+ return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)[0]
+ }
+ addSuidsToHtmlHeadAndBodyShadows() {
+ this.getElementByTagName(WillowConstants.tags.html).setAttribute(WillowConstants.uidAttribute, this.getHtmlStumpParticle()._getUid())
+ this.getElementByTagName(WillowConstants.tags.head).setAttribute(WillowConstants.uidAttribute, this.getHeadStumpParticle()._getUid())
+ this.getElementByTagName(WillowConstants.tags.body).setAttribute(WillowConstants.uidAttribute, this.getBodyStumpParticle()._getUid())
+ }
+ getShadowClass() {
+ return WillowBrowserShadow
+ }
+ setCopyHandler(fn) {
+ document.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.copy, event => {
+ fn(event)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ setCutHandler(fn) {
+ document.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.cut, event => {
+ fn(event)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ setPasteHandler(fn) {
+ window.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.paste, fn, false)
+ return this
+ }
+ setErrorHandler(fn) {
+ window.addEventListener("error", fn)
+ window.addEventListener("unhandledrejection", fn)
+ return this
+ }
+ toggleFullScreen() {
+ const doc = document
+ if ((doc.fullScreenElement && doc.fullScreenElement !== null) || (!doc.mozFullScreen && !doc.webkitIsFullScreen)) {
+ if (doc.documentElement.requestFullScreen) doc.documentElement.requestFullScreen()
+ else if (doc.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen) doc.documentElement.mozRequestFullScreen()
+ else if (doc.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen) doc.documentElement.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT)
+ } else {
+ if (doc.cancelFullScreen) doc.cancelFullScreen()
+ else if (doc.mozCancelFullScreen) doc.mozCancelFullScreen()
+ else if (doc.webkitCancelFullScreen) doc.webkitCancelFullScreen()
+ }
+ }
+ setCopyData(evt, str) {
+ const originalEvent = evt.originalEvent
+ originalEvent.preventDefault()
+ originalEvent.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str)
+ originalEvent.clipboardData.setData("text/html", str)
+ }
+ getMousetrap() {
+ return window.Mousetrap
+ }
+ copyTextToClipboard(text) {
+ //
+ const textArea = document.createElement("textarea")
+ = "fixed"
+ = "0"
+ = "0"
+ = "2em"
+ = "2em"
+ = "0"
+ = "none"
+ = "none"
+ = "none"
+ = "transparent"
+ textArea.value = text
+ document.body.appendChild(textArea)
+ try {
+ const successful = document.execCommand("copy")
+ } catch (err) {}
+ document.body.removeChild(textArea)
+ }
+ getStore() {
+ return
+ }
+ getHash() {
+ return location.hash || ""
+ }
+ setHash(value) {
+ location.hash = value
+ }
+ getHost() {
+ return
+ }
+ _getHostname() {
+ return location.hostname
+ }
+ async appendScript(url) {
+ if (!url) return undefined
+ if (!this._loadingPromises) this._loadingPromises = {}
+ if (this._loadingPromises[url]) return this._loadingPromises[url]
+ if (this.isNodeJs()) return undefined
+ this._loadingPromises[url] = this._appendScript(url)
+ return this._loadingPromises[url]
+ }
+ _appendScript(url) {
+ //
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ let resolved = false
+ const scriptEl = document.createElement("script")
+ scriptEl.type = "text/javascript"
+ scriptEl.src = url
+ scriptEl.async = true
+ scriptEl.onload = scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (!resolved && (!this.readyState || this.readyState == "complete")) {
+ resolved = true
+ resolve(this)
+ }
+ }
+ scriptEl.onerror = scriptEl.onabort = reject
+ document.head.appendChild(scriptEl)
+ })
+ }
+ downloadFile(data, filename, filetype) {
+ const downloadLink = document.createElement("a")
+ downloadLink.setAttribute("href", `data:${filetype},` + encodeURIComponent(data))
+ downloadLink.setAttribute("download", filename)
+ }
+ reload() {
+ window.location.reload()
+ }
+ openUrl(link) {
+ }
+ setResizeEndHandler(fn) {
+ let resizeTimer
+ window.addEventListener(BrowserEvents.resize, evt => {
+ const target =
+ if (target !== window) return // dont resize on div resizes
+ clearTimeout(resizeTimer)
+ resizeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
+ fn(this.getWindowSize())
+ }, 100)
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ getStumpParticleFromElement(el) {
+ return this.getHtmlStumpParticle().getParticleByGuid(parseInt(el.getAttribute(WillowConstants.uidAttribute)))
+ }
+ forceRepaint() {
+ // todo:
+ }
+ getBrowserHtml() {
+ return document.documentElement.outerHTML
+ }
+ async confirmThen(message) {
+ return confirm(message)
+ }
+ async promptThen(message, value) {
+ return prompt(message, value)
+ }
+ getWindowSize() {
+ return {
+ width: window.innerWidth,
+ height: window.innerHeight
+ }
+ }
+ // todo: denote the side effect
+ blurFocusedInput() {
+ // todo: test against browser.
