Changes to writers3

8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- buildTxt
- title Three Writers Go To Heaven
- printTitle
- thinColumns 1
- css
- body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
- gazetteCss
- Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
- ***
- God is standing at the gate.
- "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
- ***
- Homer is up first.
- He hands God "The Odyssey".
- God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
- God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
- ***
- Next up is Shakespeare.
- He gives God "Macbeth".
- God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
- He lets Shakespeare in.
- ***
- Finally, the Substack writer is up.
- God asks to see his work.
- "Sorry", he says.
- "Subscribers only."
- ****
+ buildHtml
+ buildTxt
+ title Three Writers Go To Heaven
+ printTitle
+ mediumColumns 1
+ css
+ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
+ gazetteCss
+ Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
+ ***
+ God is standing at the gate.
+ "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
+ ***
+ Homer is up first.
+ He hands God "The Odyssey".
+ God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
+ God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
+ ***
+ Next up is Shakespeare.
+ He gives God "Macbeth".
+ God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
+ He lets Shakespeare in.
+ ***
+ Finally, the Substack writer is up.
+ God asks to see his work.
+ "Sorry", he says.
+ "Subscribers only."
+ ****
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- buildTxt
- title Three Writers Go To Heaven
- thinColumns 1
- css
- body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
- gazetteCss
- printTitle
- Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
- ***
- God is standing at the gate.
- "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
- ***
- Homer is up first.
- He hands God "The Odyssey".
- God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
- God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
- ***
- Next up is Shakespeare.
- He gives God "Macbeth".
- God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
- He lets Shakespeare in.
- ***
- Finally, the Substack writer is up.
- God asks to see his work.
- "Sorry", he says.
- "Subscribers only."
- ****
+ buildHtml
+ buildTxt
+ title Three Writers Go To Heaven
+ printTitle
+ thinColumns 1
+ css
+ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
+ gazetteCss
+ Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
+ ***
+ God is standing at the gate.
+ "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
+ ***
+ Homer is up first.
+ He hands God "The Odyssey".
+ God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
+ God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
+ ***
+ Next up is Shakespeare.
+ He gives God "Macbeth".
+ God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
+ He lets Shakespeare in.
+ ***
+ Finally, the Substack writer is up.
+ God asks to see his work.
+ "Sorry", he says.
+ "Subscribers only."
+ ****
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 2: buildHtml
+ thinColumns 1
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 2: buildHtml
- thinColumns
+ css
+ body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif;}
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- buildTxt
- title Three Writers Go To Heaven
- gazetteCss
- printTitle
- Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
- ***
- God is standing at the gate.
- "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
- ***
- Homer is up first.
- He hands God "The Odyssey".
- God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
- God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
- ***
- Next up is Shakespeare.
- He gives God "Macbeth".
- God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
- He lets Shakespeare in.
- ***
- Finally, the Substack writer is up.
- God asks to see his work.
- "Sorry", he says.
- "Subscribers only."
- ****
+ buildHtml
+ buildTxt
+ title Three Writers Go To Heaven
+ thinColumns
+ gazetteCss
+ printTitle
+ Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
+ ***
+ God is standing at the gate.
+ "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
+ ***
+ Homer is up first.
+ He hands God "The Odyssey".
+ God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
+ God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
+ ***
+ Next up is Shakespeare.
+ He gives God "Macbeth".
+ God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
+ He lets Shakespeare in.
+ ***
+ Finally, the Substack writer is up.
+ God asks to see his work.
+ "Sorry", he says.
+ "Subscribers only."
+ ****
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
+ gazetteCss
8 months ago
Updated index.scroll
Changed around line 1
- buildHtml
- title Hello world
+ title Three Writers Go To Heaven
- metaTags
- gazetteCss
- pageHeader
- mediumColumns 1
- Welcome to my website.
+ Homer, Shakespeare, and a Substack writer go to heaven.
- pageFooter
+ ***
+ God is standing at the gate.
+ "Your writing will determine whether you may enter heaven."
+ ***
+ Homer is up first.
+ He hands God "The Odyssey".
+ God can't put it down. He reads Odysseus' epic journey in one sitting.
+ God shakes Homer's hand and opens the gate for him.
+ ***
+ Next up is Shakespeare.
+ He gives God "Macbeth".
+ God weeps reading Macbeth's tragic descent into madness.
+ He lets Shakespeare in.
+ ***
+ Finally, the Substack writer is up.
+ God asks to see his work.
+ "Sorry", he says.
+ "Subscribers only."
+ ****
8 months ago
Initial commit
Changed around line 1
+ buildHtml
+ buildTxt
+ title Hello world
+ metaTags
+ gazetteCss
+ pageHeader
+ printTitle
+ mediumColumns 1
+ Welcome to my website.
+ pageFooter