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I'm on a life mission to move more people up Maslow's Hierarchy ⚡️ --- My life motto is "live love" 🫶 --- Building The Residency --- Below you can find some work I have done in the past 👇
Patents Checkout the patents that I created while working at IBM. They focus on using AI to prevent misinformation and to keep data secure.
~ see more ~ The Residency The new college experience for ambitious young people. Helping students learn more, enjoy life more, and provide more value to society than their college peers!
~ see more ~ A New Neural Network Before LLMs demonstrated extreme promise, I was designing a new architecture to more closely resemble the human brain.
~ see more ~ On Measuring Intelligence A presentation I put together on how we should actually measure intelligent systems.
~ see more ~ The AGI DAO A method for how we can use AI to fund and distribute a Universal Basic Income + thoughts on new neural network designs.
~ see more ~ Musical Musings All the time I am finding new songs, these playlists contain the best songs I find. Plus a blog to share a bit about my mood during those months.
~ see more ~ DeSciU A new idea for a decentralized education system that can get more people access to the best researchers in the world without wasting the researcher's time.
~ see more ~ Publications A list of the research papers that I have worked on over the years. Centered around both AI and cloud storage.
~ see more ~ Medium Here you will find a few of the topics I've blogged about over the years.
~ see more ~ Life Thoughts An instagram account where I share some life philosophies I have had over the years.
~ see more ~ Design Portfolio A highlight of some of the projects I ideated, designed, and then built.
~ see more ~
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Banking and Expense management built for businesses | -
+ Book the best Hotels in Nigeria +
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Updated lco.home
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Banking and Expense management built for businesses | +
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+ Hello World my name is
Updated index.scroll
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+ Hello world my name is
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