+ document.activeElement.blur()
+ }
+ setLoadedDroppedFileHandler(callback, helpText = "") {
+ const bodyStumpParticle = this.getBodyStumpParticle()
+ const bodyShadow = bodyStumpParticle.getShadow()
+ // Added the below to ensure dragging from the chrome downloads bar works
+ //
+ const handleChromeBug = event => {
+ const originalEvent = event.originalEvent
+ const effect = originalEvent.dataTransfer.effectAllowed
+ originalEvent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = effect === "move" || effect === "linkMove" ? "move" : "copy"
+ }
+ const dragoverHandler = event => {
+ handleChromeBug(event)
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ if (!bodyStumpParticle.stumpParticleHasClass("dragOver")) {
+ bodyStumpParticle.insertChildParticle(`div ${helpText}
+ id dragOverHelp`)
+ bodyStumpParticle.addClassToStumpParticle("dragOver")
+ // Add the help, and then hopefull we'll get a dragover event on the dragOverHelp, then
+ // 50ms later, add the dragleave handler, and from now on drag leave will only happen on the help
+ // div
+ setTimeout(function () {
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEvent(BrowserEvents.dragleave, dragleaveHandler)
+ }, 50)
+ }
+ }
+ const dragleaveHandler = event => {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ bodyStumpParticle.removeClassFromStumpParticle("dragOver")
+ bodyStumpParticle.findStumpParticleByChild("id dragOverHelp").removeStumpParticle()
+ bodyShadow.offShadowEvent(BrowserEvents.dragleave, dragleaveHandler)
+ }
+ const dropHandler = async event => {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ bodyStumpParticle.removeClassFromStumpParticle("dragOver")
+ bodyStumpParticle.findStumpParticleByChild("id dragOverHelp").removeStumpParticle()
+ const droppedItems = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.items
+ // (BY DESIGN)
+ const items = []
+ for (let droppedItem of droppedItems) {
+ const entry = droppedItem.webkitGetAsEntry()
+ items.push(this._handleDroppedEntry(entry))
+ }
+ const results = await Promise.all(items)
+ callback(results)
+ }
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEvent(BrowserEvents.dragover, dragoverHandler)
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEvent(BrowserEvents.drop, dropHandler)
+ // todo: why do we do this?
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEvent(BrowserEvents.dragenter, function (event) {
+ event.preventDefault()
+ event.stopPropagation()
+ })
+ }
+ _handleDroppedEntry(item, path = "") {
+ //
+ //
+ return item.isFile ? this._handleDroppedFile(item) : this._handleDroppedDirectory(item, path)
+ }
+ _handleDroppedDirectory(item, path) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ item.createReader().readEntries(async entries => {
+ const promises = []
+ for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
+ promises.push(this._handleDroppedEntry(entries[i], path + + "/"))
+ }
+ const res = await Promise.all(promises)
+ resolve(res)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ _handleDroppedFile(file) {
+ //
+ //
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ file.file(data => {
+ const reader = new FileReader()
+ reader.onload = evt => {
+ resolve({ data:, filename: })
+ }
+ reader.onerror = err => reject(err)
+ reader.readAsText(data)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ _getFocusedShadow() {
+ const stumpParticle = this.getStumpParticleFromElement(document.activeElement)
+ return stumpParticle && stumpParticle.getShadow()
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractTheme {
+ hakonToCss(str) {
+ const hakonProgram = new hakonParser(str)
+ // console.log(hakonProgram.getAllErrors())
+ return hakonProgram.compile()
+ }
+ }
+ class DefaultTheme extends AbstractTheme {}
+ class AbstractParticleComponentParser extends ParserBackedParticle {
+ async startWhenReady() {
+ if (this.isNodeJs()) return this.start()
+ document.addEventListener(
+ "DOMContentLoaded",
+ async () => {
+ this.start()
+ },
+ false
+ )
+ }
+ start() {
+ this._bindParticleComponentFrameworkCommandListenersOnBody()
+ this.renderAndGetRenderReport(this.willowBrowser.getBodyStumpParticle())
+ }
+ get willowBrowser() {
+ if (!this._willowBrowser) {
+ if (this.isNodeJs()) {
+ this._willowBrowser = new WillowBrowser("http://localhost:8000/index.html")
+ } else {
+ this._willowBrowser = new RealWillowBrowser(window.location.href)
+ }
+ }
+ return this._willowBrowser
+ }
+ onCommandError(err) {
+ throw err
+ }
+ _setMouseEvent(evt) {
+ this._mouseEvent = evt
+ return this
+ }
+ getMouseEvent() {
+ return this._mouseEvent || this.willowBrowser.getMockMouseEvent()
+ }
+ _onCommandWillRun() {
+ // todo: remove. currently used by ohayo
+ }
+ _getCommandArgumentsFromStumpParticle(stumpParticle, commandMethod) {
+ if (commandMethod.includes(" ")) {
+ // todo: cleanup and document
+ // It seems the command arguments can from the method string or from form values.
+ const parts = commandMethod.split(" ")
+ return {
+ uno: parts[1],
+ dos: parts[2]
+ }
+ }
+ const shadow = stumpParticle.getShadow()
+ let valueParam
+ if (stumpParticle.isStumpParticleCheckbox()) valueParam = shadow.isShadowChecked() ? true : false
+ // todo: fix bug if nothing is entered.
+ else if (shadow.getShadowValue() !== undefined) valueParam = shadow.getShadowValue()
+ else valueParam = stumpParticle.getStumpParticleAttr("value")
+ const nameParam = stumpParticle.getStumpParticleAttr("name")
+ return {
+ uno: valueParam,
+ dos: nameParam
+ }
+ }
+ getStumpParticleString() {
+ return this.willowBrowser.getHtmlStumpParticle().toString()
+ }
+ _getHtmlOnlyParticles() {
+ const particles = []
+ this.willowBrowser.getHtmlStumpParticle().deepVisit(particle => {
+ if (particle.cue === "styleTag" || (particle.content || "").startsWith("
+ particles.push(particle)
+ })
+ return particles
+ }
+ getStumpParticleStringWithoutCssAndSvg() {
+ // todo: cleanup. feels hacky.
+ const clone = new Particle(this.willowBrowser.getHtmlStumpParticle().toString())
+ clone.topDownArray.forEach(particle => {
+ if (particle.cue === "styleTag" || (particle.content || "").startsWith("
+ })
+ return clone.toString()
+ }
+ getTextContent() {
+ return this._getHtmlOnlyParticles()
+ .map(particle => particle.getTextContent())
+ .filter(text => text)
+ .join("\n")
+ }
+ getCommandNames() {
+ return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)).filter(atom => atom.endsWith("Command"))
+ }
+ async _executeCommandOnStumpParticle(stumpParticle, commandMethod) {
+ const params = this._getCommandArgumentsFromStumpParticle(stumpParticle, commandMethod)
+ if (commandMethod.includes(" "))
+ // todo: cleanup
+ commandMethod = commandMethod.split(" ")[0]
+ this.addToCommandLog([commandMethod,, params.dos].filter(identity => identity).join(" "))
+ this._onCommandWillRun() // todo: remove. currently used by ohayo
+ let particleComponent = stumpParticle.getStumpParticleParticleComponent()
+ while (!particleComponent[commandMethod]) {
+ const parent = particleComponent.parent
+ if (parent === particleComponent) throw new Error(`Unknown command "${commandMethod}"`)
+ if (!parent) debugger
+ particleComponent = parent
+ }
+ try {
+ await particleComponent[commandMethod](, params.dos)
+ } catch (err) {
+ this.onCommandError(err)
+ }
+ }
+ _bindParticleComponentFrameworkCommandListenersOnBody() {
+ const willowBrowser = this.willowBrowser
+ const bodyShadow = willowBrowser.getBodyStumpParticle().getShadow()
+ const app = this
+ const checkAndExecute = (el, attr, evt) => {
+ const stumpParticle = willowBrowser.getStumpParticleFromElement(el)
+ evt.preventDefault()
+ evt.stopImmediatePropagation()
+ this._executeCommandOnStumpParticle(stumpParticle, stumpParticle.getStumpParticleAttr(attr))
+ return false
+ }
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(BrowserEvents.contextmenu, `[${WillowConstants.contextMenuCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ if (evt.ctrlKey) return true
+ app._setMouseEvent(evt) // todo: remove?
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.contextMenuCommand, evt)
+ })
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(, `[${WillowConstants.clickCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ if (evt.shiftKey) return checkAndExecute(this, WillowConstants.shiftClickCommand, evt)
+ app._setMouseEvent(evt) // todo: remove?
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.clickCommand, evt)
+ })
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(BrowserEvents.dblclick, `[${WillowConstants.doubleClickCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ if ( !== evt.currentTarget) return true // direct dblclicks only
+ app._setMouseEvent(evt) // todo: remove?
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.doubleClickCommand, evt)
+ })
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(BrowserEvents.blur, `[${WillowConstants.blurCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.blurCommand, evt)
+ })
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(BrowserEvents.keyup, `[${WillowConstants.keyUpCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.keyUpCommand, evt)
+ })
+ bodyShadow.onShadowEventWithSelector(BrowserEvents.change, `[${WillowConstants.changeCommand}]`, function (target, evt) {
+ return checkAndExecute(target, WillowConstants.changeCommand, evt)
+ })
+ }
+ stopPropagationCommand() {
+ // todo: remove?
+ // intentional noop
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ async clearMessageBufferCommand() {
+ delete this._messageBuffer
+ }
+ // todo: remove?
+ async unmountAndDestroyCommand() {
+ this.unmountAndDestroy()
+ }
+ toggleParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerCommand() {
+ // todo: move somewhere else?
+ // todo: cleanup
+ const app = this.root
+ const particle = app.getParticle("ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent")
+ if (particle) {
+ particle.unmountAndDestroy()
+ } else {
+ app.appendLine("ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent")
+ app.renderAndGetRenderReport()
+ }
+ }
+ getStumpParticle() {
+ return this._htmlStumpParticle
+ }
+ toHakonCode() {
+ return ""
+ }
+ getTheme() {
+ if (!this.isRoot()) return this.root.getTheme()
+ if (!this._theme) this._theme = new DefaultTheme()
+ return this._theme
+ }
+ getCommandsBuffer() {
+ if (!this._commandsBuffer) this._commandsBuffer = []
+ return this._commandsBuffer
+ }
+ addToCommandLog(command) {
+ this.getCommandsBuffer().push({
+ command: command,
+ time: this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds()
+ })
+ }
+ getMessageBuffer() {
+ if (!this._messageBuffer) this._messageBuffer = new Particle()
+ return this._messageBuffer
+ }
+ // todo: move this to particle class? or other higher level class?
+ addStumpCodeMessageToLog(message) {
+ // note: we have 1 parameter, and are going to do type inference first.
+ // Todo: add actions that can be taken from a message?
+ // todo: add tests
+ this.getMessageBuffer().appendLineAndSubparticles("message", message)
+ }
+ addStumpErrorMessageToLog(errorMessage) {
+ // todo: cleanup!
+ return this.addStumpCodeMessageToLog(`div
+ class OhayoError
+ bern${Particle.nest(errorMessage, 2)}`)
+ }
+ logMessageText(message = "") {
+ const pre = `pre
+ bern${Particle.nest(message, 2)}`
+ return this.addStumpCodeMessageToLog(pre)
+ }
+ unmount() {
+ if (
+ !this.isMounted() // todo: why do we need this check?
+ )
+ return undefined
+ this._getChildParticleComponents().forEach(subparticle => subparticle.unmount())
+ this.particleComponentWillUnmount()
+ this._removeCss()
+ this._removeHtml()
+ delete this._lastRenderedTime
+ this.particleComponentDidUnmount()
+ }
+ _removeHtml() {
+ this._htmlStumpParticle.removeStumpParticle()
+ delete this._htmlStumpParticle
+ }
+ toStumpCode() {
+ return `div
+ class ${this.getCssClassNames().join(" ")}`
+ }
+ getCssClassNames() {
+ return this._getJavascriptPrototypeChainUpTo("AbstractParticleComponentParser")
+ }
+ particleComponentWillMount() {}
+ async particleComponentDidMount() {
+ AbstractParticleComponentParser._mountedParticleComponents++
+ }
+ particleComponentDidUnmount() {
+ AbstractParticleComponentParser._mountedParticleComponents--
+ }
+ particleComponentWillUnmount() {}
+ getNewestTimeToRender() {
+ return this._lastTimeToRender
+ }
+ _setLastRenderedTime(time) {
+ this._lastRenderedTime = time
+ return this
+ }
+ async particleComponentDidUpdate() {}
+ _getChildParticleComponents() {
+ return this.getSubparticlesByParser(AbstractParticleComponentParser)
+ }
+ _hasSubparticlesParticleComponents() {
+ return this._getChildParticleComponents().length > 0
+ }
+ // todo: this is hacky. we do it so we can just mount all tiles to wall.
+ getStumpParticleForSubparticles() {
+ return this.getStumpParticle()
+ }
+ _getLastRenderedTime() {
+ return this._lastRenderedTime
+ }
+ get _css() {
+ return this.getTheme().hakonToCss(this.toHakonCode())
+ }
+ toPlainHtml(containerId) {
+ return `
+ ${new stumpParser(this.toStumpCode()).compile()}
+ }
+ _updateAndGetUpdateReport() {
+ const reasonForUpdatingOrNot = this.getWhetherToUpdateAndReason()
+ if (!reasonForUpdatingOrNot.shouldUpdate) return reasonForUpdatingOrNot
+ this._setLastRenderedTime(this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds())
+ this._removeCss()
+ this._mountCss()
+ // todo: fucking switch to react? looks like we don't update parent because we dont want to nuke children.
+ // okay. i see why we might do that for non tile particleComponents. but for Tile particleComponents, seems like we arent nesting, so why not?
+ // for now
+ if (this._hasSubparticlesParticleComponents()) return { shouldUpdate: false, reason: "did not update because is a parent" }
+ this._updateHtml()
+ this._lastTimeToRender = this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds() - this._getLastRenderedTime()
+ return reasonForUpdatingOrNot
+ }
+ _updateHtml() {
+ const stumpParticleToMountOn = this._htmlStumpParticle.parent
+ const currentIndex = this._htmlStumpParticle.index
+ this._removeHtml()
+ this._mountHtml(stumpParticleToMountOn, this._toLoadedOrLoadingStumpCode(), currentIndex)
+ }
+ unmountAndDestroy() {
+ this.unmount()
+ return this.destroy()
+ }
+ // todo: move to keyword particle class?
+ toggle(cue, contentOptions) {
+ const currentParticle = this.getParticle(cue)
+ if (!contentOptions) return currentParticle ? currentParticle.unmountAndDestroy() : this.appendLine(cue)
+ const currentContent = currentParticle === undefined ? undefined : currentParticle.content
+ const index = contentOptions.indexOf(currentContent)
+ const newContent = index === -1 || index + 1 === contentOptions.length ? contentOptions[0] : contentOptions[index + 1]
+ this.delete(cue)
+ if (newContent) this.touchParticle(cue).setContent(newContent)
+ return newContent
+ }
+ isMounted() {
+ return !!this._htmlStumpParticle
+ }
+ toggleAndRender(cue, contentOptions) {
+ this.toggle(cue, contentOptions)
+ this.root.renderAndGetRenderReport()
+ }
+ _getFirstOutdatedDependency(lastRenderedTime = this._getLastRenderedTime() || 0) {
+ return this.getDependencies().find(dep => dep.getLineModifiedTime() > lastRenderedTime)
+ }
+ getWhetherToUpdateAndReason() {
+ const mTime = this.getLineModifiedTime()
+ const lastRenderedTime = this._getLastRenderedTime() || 0
+ const staleTime = mTime - lastRenderedTime
+ if (lastRenderedTime === 0)
+ return {
+ shouldUpdate: true,
+ reason: "shouldUpdate because this ParticleComponent hasn't been rendered yet",
+ staleTime: staleTime
+ }
+ if (staleTime > 0)
+ return {
+ shouldUpdate: true,
+ reason: "shouldUpdate because this ParticleComponent changed",
+ staleTime: staleTime
+ }
+ const outdatedDependency = this._getFirstOutdatedDependency(lastRenderedTime)
+ if (outdatedDependency)
+ return {
+ shouldUpdate: true,
+ reason: "Should update because a dependency updated",
+ dependency: outdatedDependency,
+ staleTime: outdatedDependency.getLineModifiedTime() - lastRenderedTime
+ }
+ return {
+ shouldUpdate: false,
+ reason: "Should NOT update because no dependency changed",
+ lastRenderedTime: lastRenderedTime,
+ mTime: mTime
+ }
+ }
+ getDependencies() {
+ return []
+ }
+ _getParticleComponentsThatNeedRendering(arr) {
+ this._getChildParticleComponents().forEach(subparticle => {
+ const reasonForUpdatingOrNot = subparticle.getWhetherToUpdateAndReason()
+ if (!subparticle.isMounted() || reasonForUpdatingOrNot.shouldUpdate) arr.push({ subparticle: subparticle, subparticleUpdateBecause: reasonForUpdatingOrNot })
+ subparticle._getParticleComponentsThatNeedRendering(arr)
+ })
+ }
+ toStumpLoadingCode() {
+ return `div Loading ${this.cue}...
+ class ${this.getCssClassNames().join(" ")}
+ id ${this.getParticleComponentId()}`
+ }
+ getParticleComponentId() {
+ // html ids can't begin with a number
+ return "particleComponent" + this._getUid()
+ }
+ _toLoadedOrLoadingStumpCode() {
+ if (!this.isLoaded()) return this.toStumpLoadingCode()
+ this.setRunTimePhaseError("renderPhase")
+ try {
+ return this.toStumpCode()
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ this.setRunTimePhaseError("renderPhase", err)
+ return this.toStumpErrorStateCode(err)
+ }
+ }
+ toStumpErrorStateCode(err) {
+ return `div ${err}
+ class ${this.getCssClassNames().join(" ")}
+ id ${this.getParticleComponentId()}`
+ }
+ _mount(stumpParticleToMountOn, index) {
+ this._setLastRenderedTime(this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds())
+ this.particleComponentWillMount()
+ this._mountCss()
+ this._mountHtml(stumpParticleToMountOn, this._toLoadedOrLoadingStumpCode(), index) // todo: add index back?
+ this._lastTimeToRender = this._getProcessTimeInMilliseconds() - this._getLastRenderedTime()
+ return this
+ }
+ // todo: we might be able to squeeze virtual dom in here on the mountCss and mountHtml methods.
+ _mountCss() {
+ const css = this._css
+ if (!css) return this
+ // todo: only insert css once per class? have a set?
+ this._cssStumpParticle = this._getPageHeadStump().insertCssChildParticle(`styleTag
+ for ${}
+ bern${Particle.nest(css, 2)}`)
+ }
+ _getPageHeadStump() {
+ return this.root.willowBrowser.getHeadStumpParticle()
+ }
+ _removeCss() {
+ if (!this._cssStumpParticle) return this
+ this._cssStumpParticle.removeCssStumpParticle()
+ delete this._cssStumpParticle
+ }
+ _mountHtml(stumpParticleToMountOn, htmlCode, index) {
+ this._htmlStumpParticle = stumpParticleToMountOn.insertChildParticle(htmlCode, index)
+ this._htmlStumpParticle.setStumpParticleParticleComponent(this)
+ }
+ renderAndGetRenderReport(stumpParticle, index) {
+ const isUpdateOp = this.isMounted()
+ let particleComponentUpdateReport = {
+ shouldUpdate: false,
+ reason: ""
+ }
+ if (isUpdateOp) particleComponentUpdateReport = this._updateAndGetUpdateReport()
+ else this._mount(stumpParticle, index)
+ const stumpParticleForSubparticles = this.getStumpParticleForSubparticles()
+ // Todo: insert delayed rendering?
+ const subparticleResults = this._getChildParticleComponents().map((subparticle, index) => subparticle.renderAndGetRenderReport(stumpParticleForSubparticles, index))
+ if (isUpdateOp) {
+ if (particleComponentUpdateReport.shouldUpdate) {
+ try {
+ if (this.isLoaded()) this.particleComponentDidUpdate()
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ if (this.isLoaded()) this.particleComponentDidMount()
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err)
+ }
+ }
+ let str = `${this.getAtom(0) ||} ${isUpdateOp ? "update" : "mount"} ${particleComponentUpdateReport.shouldUpdate} ${particleComponentUpdateReport.reason}`
+ subparticleResults.forEach(subparticle => (str += "\n" + subparticle.toString(1)))
+ return new Particle(str)
+ }
+ }
+ AbstractParticleComponentParser._mountedParticleComponents = 0
+ class ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ toHakonCode() {
+ return `.ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent
+ position fixed
+ top 5px
+ left 5px
+ z-index 1000
+ background rgba(254,255,156, .95)
+ box-shadow 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.5)
+ padding 12px
+ overflow scroll
+ max-height 500px
+ .ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponentCloseButton
+ position absolute
+ cursor pointer
+ opacity .9
+ top 2px
+ right 2px
+ &:hover
+ opacity 1`
+ }
+ toStumpCode() {
+ const app = this.root
+ return `div
+ class ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent
+ div x
+ class ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponentCloseButton
+ clickCommand toggleParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerCommand
+ div
+ span This app is powered by the
+ a ParticleComponentFramework
+ href
+ p ${app.numberOfLines} components loaded. ${WillowBrowser._stumpsOnPage} stumps on page.
+ pre
+ bern
+ ${app.toString(3)}`
+ }
+ }
+ class AbstractGithubTriangleComponent extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments)
+ this.githubLink = ``
+ }
+ toHakonCode() {
+ return `.AbstractGithubTriangleComponent
+ display block
+ position absolute
+ top 0
+ right 0`
+ }
+ toStumpCode() {
+ return `a
+ class AbstractGithubTriangleComponent
+ href ${this.githubLink}
+ img
+ src ../images/github-fork.svg`
+ }
+ }
+ window.AbstractGithubTriangleComponent = AbstractGithubTriangleComponent
+ window.AbstractParticleComponentParser = AbstractParticleComponentParser
+ window.WillowBrowser = WillowBrowser
+ window.ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent = ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent
2 months ago
Added SandboxApp.browser.js
Changed around line 1
+ //onsave scrollsdk build produce SandboxApp.browser.js
+ // Todo: add inputs at the top to change the edge, particle, and atom delimiters.
+ class SandboxApp extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ createParserCombinator() {
+ return new Particle.ParserCombinator(undefined, {
+ tableComponent,
+ shareComponent,
+ githubTriangleComponent,
+ headerComponent,
+ ParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerComponent
+ })
+ }
+ static browserStart() {
+ const app = new SandboxApp(`headerComponent
+ shareComponent
+ tableComponent
+ githubTriangleComponent`)
+ = app
+ app.startWhenReady()
+ }
+ loadJsonSampleCommand() {
+ this.willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack(
+ "toJsonSubset",
+ `{
+ "name": "scrollsdk",
+ "description": "Particles parser, compiler-compiler, and virtual machine for Languages",
+ "keywords": "scrollsdk"
+ }`
+ )
+ this.updateFromJsonSubsetCommand()
+ }
+ loadCsvSampleCommand() {
+ this.willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("csvConsole", Particle.iris)
+ this.updateFromCsvConsoleCommand()
+ }
+ _updateShareLink() {
+ const url = new URL(location.href)
+ url.hash = ""
+ const base = url.toString()
+ this.willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("shareLink", base + this.toShareLink())
+ }
+ toShareLink() {
+ const particleCode = localStorage.getItem("particle")
+ if (!particleCode) return ""
+ const particle = new Particle()
+ particle.appendLineAndSubparticles("particle", particleCode)
+ return "#" + encodeURIComponent(particle.toString())
+ }
+ particleFromDeepLink() {
+ const hash = location.hash
+ if (hash.length < 2) return ""
+ return new Particle(decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(1))).getParticle("particle")
+ }
+ updateAllCommand(particle, eventSource) {
+ const { willowBrowser } = this
+ if (eventSource !== "particleConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("particleConsole", particle.toString())
+ if (eventSource !== "toJsonSubset") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("toJsonSubset", particle.asJsonSubset)
+ if (eventSource !== "csvConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("csvConsole", particle.asCsv)
+ if (eventSource !== "xmlConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("xmlConsole", particle.asXml)
+ if (eventSource !== "gridJsonConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("gridJsonConsole", particle.asGridJson)
+ if (eventSource !== "jsonConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("jsonConsole", particle.asJson)
+ if (eventSource !== "outlineConsole") willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("outlineConsole", particle.asOutline)
+ if (eventSource !== "htmlConsole") willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("htmlConsole", particle.asHtml)
+ if (eventSource !== "tableConsole") willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("tableConsole", particle.asTable)
+ if (eventSource !== "sExpressionConsole") willowBrowser.setValueOfElementWithIdHack("sExpressionConsole", particle.asSExpression)
+ if (eventSource !== "htmlCubeConsole") willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("htmlCubeConsole", particle.asHtmlCube)
+ if (eventSource !== "fusionConsole") this.updateFusion(particle)
+ if (eventSource !== "yamlConsole") willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("yamlConsole", particle.asYaml)
+ let win = window
+ win.particle = particle
+ localStorage.setItem("particle", particle.toString())
+ this._updateShareLink() // todo: where to put this?
+ }
+ async updateFusion(particle) {
+ const { willowBrowser } = this
+ const files = {
+ "/hello.scroll": `headerAndFooter.scroll
+ title Hello world
+ This is my content
+ `,
+ "/headerAndFooter.scroll": "header.scroll\nfooter.scroll\n footer",
+ "/header.scroll": "printTitle",
+ "/footer.scroll": "The end.",
+ "/main": particle.toString()
+ }
+ const fs = new Fusion(files)
+ const file = new FusionFile(particle.toString(), "/main", fs)
+ await file.fuse()
+ this.file = file
+ willowBrowser.setHtmlOfElementWithIdHack("fusionConsole", file.fusedCode)
+ }
+ async particleComponentDidMount() {
+ // todo: refactor!!! split these into components
+ const particleConsoleEl = this.willowBrowser.getElementById("particleConsole")
+ // Init vars
+ const deepLink = this.particleFromDeepLink()
+ if (deepLink) particleConsoleEl.value = deepLink.subparticlesToString()
+ else if (localStorage.getItem("particle")) particleConsoleEl.value = localStorage.getItem("particle")
+ // Trigger start
+ this.updateFromParticlesConsoleCommand()
+ }
+ valueOf(id) {
+ return this.willowBrowser.getElementById(id).value
+ }
+ updateFromXmlConsoleCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(Particle.fromXml(this.valueOf("xmlConsole")), "xmlConsole")
+ }
+ updateFromGridJsonConsoleCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(Particle.fromGridJson(this.valueOf("gridJsonConsole")), "gridJsonConsole")
+ }
+ updateFromJsonConsoleCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(Particle.fromJson(this.valueOf("jsonConsole")), "jsonConsole")
+ }
+ updateFromCsvConsoleCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(Particle.fromCsv(this.valueOf("csvConsole")), "csvConsole")
+ }
+ updateFromJsonSubsetCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(Particle.fromJsonSubset(this.valueOf("toJsonSubset")), "toJsonSubset")
+ }
+ updateFromParticlesConsoleCommand() {
+ this.updateAllCommand(new Particle(this.valueOf("particleConsole")), "particleConsole")
+ }
+ toHakonCode() {
+ const theme = this.getTheme()
+ return `body
+ font-family "San Francisco", "Myriad Set Pro", "Lucida Grande", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif
+ margin auto
+ max-width 1200px
+ background #eee
+ color rgba(1, 47, 52, 1)
+ h1
+ font-weight 300
+ textarea,input
+ background #eee
+ a
+ text-decoration underline
+ cursor pointer
+ .htmlCubeSpan
+ --topIncrement 1px
+ --leftIncrement 1px
+ --atomWidth 100px
+ --rowHeight 30px
+ position absolute
+ box-sizing border-box
+ width var(--atomWidth)
+ height var(--rowHeight)
+ overflow hidden
+ text-overflow hidden
+ display inline-block
+ text-align center
+ line-height var(--rowHeight)
+ font-size 12px
+ font-family -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif
+ color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
+ background rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ border 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
+ &:hover
+ opacity 1
+ background rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)
+ z-index 2
+ textarea,pre
+ width 500px
+ padding 5px
+ margin 5px
+ height 200px
+ font-size 14px
+ white-space pre
+ overflow scroll
+ input
+ border 1px solid black
+ pre
+ line-height 14px
+ .keyword
+ color green`
+ }
+ }
+ class headerComponent extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ toHakonCode() {
+ return `#logo
+ width 100px
+ vertical-align middle`
+ }
+ toStumpCode() {
+ return `div
+ h1
+ a
+ href
+ style text-decoration: none;
+ img
+ id logo
+ src ../images/helloWorld3D.svg
+ title
+ span Particles Sandbox
+ p
+ a Parser Designer
+ href ../designer/index.html
+ span |
+ a Unit Tests
+ href test.html
+ span |
+ a Perf Tests
+ href perfTests.html
+ span |
+ a Debug
+ clickCommand toggleParticleComponentFrameworkDebuggerCommand
+ span | Version ${Particle.getVersion()}
+ p This is a simple console for exploring Particle. In dev tools, you can access the parsed particle below as "window.particle"`
+ }
+ }
+ class shareComponent extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ toStumpCode() {
+ return `div
+ id shareDiv
+ span Share
+ input
+ id shareLink
+ readonly`
+ }
+ toHakonCode() {
+ return `#shareDiv
+ font-size 16px
+ width 100%
+ span
+ width 50px
+ display inline-block
+ input
+ font-size 16px
+ padding 5px`
+ }
+ }
+ class githubTriangleComponent extends AbstractGithubTriangleComponent {
+ constructor() {
+ super(...arguments)
+ this.githubLink = ``
+ }
+ }
+ class tableComponent extends AbstractParticleComponentParser {
+ toStumpCode() {
+ return `table
+ tr
+ td
+ div Particles
+ textarea
+ id particleConsole
+ keyUpCommand updateFromParticlesConsoleCommand
+ td
+ div asGridJson
+ textarea
+ id gridJsonConsole
+ keyUpCommand updateFromGridJsonConsoleCommand
+ tr
+ td
+ div asJson
+ textarea
+ id jsonConsole
+ keyUpCommand updateFromJsonConsoleCommand
+ td
+ div
+ span asJsonSubset
+ a sample
+ clickCommand loadJsonSampleCommand
+ textarea
+ id toJsonSubset
+ keyUpCommand updateFromJsonSubsetCommand
+ tr
+ td
+ div
+ span asCsv
+ a sample
+ clickCommand loadCsvSampleCommand
+ textarea
+ id csvConsole
+ keyUpCommand updateFromCsvConsoleCommand
+ td
+ div
+ span asXml
+ textarea
+ id xmlConsole
+ keyUpCommand updateFromXmlConsoleCommand
+ tr
+ td
+ div asOutline
+ pre
+ id outlineConsole
+ td
+ div asHtml
+ pre
+ id htmlConsole
+ tr
+ td
+ div asTable
+ pre
+ id tableConsole
+ td
+ div asYaml
+ pre
+ id yamlConsole
+ tr
+ td
+ div asSExpression
+ textarea
+ id sExpressionConsole
+ td
+ div Fusion
+ pre
+ id fusionConsole
+ tr
+ td
+ div asHtmlCube
+ title Experimental. This is a very specific kind of Language.
+ div
+ id htmlCubeConsole
+ style position:relative;`
+ }
+ }
+ window.SandboxApp = SandboxApp
4 months ago
initial blank_template template
Changed around line 1
+ .DS_Store
+ *.html
+ *.txt
+ *.xml
+ *.css
+ *.js
+ *.csv
+ requests.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
+ theme roboto
+ Hello World my name is